Under the Rolling Thunder Pillar, Gu Chen stretched his muscles.

His hair was long and messy, his clothes were in tatters, and new and old injuries were scattered all over his body.

Feng Yaya understood what he meant and murmured. "You look like this, it's not easy to come and go freely on the prison star."

"So it's up to you." Gu Chen said bluntly.

Feng Yaya rolled his eyes at him, took off the white glove on his right hand, and said. "Ready."

Gu Chen nodded.

She lightly patted Gu Chen's shoulder with a delicate hand, and in an instant, she saw Gu Chen's figure change, turning into a vicious jailer beast.

"It's amazing."

Gu Chen felt everything in his body, whether it was the fangs in his mouth or the sharp claws on his limbs, they all felt so real.

Even his internal flesh and blood structure has completely changed, only the original power and super-body power are still there, hidden in the deepest place.

"If you step into the realm of asking, can you also turn my cultivation base into nothingness?"

Gu Chen asked curiously.

"There is a certain possibility, but there should be restrictions." Feng Yaya hesitated.

"What restriction?" Gu Chen asked curiously.

"Some people are born with special blood, and it is not easy to completely change their body structure. Changing the structure of all things must be based on a certain understanding of things. The rarer the person or thing is, the more expensive it will be for the Creator to activate it. high."

"To use the simplest analogy, most of the Chaos creatures are unique. There is no group to refer to. It is more difficult to change them."

"In addition, the stronger the enemy's cultivation base, the stronger the will to resist, and it may also weaken the ability of the master of creation."

Feng Yaya said truthfully that this was the secret of her physique, but she told Gu Chen without thinking, showing her trust in him.

As Gu Chen listened, he couldn't help but think of the time when the white ape was turned into a bug by Feng Yaya.

Although the White Ape was hit by the trick at the beginning, the chaotic eyes between the brows are still there, which shows that there are indeed certain restrictions on this master hand of creation.

But this restriction does not affect its power. Once Feng Yaya enters the realm of asking, it is hard to imagine how earth-shaking changes will take place in her strength.

"Let's go."

Feng Yaya understands the restrictions on this prison star, and leads Gu Chen across the exposed red land, heading towards the direction where the roar came from a while ago.

Because both of them turned into Jailor Beasts, they didn't attract the attention of Jailor Beasts on the road, so they easily walked out of the exposed red land and stepped into the icy forest.

"The Prison Star can be divided into ten areas in total, each controlled by the Ten Great Heavenly Luos. If the roar from the previous period is correct, the location should be in the Void Wind Cave or Venom Swamp."

Feng Yaya analyzed, and the two disguised themselves as jailor beasts changing guards and passed through areas.

Along the way, Gu Chen could often see prisoners, and the state of some of them looked shocking.

Gu Chen felt that the punishment of one thousand capital lashes per day was too severe, but on this prison star, it was actually nothing.

For example, in the icy forest, most prisoners were not kept in cells, but were "planted" in trees.

Trees can only grow by absorbing nutrients, and the source of nutrients for trees in the frozen forest is each prisoner.

Those prisoners were planted here by Xingjun, and gradually assimilated with the trees, being extracted nutrients all the time, and suffering from extreme cold all the time.

Compared to them, Gu Chen's punishment is really nothing.

"Why not just kill them?"

Seeing too many prisoners whose life was worse than death, Gu Chen murmured.

"Xing County is famous for its severe punishment in the Chaos Sea. Mr. Xing Dao believes that it would be too cheap to deal with the enemy if he just killed them. Only by serving him with the death penalty can everyone fear him."

Feng Yaya murmured and added something. "Kong Sheng is the first among those who helped Xing Daojun create these tortures."

Gu Chen felt the ubiquitous despair in the prison, and walked quickly through without saying a word.

Passing through the icy forest and bypassing the Thunder Pool of the Sword Prison, the two quickly arrived at the Void Wind Cave where the previous roar was suspected to have come out.

This Void Wind Cave is an abyss, full of violent airflow, and the prisoner is imprisoned in the airflow, every inch of flesh and blood in the body is constantly suffering from the pain of cutting.

Most of the prisoners here are dying, and some of them have only skeletons left in the column of wind, and they don't know how long they have been dead.

"It doesn't seem like it's here." Gu Chen looked around and pondered.

The roar was so far away from him back then, and his overbearing body had abnormalities, but now he is in the Void Wind Cave, if the owner of the roar is here, his body should have changed.

"This Void Wind Cave is huge, let's move on."

Feng Yaya suggested, and the two carefully walked around the wind pillar.

During the period, they attracted the attention of several Jailor beasts, but the Jailor beasts just sniffed them lightly and left quickly without feeling anything unusual from them.

The two relaxed their minds and continued to go deep into the Void Wind Cave. At this time, there was an astonishing roar in front of them.

"Is that it?"

Feng Yaya's expression brightened, the roar was quite similar to the roar heard that night.

Gu Chen didn't speak, and walked forward quickly, and soon saw the source of the roar.

It was a tall red-skinned giant who was imprisoned in the deepest part of the abyss. The wind pillar here couldn't hold him at all, and could only run through his body like a sharp cone.

He endured the storm all the time, but he struggled desperately, causing the void wind cave to shake.

"Extermination, if I go out, I will definitely tear you to pieces!" the giant roared angrily.

"not him."

Gu Chen's eyes showed disappointment. Although this man's roar was loud, it didn't give him the same feeling as before.

"I know who he is."

Feng Yaya observed the other party and told his origin. "The patriarch of the Tunkun Clan was defeated by the God of War Extinguisher 100,000 years ago, and then imprisoned in Prison Star. Unexpectedly, after so many years and so many tortures, he is still alive and well."

"Tun Kun Clan?" Gu Chen became a little interested.

"The Tun Kun clan is very talented, because their people often feed on the Kunpeng, so they got this name. The patriarch of the Tun Kun clan is not simple. It is said that Xingjun paid a huge price to capture his world. He He was once hailed as the strongest enemy of God of War."

Feng Yaya said with emotion, "At first I thought he was dead long ago, but I didn't expect that he was just imprisoned here. I don't know why Xing Daojun spared his life?"

Gu Chen carefully examined the Tun Kun patriarch, and found that he was indeed unfathomable, and the majestic life energy in his body was something he had only seen in his life...

You know, the other party has been imprisoned here for 100,000 years, and still has such a majestic energy, it is simply a monster.


Gu Chen and Feng Yaya stared at the patriarch of the Tun Kun Clan for a long time, he noticed something, lowered his head, and a pair of giant lantern-like eyes burst out with brilliance!

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