Divine Lucky Star

Chapter 710: "King! Zhe! Rong! Yao!"

Actually control the four major families!

Upon hearing this, everyone present gasped.

The people of the Ghost Master Alliance, according to the very little information currently obtained, there must be a very powerful figure as the leader of the alliance, and there are many tyrannical figures such as Wei Shengkun who are responsible for infiltrating into the four major families. Subversive activities.

This group of people should appear in the role of an advisor next to a certain child in the family, helping this disciple to become the future patriarch of the family, so as to gain the real right to speak.

At that time, the four major families are all in the hands of one alliance, so...

"Brother Hao, this thing does seem to be quite big," Zhao Zhenhao touched his chin, and then said: "Our Zhao family's future patriarch election is also coming soon. There are currently 16 people in this generation who are eligible to participate. I Do you want to investigate them all?"

"Yes," Wang Hao nodded, and said: "Be sure to investigate carefully, especially the consultant-level figures who often follow one of the disciples, pay special attention to it. In addition, Lao Fang," Wang Hao immediately looked at Fang Wenbin. Said: "Because the other party on your side has revealed its identity, your task now is to try to improve your performance and strive to become the next patriarch of the Fang family under the premise of ensuring your own safety. This is at least equivalent to breaking down. Drop an arm of the Ghost Master Alliance."

"I understand," Fang Wenbin nodded fiercely, and said, "Then I won't run with you for the rest of the time. If you need something from me, you can call me at any time."

"Well, that's okay." Wang Hao thought for a while, and then said: "Next, I will worry about the employees of the entire company. I will tell you about the game we are going to make. After finishing the talk, we have to start formal contact with the four. A figure in a big family."

Now that the decision had been made, the crowd immediately began to gather company employees.

Soon everyone gathered in the conference room.

"Everyone," Wang Hao said on the stage in front of the road, "This company has already been taken over by us, so the only thing you need to do for the next words is to implement them. No comments are allowed. Everyone will understand. Yet?"

Only implementation, no comments?

Upon hearing this statement, all the employees below immediately started to discuss——

"What's the situation? Does Director Wang plan to ask us to play the game he wants?"

"That's what he meant. But the key is can't it work? He didn't do this. Can what he said is fun?

"Who knows, but he is serious, let's listen first, as for the details... Anyway, people don't mind burning money. We don't have to oppose it. Anyway, it's a salary."

"Yes, yes, let's listen to it first."

Soon the room became quiet.

All the staff present looked at Wang Hao, waiting to hear how he would design this game.

After all, whether the game can be popular is often set to account for at least 80% of the factors. If the setting is not good, even if the picture is beautiful and movie-like, it is useless and you can't play.

"First of all, let me talk about the background setting of this game." Wang Hao knocked on the whiteboard, and then said: "Infinite time and space, the torrent of time converges on the same continent. Mechanisms and magic are raging, making the world completely unrecognizable. Heroes. , Those well-known names gathered together in an incredible way. Putting aside the glory of the past, following ambition and, seeking strength as you please, and even chasing and killing each other."

"Behind one legend after another, the figures of the summoners appear and disappear from time to time. Yes, they are the true creators of history. Survival or destruction, war, seem to be endless..."

That's right, what Wang Hao told them was the hottest mobile game on earth before his journey, the glory of the king!

This is an even-competition mobile game that has swept the entire network. This game can be said to be an all-you-can-eat game for middle-aged and elderly people aged 45, 55 and 60 to children aged six or seven or seven or eight!

Not only is it extremely popular among players, it even spawned a special game, and the audience is huge!

"In this game, players can choose their own characters from fighters, tanks, mages and other famous characters, and form a team to fight." Wang Hao then began to draw pictures on the whiteboard: "The topographic map is not complicated, there are three ways. , Each road has three defensive towers, the lower left and upper right corners are the player’s base, whichever base is pushed, whichever side loses..."

In the next time, Wang Hao explained to everyone the various heroes that appeared in the game, and various positions, including wizards, warriors, tanks, assassins, shooters, assistants, etc., each hero has more One active attack skill and one passive skill, so you have an unlimited variety of gameplay and tricks...

The hero settings and skill settings of King of Glory are a very complex system. Each hero has a very distinctive personality. At first, the staff below were still unclear. So, wait until Wang Hao talks about specific heroes and equipment. After, positioning and so on, everyone was completely stunned!

No one could have imagined that this great director who filmed Wolf Warrior still had such a deep understanding of the game!

"My God, Director Wang is invincible! This game sounds very interesting! At least I feel that if I download it, I will definitely be willing to have fun!"

"Yeah, such a setting has never been touched before! Three ways, whoever knocks the opponent's tower first wins, interesting!"

"With so many heroes, how did Director Wang come up with it? It's simply invincible! I don't even think it can be done by one person by hearing him!"

"You don't talk nonsense, would someone who can make a big movie like Wolf Warriors be an ordinary person? An idol! This is an absolute idol! Director Wang has no such strength!"

Everyone below is amazed~www.readwn.com~ Although Fang Wenbin and others have been in contact with Wang Hao for a long time and are familiar with many things, they are still so amazing when they hear Wang Hao at this time!

How does this guy's head grow? !

When I was at his home, I thought his game settings were more interesting, but at the time it was just an outline-like text, and I couldn’t tell why, but when I heard him talk about it...

Invincible my brother Hao!

"So," Wang Hao concluded in the end: "This game is a corresponding reduction and presentation of the terminal game ba on the mobile terminal, creating the v King Canyon and the chaos mode, online confrontation, mutual fighting operation skills and team cooperation , Tower push, replenishment, five kills, team battles can all be experienced. It allows players to open black teams whenever they want to fight, regardless of time or location, making competitive battles more convenient and faster."

"Director Wang," someone asked below: "Then the name of this game is..."

Wang Hao took a deep breath, looked around the audience, and then said every word, "King! Zhe! Rong! Yao!"


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