The sound seemed to come from beyond the Nine Nether Heavens, it was extremely far away at one moment, but it was close at hand the next moment.

"Who is speaking?"

Countless monks in the starry sky turned their heads to look for the source of the sound. Those who dare to intervene in such a situation are definitely not idle people!

"Hey, get out of the way for me."

"Don't get in the way, don't block my master's way!"

Suddenly a crowd of people was split abruptly, and from there came out a magnificent dragon horse and a ferocious green bull.

They quickly cleared the field, roaring and roaring, and the terrifying aura shook the surrounding monks to retreat in panic.

And after the road was cleared, a group of people headed by a young man in white descended on the battlefield!

The one who spoke just now was the leader of this group.

He had black hair like ink, and was born heroic and tall. When he saw his appearance clearly, the faces of many giants present in the starry sky changed one after another.


The word "short" resounded in low voices all over the starry sky, accompanied by the sound of gasping for air.

When Rage God saw the speaker, his pupils shrank like needles!

The entire starry sky was unusually quiet for a few breaths because of Gu Chen's appearance, and then suddenly boiled.

"The Overlord is here! He disappeared for two full years and finally reappeared!"

"The Overlord is originally the second-generation Huangtian general, how could he not appear in a duel between the desolate immortals!"

"He is the only young supreme in my Ninth Realm who is said to have overwhelmed all geniuses in the God Realm Arena?"

Countless monks watching the battle exclaimed, and some people's eyes became fanatical.

For more than a year, the geniuses outside the realm have won many battles, overwhelming the so-called geniuses of the Ninth Realm.

Especially those young supreme beings, even the strong men of the older generation of the Ninth Realm were eclipsed in front of them, as if they had suppressed an era.

They made countless monks in the Ninth Realm feel ashamed, and they were extremely unwilling in their hearts.

Could it be that in the world they live in, there is no existence comparable to these geniuses?

As the only recognized young supreme in the Ninth Realm, Overlord Gu Chen naturally shoulders everyone's expectations.

However, he disappeared for two full years after the collapse of the God Realm. Some people said that he was dead, while others said that he had already been defeated by geniuses outside the realm.

And today, he finally showed up!

The appearance of Gu Chen caused a sensation in the entire starry sky, and the faces of the Rage God and the gods of the Temple of Thousand Faces were full of fear.

Only the talented army outside the world looked at Gu Chen indifferently.

"Is this the most famous genius in the Ninth Realm?"

He licked his lips with a sneer, like a beast ready to devour people.

Gu Chen walked down to the side of the old barbarian patriarch, and said calmly. "Old patriarch, leave this person to me to deal with."

The old patriarch hesitated a little when he heard the words, then nodded. "be careful!"

He knew that it was very difficult for him to win against the person in front of him, and it was not the time to be brave.

The old patriarch immediately found the people from the Temple of Thousand Faces, and Hai Dongqing, Jiang Baiming and others slowly surrounded them at the same time!

The situation on the scene suddenly changed. Even if the Temple of Thousand Faces was added with the gods of the Desolate God Clan, the combat power still lost to Gu Chen's side!

"It seems that your calculation has failed."

Seeing Gu Chen's appearance, Huang Xian showed relief in his eyes, and turned to talk to Huang Shen.

Rage God's expression became serious, he was already at a disadvantage, and now his helpers are also at a disadvantage, the situation is terrible!

While staring at the Xiongjun, Gu Chen scanned the surrounding battlefield.

He saw that the strength of this outsider was unfathomable, so in order to prevent the old patriarch from having any accidents, he showed up immediately.

With the strength of their side, as long as no one intervenes, this battle will definitely be won.

Even if the starry sky giants of the True Spirit Clan and Yi Clan present made a move, with Hai Dongqing present, the threat would not be great.

Unless all the forces on the scene are against them, they are almost invincible.

The forces present included casual cultivators, and there were people from both realms of immortals and gods. Such an assumption was simply impossible. Therefore, Gu Chen gradually became more or less certain in his heart.

The only variable is this heroic army. Unless his strength is so strong that he can turn the tables on his own, his original calculation will be completely in vain.

Gu Chen looked at Xiong Jun, as long as the other party is not stupid, he should be able to see that the situation is not good for him.

But he was smiling, unruly.

"I've been dormant for more than a year, and I can't hold back anymore. A guy with a bit of fame like you is just right to use it to become famous!"

After he finished his words, he suddenly pounced on Gu Chen, like a tiger descending the mountain, the speed was extremely fast!

Gu Chen had already seen the opponent's previous move of turning around and biting the stone spear, knowing that his instincts were extremely terrifying, so he was prepared and predicted his actions.


In one-thousandth of a breath, Gu Chen's fist has been blasted out, heading straight for the opponent's forehead!

With this punch, the golden blood in his body surged like a mighty river!

Xiongjun approached Gu Chen in an instant, saw that the opponent had caught up with his speed, and shot a step ahead, surprise flashed in his eyes, but he didn't dodge at all, and bumped his head straight into Gu Chen's fist!


Gu Chen slammed his fist heavily on the opponent's sky cap, and there was a slight sound of bone cracking!

Gu Chen's pupils shrank like needles, and without dodging or dodging, his blow was enough to blow up the body of an ordinary immortal in the later stage, but this guy, it's just a broken bone?

How terrible is his physical fitness?

Xiongjun received Gu Chen's punch abruptly, and his four arms waved at the same time!

Four big palm-like hands were imprinted on Gu Chen's chest almost at the same time, and Gu Chen couldn't avoid such a close-range life-and-death struggle.


An incomparably violent force was transmitted to Gu Chen's body in an instant, and the viscera were shocked!

Boom boom boom.

There was a violent air current in the starry sky, Gu Chen's body couldn't hold it back at all, and flew out like a meteor!

pedal. pedal.

With great difficulty, he suppressed the castration and stepped on the starry sky with both feet, but he was already blown thousands of miles away!

Wherever he passed along the way, all the meteorites were blown into powder, and even the monks watching the battle on the edge of the battlefield were blown into blood mist by the aftershocks!

"Has the Overlord suffered from a direct conflict?"

Countless monks watching the battle blinked and saw Gu Chen being sent flying thousands of miles away, and many of them immediately showed disbelief on their faces.


Gu Chen opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and the internal organs in his body suffered serious injuries from the head-on confrontation just now!

The original power of the stars in his body surged, and Gu Chen immediately healed himself, but the next moment, his eyes showed a look of horror.

The flesh and blood in his body was dull and dull. Unlike previous injuries, the speed of cell reorganization was extremely slow, and his immortal body showed signs of failure!

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