The sound of roaring, killing, and howling energy filled Mount Sumeru.

The former pure land of Buddhism turned into hell in the dark night, and monks and Huanxi disciples could be seen fighting hand to hand with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

When the war really came, the monks who had nothing to do with the world knew how cruel the reality was. Almost every moment, some companions were falling.

The monks of Daleiyin Temple are all well-trained, and it stands to reason that they are far better than the Huanximen who are like a motley army.

However, driven by the teachings, the members of the Huanximen are all brave and fearless of death, and most of the monks are merciless. As one goes up and down, the Huanximen break through the defense line, flooding into the temple in large numbers, and burning the flames of war to Daleiyin Temple every corner.

The hundreds of members of the Jingling Demon Realm are even experienced heroes who traverse the starry sky. Facing them, only monks of the same generation can fight against them.

If it weren't for the strong strength of Hai Dongqing, Kunpeng brothers and others who joined to help, and they could block ten with one, heavy casualties would inevitably occur in Da Leiyin Temple under such circumstances.

"Da Leiyin Temple is in vain the leader of the Western Heaven, and its combat power is so unbearable."

Outside Mount Sumeru, Qiu Mengyi looked at the Daleiyin Temple where the flames of war started, and shook his head.

The threat of collusion between Huanximen and Jingling Yaoyu has indeed greatly increased, but the performance of Da Leiyin Temple is really disappointing.

In the final analysis, the Western Sky Starfield has been peaceful for too long, and has already lost its fangs.

Ye Qingshuang looked at the fierce battlefield in the distance, her beautiful eyes searched back and forth among the fighting masters, looking a little nervous.

"Don't look for it, he hasn't made a move yet."

Qiu Mengyi immediately saw what was on his disciple's mind, and said.

Ye Qingshuang remained silent for a while, the tension on her pretty face did not ease much.

"That kid is more hard-hearted than I imagined. The battle was so fierce that he was indifferent. It seems that he has only one target tonight, and that is Taoist Jingling."

Qiu Mengyi continued, with a hint of interest in her eyes.

Although she doesn't care about the new Emperor of Heaven on the surface, she really wants to see how powerful he is through this war.

What kind of strength is it that can convince both the gods and immortals?

While she was speaking, her eyes glanced at the entrance of the Great Leiyin Temple. There, there was a handsome monk in red and barefoot, who was slowly walking into the Great Leiyin Temple!


Gu Chen sat on the top of the pagoda, and he felt the ubiquitous gunpowder smoke in Daleiyin Temple.

The battle was extremely fierce. Even if the Penglai Island Master and Wu Lingxian were as powerful as they were besieged by many members of the Demon Realm, the battle was thrilling.

Anyone could die in this battle, including his important partner.

It's just that he was extremely calm, no matter when the Huanximen broke through the gate of the temple, or now, when the red-clothed and bare-footed demon monk stepped into the temple majesticly, he had no intention of making a move.

He has only one goal, and that is the man in the bamboo hat.

Gu Chen knows very well that the key to victory or defeat in this battle depends only on the person in the bamboo hat, and he has confronted him many times, losing more and winning less, even if the person in the bamboo hat is no longer at his peak, he can't be careless in the slightest.

If he helps other people, he may neglect the overall situation, and thus let the bamboo hat man take advantage of it, and lose everything.

Therefore, he chooses to trust his partners, believing that they are capable of handling all dangerous situations, and his task is to end that destined enemy.

At this moment, the Monk Huanxi stepped into the temple, his whole body exuded an aura that disgusted Gu Chen, but his cultivation was truly quasi-emperor realm.

As soon as he entered the temple, he went straight to Brother Kunpeng as if he had a goal long ago!

The golden-winged roc and the white whale are sacred beasts of Buddhism, and their strength is unfathomable. The two teamed up to suppress more than a dozen members of the demon domain without losing the wind.

Rejoicing at the arrival of the demon monk, like Gu Chen, they quickly felt it, and their faces turned cold.

"I finally see you, the living relics of the Buddha Emperor."

The Monk Huanxi looked at the two holy beasts, without concealing the greed on his face, licked his lips and said.

"You colluded with Jingling Yaoyu, and you came here for my brothers?"

The Golden Winged Roc heard this and immediately understood.

The demon monk Huanxi smiled without saying a word, and stepped forward, with a red light behind him, turning into a phantom of a frivolous ancient Buddha with a woman in his arms!

"Monk, you have done evil in the Western Sky Starfield. We have long wanted to get rid of you, and today we just happened to get rid of you!"

The white whale said coldly, it snorted out a puff of true energy, and then ruthlessly threw several members of the Monster Realm away.

The rest of the Yaoyu members seemed to have made arrangements, they retreated tacitly, found other opponents, and left the Kunpeng brothers to the Huanxi demon monk.

"Eating your brothers, my Tao should be complete."

The demon monk Huanxi was completely unafraid of the fierce power of the Kunpeng, and he twirled flowers with his fingers, shining like a Buddha.

The two sides fought together, and there was no winner for a while!

Gu Chen just paid attention to the battle between the two sides for a while, and then transferred his spiritual consciousness to other battlefields.

His consciousness spread to every corner meticulously, looking for the figure of the man in the bamboo hat.

Huanxi and the demon monks have all appeared, so the leader of the bamboo hat man should also appear.


A desperate cry came from near the gate of the temple, which belonged to the eminent monk Naruoshan.

Gu Chen felt something in his heart, and when he looked there, his face sank immediately!

The eminent monk Ruoshan was defending against the invading enemies, but for some reason he suddenly went mad and began to slaughter the monks around him.

His body seemed to be disobedient, with a look of despair on his face, while killing the monks of Daleiyin Temple, he roared in pain.

He was originally a great master in the late stage of Xianzun, but he seemed to be controlled by someone, he was conscious but unable to resist, it was chilling!

"Run away! Run away!"

The eminent monk Ruoshan killed several monks in Luohan Hall with his own hands, his eyes turned red instantly, and he was in agony.

The daily homework in Luohan Hall has always been difficult, and he has witnessed countless times how these young juniors practice hard from morning to night.

However, today they were defending the monastery they loved. They should have died in battle with honor, but they didn't expect to die in a dramatic way at their own hands. How could he accept it?

He didn't know what was going on with him, this involuntary feeling made him despair to the point of collapse!

Gu Chen looked in the direction of the eminent monk Ruoshan. Because of his loss of control, the gate of the courtyard, which had managed to control the situation, fell into chaos again, and the casualties were even more tragic.

Who is playing tricks?

With the strength of the eminent monk Ruoshan, the man in the dark can easily control his body. How terrifying is his strength?

The purple light in Gu Chen's eyes lit up, and he investigated the situation of the eminent monk Ruoshan.

Under the ability of seeing and hearing the divine body, he was surprised to find that there were countless strands of white silk threads around the body of the eminent monk Ruoshan, and it was the silk threads that controlled his body and made him disobedient.

Gu Chen moved Zijitong a little more, and found that those silk threads were intertwined in the void not far away to form a strange Taoist figure.

That Taoism exudes an indescribable aura, which Gu Chen is vaguely familiar with.

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