Under the moonlight, Feng Yaya's delicate hands pressed against Gu Chen's chest, and she got closer, carefully observing the wound.

As white light flowed from her hands, Gu Chen felt a soft mysterious aura circulating in his wound.

It took half an hour for this breath to travel through Gu Chen's body, and then like a hundred flowers blooming, new granulation sprouted from the wounds all over Gu Chen's body.

The damage caused by the capital punishment whip was greatly relieved, and Gu Chen obviously felt that the suppressed self-healing ability became stronger again.

"I can only do this for the time being." Feng Yaya withdrew her hand at this time, and said with a little regret.

"That's enough, thank you."

Gu Chen said gratefully, originally the speed of his physical healing could not keep up with the speed of the accumulation of injuries, but because of Feng Yaya's help, the situation has improved significantly.

He didn't know what kind of ability it was, but it was obviously related to some secrets of Feng Yaya's master creator, so he didn't get to the bottom of it.

"From now on, if I have nothing to do, I will come here every day to heal your wounds." Feng Yaya said after thinking about it.

Gu Chen's new injuries appear every day, but this time the treatment is like a drop in the bucket, it's useless at all.

"How about that?"

Gu Chen's expression froze, not to mention that Feng Yaya took risks by sneaking in here, and healing him every day is also a huge favor.

"Don't forget that we are allies, helping you is tantamount to helping me."

Feng Yaya gave Gu Chen a blank look, and explained by the way. "In addition, the wounds brought by this capital punishment whip contain the profound meaning of the creator. While helping you heal, I will actually benefit from it."

Feng Yaya's master hand of creation possesses abilities similar to those of Taoist Lord, and the death penalty whip was created by Xing Taoist Lord, which made her want to have a glimpse of Taoist Lord's law.

"In that case, I will trouble you."

Gu Chen really can't do anything about the damage caused by the death whip for the time being, Feng Yaya has said so, and he is not hypocritical, accepting her kindness.

"Then I'm leaving, Uncle Gu Chen, take care, don't die here."

Feng Yaya chatted a few more words, and said goodbye with a smile.

"Call me Daoyou Gu, or Big Brother Gu."

Gu Chen's face darkened, since the two became familiar with each other, Feng Yaya called him that at some point.

"Hee, I'm only seventeen years old this year. I'm much younger than you. It's not too much to call you uncle."

Feng Yaya stuck out her tongue, and without waiting for Gu Chen to refute, she turned and waved away.

That beautiful purple hair quickly disappeared into the exposed red ground.

Gu Chen shook his head helplessly. After Feng Yaya helped him heal his wounds, he felt a lot more relaxed. When the night wind blew, there was no such unbearable pain anymore.

"Fortunately, there are still friends in such a place..."

He murmured in a low voice, quickly closed his eyes, and continued his original meditation practice.

Every day after that, Chi Tianluo would come to execute the punishment of a thousand capital lashes, and every night, Feng Yaya would come quietly to help Gu Chen heal.

The friendship between the two has grown by leaps and bounds under such circumstances. Apart from healing their wounds, they also exchanged their experience in cultivating Taoism.

Feng Yaya is still stuck in the bottleneck of the quasi-emperor state, but what she possesses is a heaven-defying physique that cannot be found in hundreds of worlds. She possessed the ability originally possessed by a Taoist monarch since she was born, which made her very fond of it. The views on all aspects of cultivation are very unique.

These unique insights have given Gu Chen a lot of inspiration, allowing him to have a more essential understanding of the realm of the Taoist monarch.

The number of Taoists is too rare, and their Taoism will not be easily told to outsiders.

Therefore, monks in the realm of asking can only rely on their own efforts to explore and try to approach the realm of the Creator.

In this process, if you are not careful, you will easily go astray. Once you do that, you will almost be insulated from the realm of cutting the way.

Therefore, Feng Yaya's understanding of Taoism is very useful to Gu Chen, she provides a correct direction, strictly speaking, it is more valuable than the emperor's origin!

Out of the mentality of reciprocating, Gu Chen is not stingy with Feng Yaya, but he will give her advice on everything she wants to know.

You must know that Gu Chen possesses multiple origins, covering time and space, soul, nature, life and death, which is an unattainable good fortune for others.

His suggestion also benefited Feng Yaya a lot, the two of them sat on this prison star and talked about it every day, and they often felt like they met each other and hated being late.

Time passed quickly, in the blink of an eye Gu Chen stayed on Prison Star for four months.

Xing Daojun's imprisonment seems to be indefinitely, but Gu Chen is getting more and more used to the whipping of the thousand capital punishment whips, and even his body has become more tenacious under this tempering.

This night, after Feng Yaya healed Gu Chen as usual, the two discussed Taoism.

"During this period of time, I practiced quietly on the prison star, and with the ideas you provided, I finally sorted out my own way."

Gu Chen smiled and explained what he had gained during this period of time.

The Taoism comprehension of Li Huang, Jiu You Huang, Wu Xing Huang and others that he has obtained has been integrated by him and has completely become a part of his own strength.

"My Gu Chen's orthodoxy can be divided into three parts at present."

"The first part is the Taoism, which takes the four origins as the core and evolves all kinds of Taoism."

"The second part is martial arts, born out of the holy law of fighting and the origin of power, it is the supreme technique of close combat."

"The third part is domineering, using the domineering body as the source to develop the ultimate supernatural power."

"These three major parts influence and complement each other, and all of them together are my supreme avenue!"

Gu Chen talked eloquently, that after he sorted out what he had learned, his cultivation would become smoother.

"Shu Dao doesn't sound good, why not call it Shen Dao? No matter how powerful Taoism is, it must be realized by manipulating the origin of the soul. The essence of human beings is the root of Taoism."

Feng Yaya proposed with a smile on the side.

"Okay, that's Shinto, martial arts and domineering. When these three ways are cultivated to the extreme, do you think Mr. Xing Dao can be killed?"

Gu Chen's eyes were bright.

"Your future achievements will definitely be higher than Xing Daojun." Feng Yaya rarely answered seriously.

Originally, the main reason for her to cooperate with Gu Chen was that she thought he was the heir of the Taoist monarch, but after the two gradually got to know each other and the two sides were open and honest, she realized that this was not the case at all.

Gu Chen may have received fortune from a certain Taoist monarch, but most of his current achievements are due to his own hard work.

The more she understands what kind of path Gu Chen is walking, the more she appreciates and admires him in her heart.

"Okay, it's your turn, what's the problem today?"

Gu Chen changed the subject, ready to point Feng Yaya.

Feng Yaya explained a few questions about cultivation, and Gu Chen frowned slightly after listening.

"Most of your questions are hypothetical. It's best to practice yourself to find out where the real problem is, and I'll give you some pointers."

Feng Yaya seemed to have something hard to say when she heard it, she shook her head.

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