Divine Lucky Star

Chapter 717: "It seems that it's just so..."

In a private room in a private club with gold roses. [Please search huo/c/o/m for web updates]

"Brother Wei, our plan was disrupted by that Wang Hao. It is indeed a pity," Fang Wenhao leaned on the sofa carelessly, with one arm around a princess, and said: "The future owner of our Fang family You have to help me win the selection anyway. At that time, I can say anything about the conditions. I have to sit in this position."

"Don't worry," Wei Shengkun drank a glass of wine and said with a smile: "It's just Wang Hao, nothing worth mentioning except him. But it was quite unexpected that he happened to meet me last time, otherwise once I The gathering of the shadows is complete, and it will take less than half a year for all the old and undead members of your family to be in the soil. By then, the other gang of young and young will be easier to deal with. It is indeed a pity."

The two of them were talking there. At this moment, a young man who looked like a small gangster smiled and said: "Wang Hao is not the only one. What you said is just talking about the appearance of a tiger. No matter how strong that guy can be. Can one person deal with the failure of our entire alliance?"

This man was full of yellow hair, had iron chains on his waist, tattoos on his arms, and smiled gloomily, but the core personnel present all knew that this guy was also a senior member of the Ghost Master League, and his strength was far better than he seemed. Much stronger!

"Brother Tie, I am actually very curious," Fang Wenhao raised his glass and touched him, then said: "It is said that your Ghost Master Alliance has such a large resource, even I look jealous, ordinary Not to mention people, ten and eight are definitely not your opponents. But this Wang Hao is so powerful, he has the upper hand against Wei Ge! I really don't know what is going on."

In fact, Fang Wenhao is also a direct child of the four major families, and he has the strength to compete for the future Patriarch.

But among the few people present, such a person is obviously the one with the least right to speak. If you really say it, no one will believe it.

"This Wang Hao had a big feud with me at the beginning," at this time, a middle-aged man wearing a black Tang suit with a moustache and a snuff bottle in his hand smiled and said, "I am really I want to drink his blood and eat his meat, but I haven't had the chance to meet it, otherwise, hum..."

"Master Liu Cheng, I have heard about you too," Fang Wenhao looked at the middle-aged man and said, "I think Wang Hao seemed to have entered the Feng Shui world because of that incident. Is this really an enemy? Gather your head..."

They were talking here, suddenly the club manager opened the door and walked in.

Behind her, a young man followed.

After entering the door, the manager cautiously said: "Master Fang, this young man said that he wants to find you for something..."

Everyone looked up under curiosity, and was immediately stunned by this look!

"Wang Hao, it's you!" Fang Wenhao was shocked. After all, the legend of Wang Hao before that he was a member of the four major families has not been heard rarely-especially that Wei Shengkun is not his opponent. thing.

"Oh, there are so many people," Wang Hao walked in with a smile. He was not polite at all, went directly to the sofa and sat down, poured himself a glass of wine and took a sip.

At this moment, the group of people present were all stunned. A yellow-haired iron brother looked at Wang Hao up and down, and then he said: "You are Wang Hao? The guy who allegedly gave Old Wei a run when he met him. ?"

"It's me, why, you are all together?" Wang Hao looked around the audience, then raised his glass: "Come on, let's make a toast before the soldiers."

His familiar behavior stunned the few princesses who were accompanying him, and some of them recognized him hurriedly toast: "Hello Wang..."

Wang Hao didn’t care about anything else, he drank it on his own, then smiled, and said in a deep voice: “Okay, I drank the wine, and then I’m going to talk to them about business. Those of you who have nothing to do should go out. Go out to avoid injury."

He directly told the girls to leave, and the whole room suddenly filled with the smell of gunpowder.

After all, the girls are all people with gold masters, who dared to leave without the gold master, suddenly the air in the whole room became tense.

The music stopped, the lights turned on, everyone, look at me and I look at you, no one dared to move.

"Let me see who dares to move!" At this time, Tie Ge stood up and said, "Wang Hao, right? You are crazy if you don't see it. It's not the same as the information we got before. I remember you were just a tease. Forced, when did you become so serious? Running to our place to pretend to be forced, isn't it great?"

"Are you and Wei Shengkun together?" Wang Hao raised his head and looked at him, and said coldly: "It depends on the situation. My friends and I are really funny, but as my friends and relatives If you are threatened, there is no way."

This is definitely not what he is bragging about.

Why is he so strong with willfulness? That's really a deadly friendship!

When he was just an ordinary person, he dared to fight hard for his friends. Now he is a strong man, who dares to touch his friends, he will definitely not be polite!

"Yes, I am indeed a friend of loyalty!" As Tie said, he was covered in fierce white mist, and then he lifted his foot and kicked it at Wang Hao.

His kick has exerted ten percent of the strength, and if anyone is kicked in front of him, he must at least have a hemiplegia.

Unfortunately, his opponent is Wang Hao!

However, in the blink of an eye, Wang Hao was surrounded by black aura, and that black aura almost covered his entire face, as if he was a demon from hell.

"Bang!" Wang Hao slammed his left arm against Brother Tie, and at the same time raised his right fist, hammering straight into the face of Brother Tie with a "huhu" punch.

It seems to have broken through time and space~www.readwn.com~ In the eyes of everyone around, in slow motion, you can even clearly see the trajectory of this fist, and every blood vessel on the fist beats until it hits the iron Brother's cheek, like a defeat, made a "poof" sound.

How powerful is the blow that Wang Hao has gathered his whole body strength?

In Fang Wenhao’s gaze full of fear, he could even slightly see the circular shock wave generated. That Tiege was like a football that was shot by the goalkeeper at the opponent’s goal, and he didn’t know how many laps in the air. The mouthful of blood spurted out wildly like a faucet, "ding ding ding" three times softly, but three teeth spurted out with blood, and fell on the marble floor of Guang Ke Jian.

I don't know that after a few seconds, the Tie brother fell to the ground with a "bang", his mouth was frothy, his eyes turned white, and his whole body twitched, tears and nose running all over.

There was deathly silence in the entire private room.

Looking at Brother Tie who was still twitching on the ground, Wang Hao grinned and squeezed his fists, and said, "It seems that it's just like that..." He said, walking to Fang Wenhao's face and said hesitantly: " Fang Wenhao, right, you have a part in this matter too, don’t worry, I will naturally come back to you when I finish my business.


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