The young man spent several months healing in the valley, and then chose to bid farewell to his friends again.

"Is the outside world so wonderful? Even if you may lose your life next time, you still insist on leaving?"

The dragon asked incomprehensibly.

The young man lowered his head and did not turn around.

"No, although the outside world is wonderful, it also has a lot of ugliness. To me, this valley is the pure land in the world."

"In this case, why do you still have to go?"

The dragon said that it was very reluctant to part with its friends.

"I have seen too much smog, people and races, fighting endlessly for that little benefit..."

"I want to change the world and make it a better place."

What the young man said shocked the dragon, it had never thought of such a thing.

It knows that the outside world has changed his friend.

"What do you want to do?" asked the dragon.

"I want to build a fairy world, a perfect world where all creatures in the world can live and work in peace and contentment!"

"I hope that one day, everyone in the world will be like a dragon and live forever!"

The young man turned his head and showed his usual hearty smile to his friend.

His face was full of confidence again, and after speaking, he resolutely left the valley.

"To build a perfect world? If that world is really so beautiful, little one, can you give me a place?"

The dragon was absent for a long time after his friend left, and when he came to his senses, he made a decision.

It walked out of the valley, just like its friends, towards the vast starry sky world.

The picture came to an end here, Xiaobudian and Xiaolong both left, and the valley fell into a long silence. Occasionally, wild beasts broke into here, but it couldn't make any waves.

"What happened afterwards? Did Xiaobudian realize his wish? Where did Xiaolong go?"

Feng Yaya was completely attracted by the story in this picture, like an audience, anxious to know the follow-up development.

Gu Chen was deeply shocked by the information contained in this story, he flicked his sleeves and eagerly went back in time.

Time slipped by on both sides, and one day, the dragon finally returned to the valley.

It's just that it is no longer alone, accompanied by a beautiful human woman.

It turned into a human form, fell in love, and lived a peaceful and happy life with the human woman in the valley.

With this valley as the center, the giant dragon raised children and gradually built a huge family.

This family gradually took shape, but it also became conspicuous because of it, attracting some powerful forces.

Those forces tried to conquer here, trying to destroy the Valley of Time and Shadow.

The giant dragon shot out angrily, and killed all the invading enemies one by one. The blood flowed into the starry sky in the first battle, and gained a shocking reputation in the first battle.

"Father, this place is not safe. My Kunlun family should choose another blessed place to live."

After the battle, the dragon's children suggested to him.

But the giant dragon refused. He stood firm here, as if worried that if he left here, no one would be able to find his way home.

Later, the enemy came to the door and murdered Julong's wife with despicable means, and she passed away regretfully.

In grief and anger, the dragon killed all his enemies, and on that day, he uprooted the valley, and took his descendants to the vast starry sky to find a suitable place to live.

"This life star is surrounded by countless natural disasters. It is the most suitable barrier. From today, it will be the residence of my Kunlun clan!"

In the end, the giant dragon found a suitable life star, placed the valley here, and solemnly declared.

"The Kunlun clan? Xiaolong is from the Kunlun clan, so what about the little one? Isn't he a Fengzhen Taoist?"

When Feng Yaya saw this, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

She thought that what she saw might be the life of Taoist Fengzhen, but judging from the current situation, it seems that this is not the case!

That giant dragon is named Kunlun, and he combined with the human race to create a powerful family.

And this family is the Kunlun God Clan!

Xiaolong's identity suddenly became clear, and Gu Chen was stunned in place, muttering to himself.

"What we saw was the life of the Kunlun God Emperor, not Taoist Fengzhen."

"Kunlun God Emperor? So that's the case, what about the little one? Who is the little one?"

Feng Yaya suddenly realized, but a new question arose.

She was deeply attracted by the bond between the two in the story, and forgot the serious business of finding Taoist Fengzhen.

Gu Chen remained silent, but his heart was shaking, and he already had the answer.

That little one is the Emperor of Heaven!

The Peerless Heavenly Emperor who established the Immemorial Immortal Realm turned out to be like that when he was young.

He had such a friendship with the Kunlun Emperor, and few people in the world may know about this period of history.

"The Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Kunlun are brothers who grew up together. If this is the case, why did the Emperor of Kunlun betray the Emperor of Heaven in the end?"

Gu Chen remembered the real history. Under the threat of Xingjun, the side of the God Realm headed by the Kunlun God Emperor chose to surrender and betrayed the Immortal Realm.

This incident directly led to the collapse of the Immemorial Immortal World, and the Heavenly Emperor died in battle!

Since the two have such a deep friendship, why did it turn into that situation later?

Could it be that his guess was wrong, that little guy is not the Heavenly Emperor?

No, he would not be mistaken for the Heavenly Emperor Guangyin Fist that Xiaobudian created when he was young, it is indeed the Heavenly Emperor!

"Too bad, since this memory doesn't belong to Daoist Fengzhen, we may never find him."

After recalling the story, Feng Yaya couldn't help but turn pale.

They all thought it was Taoist Fengzhen's memory, and traveled back in time and space to find his real body.

During the long chase, they have deviated from the original time axis, and now the difficulty has increased countless times to get away and find Taoist Fengzhen.

Gu Chen didn't care about this matter, now he wants to know what happened later.

If you find the reason why the Kunlun God Emperor betrayed the Heavenly Emperor, you may find the reason why the ancient heaven and the Kunlun God Clan live together!

Gu Chen continued to look back on this period of time, Feng Yaya was a little anxious seeing this.

"We should go back now, otherwise the mud feet will be deeply trapped in this time and space, and we may never find our way back!"

"It's too late, we have tracked too deeply, and now we can only see a turning point if we continue to move forward."

Gu Chen didn't even look back, he just wanted to find out about the secret history of the ancient times.

Feng Yaya was full of helplessness, she could only grit her teeth and follow behind.

The Valley of Light, which landed on the main star of Kunlun, gradually became a sacred place for the Kunlun protoss, and the Kunlun protoss continued to grow and develop on the main star.

The scenes I saw after that were insignificant, the little one never returned to the valley, and the Kunlun God Emperor often went through cold and heat for several years when he retreated.

Gu Chen couldn't help but cast the Heavenly Emperor Time Fist, trying to speed up the flow of time.


The Kunlun Emperor who was in retreat suddenly felt something, opened his eyes, and looked at where Gu Chen was!

"Who's there?" There was coldness in his voice.

Gu Chen and Feng Yaya shuddered in their hearts. Could it be that the Kunlun God Emperor at that time noticed their spying?

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