Gu Chen followed Old Xuanwu and Peng Fu, and was the third to step into the secret place!

As soon as he entered, he felt an inexplicable sense of crisis, and his body moved ten feet abruptly.


A ball of chaotic air exploded in the place where Gu Chen had just entered, and Gu Chen, who was ten feet away, was overjoyed when he saw it.

This part of the Longevity Realm has always been in a state of chaos, which means that there must be some chaos in it.

The Qi of Chaos poses a great threat to monks. If they touch it directly, they will be seriously injured even if they do not die.

Because the entrance has just appeared, the chaotic energy nearby that has not been turned into the original power is in an extremely unstable state, and Gu Chen almost ran into it just now.

"What about the old turtle? It would be perfect if it was directly killed by Chaos Qi."

After confirming safety, Gu Chen looked around, looking for the figure of Old Xuanwu who entered first.

Surrounded by endless land, there are countless stars suspended in the sky, which looks primitive and desolate.

When the chaos first opened, the profound energy rose and turned into the sky, and the yellow energy sank and turned into the earth. Everything was in a relatively primitive state.

In this state, the star field and star road have not yet been formed, and the law of the avenue has not yet formed a stable order, making this world chaotic and dangerous.

But also because of this, anyone who can be born at this time, if it is a living being, often becomes the founder of a world or a race, and if it is material, it often has incredible power, and is called a chaotic spirit treasure.

Boom boom boom!

A monstrous energy fluctuation came from ahead, and Gu Chen recognized the aura of the old Xuanwu, which seemed to be fighting an unknown existence.

Unfortunately, it seems that it came in without incident, and it is already taking care of the good fortune here.

Gu Chen's eyes flickered, and he didn't go in the direction of Old Xuanwu, but chose another way forward.

This chaotic secret land is extremely vast, there is no reason to fight with old Xuanwu just after arriving, and let others take advantage of it.

The monks behind will come in soon, and he has to get as much treasure as possible before them!

Gu Chen flew out in the opposite direction, his spiritual consciousness was completely dispersed, and the deep sea Ziji pupils brightened!

In the state of the beginning of chaos, any existence in this secret place with a specific form, whether it is material or living beings, is basically a good thing.

From this point of view, whatever you pick up is a treasure.

However, there are good and bad treasures, and there are many competitors behind, Gu Chen doesn't plan to spend too much time on ordinary treasures.

At this time, his deep sea purple pupils came in handy!

The deep sea Ziji pupil can detect the strength of the original power of living beings or treasures. It is really useful in this kind of place!

A place full of treasures, when Gu Chen's deep sea Ziji pupils are opened, all the treasures are like fireflies in the dark night, so numerous and bright!

He will definitely get the opportunity, the key is, how much good luck can he snatch in the limited time?

Gu Chen is very clear that the time for An Yi to pick up treasures will not be too long, as experts from all sides pour in here, soon this place will become a Shura field!

One after another Daojing Emperor will fall here, whether he, Old Xuanwu, or Thunder King, no one can guarantee that he will be the final winner!

What he can do now is to grab as many treasures as possible before the crazy and bloody slaughter comes!


"Damn! All plans are ruined!"

Surrounded by strange insect corpses, Old Xuanwu held a piece of jade in his hand and forcibly smashed it into pieces, his face full of ferociousness.

Peng Fu's face beside him was equally ugly, and he gritted his teeth. "It's all the fault of Fatty Qian. If it wasn't for him, the creation of the entire Chaos Secret Land would be ours!"

"At this point, people from outside will come in soon, and we don't have time to look for ordinary treasures!"

Old Xuanwu threw away the broken jade in his hands. Just now they found this piece of jade that looked extraordinary at first glance. Just as they were about to get it, they were attacked by a group of vicious insects.

The ferocious insects in this secret place are not simple, they are Zerg races born from the beginning of chaos, which really made them toss for a while.

For a while, they were not sure if all the outside competitors had entered.

Originally, according to the calculation, after killing everyone, they could loot the entire secret place of chaos calmly, but now they can't, they can only change the established plan.

"Then what are we looking for?"

Peng Fu understood what Old Xuanwu meant, as long as he could find the most valuable treasures in this chaotic secret ground, it doesn't matter if he didn't succeed in the others.

It's just that this secret place was isolated from the world before, and it was in a state of chaos. God knows what kind of treasure is the most valuable?

"The old man has read countless classics about the secret places of chaos, and he knows that even though the situation of each secret place of chaos is different, there are some things in common."

"The most valuable places in this kind of place are those who were born with great luck, as the first beasts, first stones, and first spirits at the beginning of the world."

Old Xuanwu thought about it.

"I've also heard this kind of statement, but where do we go to find those who inherit luck?" Peng Fu asked curiously.

"The traces of the head spirit are hard to find. Even if the head stone is placed in front of your eyes, you may not be able to recognize it. But this beast, as the first existence of wisdom born in the beginning of chaos, will congenitally regard this secret place as its own territory. It's not difficult to get out."

Old Xuanwu was calculating in his heart.

"I understand what you mean, but the first beast is probably extremely powerful. We have to be fully prepared, and we must prevent the people from Lei County from disrupting the situation." Peng Fu thought deeply.

"Don't worry, the old man has already considered the plan to hunt the first beast, let's find a place to plan it. This time, we can't allow failure anymore!"

Old Xuanwu took the lead in finding a place to go.

"Then we don't look for any other treasures?" Peng Fu felt a little pity, he swept his consciousness casually, but there were treasure mountains everywhere.

"As long as you can catch the first beast, what are the other treasures? Besides, after those people have collected the treasures, it will be faster to snatch them from them!"

Old Xuanwu's eyes were cold, and the meaning in his words was clear.

"That's right, as long as you don't meet Lei Jun's team, the others are nothing to be afraid of, they are just lambs to be slaughtered!"

Peng Fu grinned, and his mind became calm again.

Old Xuanwu frowned when he heard this, remembering that they had such a chance of winning before, but in the end they fell short because of the juniors of the Qian family.

"It's still not clear how your identity was exposed, and some people from unknown sources have also sneaked in. This time we have to make sure everything is safe." He said with flickering eyes.

"What do you mean?" Peng Fu listened carefully.

Old Xuanwu saved his life, and his mind is more meticulous than his, he has already taken him as the leader invisibly.

"Aren't you the best at infiltration and alienation? Try to find someone who is willing to be in the same camp as us. The more helpers we have, the better." Old Xuanwu pondered.

"But before..."

Peng Fu hesitated, not to mention that they had offended everyone to death before, in his opinion, with the strength of the two of them, they don't need many allies.

"The previous was the previous, and the present is the present! There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests!"

"The opportunity in the secret place of chaos is enough to make friends rebel and lovers turn against each other, as long as we can afford it!"

Old Xuanwu spoke with certainty, and Peng Fu also understood that it was indeed the safest way to do so, so he nodded.

"Okay, do as you say!"

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