Eight black and ferocious pillars reaching the sky staggered inside and outside, supporting the majestic criminal world.

The black steel buildings have a cold metallic texture, which is still heavy and depressing today.

In the square made of unknown deep purple spar, a triangular warship is docked at this moment.

Feng Yaya was wearing a red coat, wrapped her whole body tightly, and was walking towards the battleship on the square.

With long purple hair, a red coat, and a figure that has gotten better with age, she looks thrillingly beautiful.

Today, Kong Sheng was dressed in a gray and white robe that was very slim, and he stood by the battleship and waited.

Looking at the once ignorant girl with admiring eyes, but now she has gradually grown into a slim girl, Kong Sheng smiled intriguingly.

"Is your body almost in good shape?" Kong Sheng asked with concern when Feng Yaya approached.

Feng Yaya nodded and said softly. "Thank you for coming home with me."

"This is what it should be. Think about it carefully. You haven't been home for a long time. I was negligent before."

Kong Sheng acted very gentle, brushed Feng Yaya's strange long purple hair with his hands, and then moved closer to sniff.

"The smell on your body is really getting better and better. I've thought about it. When we go back to the Seventieth Realm, let's get married in your hometown, Blue Sea Star."

He said softly, Feng Yaya's body trembled imperceptibly upon hearing this.

"Why do you want to get married all of a sudden? Didn't you say that I will talk about it after I break through and enter the realm of asking?" Feng Yaya asked puzzled.

"I have thought about what you said before, and I have indeed ignored your feelings for a long time."

"Because your talent is so outstanding, for your future, I have always been too concerned about your cultivation progress."

"We are a fiancee. It's time for me to give you an explanation. Why, don't you want to?"

Kong Sheng said with a smile.

"If you don't really like me, don't force me to marry you."

Feng Yaya seemed to be still in a mood, avoiding Kong Sheng's eyes.

"Of course I'm serious. When I go back this time, you, Aunt Feng and your brothers and sisters will be the witnesses. We got married at Lan Hai Xing. As for the punishment world, when we come back, we'll have a wedding wine."

Kong Sheng talked about his plan enthusiastically.

"what ever."

Feng Yaya behaved very calmly, and Kong Sheng stepped onto the battleship first.

Kong Sheng followed behind with a smile on his face, the door of the cabin was slowly closed, and the battleship quickly lifted into the air and left the punishment world.

At the same time as the triangular warship lifted off into the air and departed, it was in Gu Chen's residence in a corner of the criminal world.

"I'll leave it to you here."

Gu Chen was dressed in a black warrior uniform, and said to the avatar in a loose white robe sitting in front of him.

"Don't worry, I can handle everything here." The avatar smiled.

Gu Chen nodded. Although the avatar left behind was less than one-tenth of his strength, his ability to disguise was superb.

As long as he doesn't fight with others, there will be no risk of being exposed, and since his identity as Li Wuwei's successor has been famous in the Chaos Sea, few people in the criminal world dare to challenge him.

After bidding farewell to the avatar, Gu Chen himself turned into a shadow and quietly escaped from his residence.

After a while, there will be a spaceship leaving the criminal world, and he intends to sneak up and use this way to leave.

After leaving the criminal world, he will act alone again, going to chase Feng Yaya and Kong Sheng.

He communicates with Feng Yaya through a sound transmission talisman. In order to ensure that she can lock her location at any time, the two of them even prepared a mother and a son's location-finding astrolabe.

The child astrolabe is on Feng Yaya's side, as long as she is with him, unless he enters the next world through the chaotic path window, he can accurately capture her position through the mother astrolabe.

And the route to Feng Yaya's hometown, the 70th Realm, is fixed. If there is any change, Feng Yaya will notify him as soon as possible, so as long as his speed is not too slow, he will not be lost.

Half an hour later, a spaceship left the criminal world.

This was a supply ship, and the Xingjun soldiers on board had nothing to do before reaching their destination, so they drank fine wine on board and discussed their last love affair in a certain star field in a certain world.

No one noticed that when the supply ship entered a chaotic path with three branches, a figure quietly left the spaceship.

Looking at the supply ship going away, Gu Chen turned his hand and took out an astrolabe from his body.

At this time on the astrolabe, the light spot represented by him is red, while the other green light spot belongs to Feng Yaya.

After identifying the direction, Gu Chen flew towards the chaotic path window on the left, like an arrow leaving the string, the speed increased all the way!

His body and appearance also changed during the process of advancing, his face turned into the appearance of a middle-aged man with vicissitudes of life, with a resolute expression and a beard.

And the figure, from the original tall and slender, has become a little shorter, but the shoulders have become wider.

Just from the outside, there is no similarity between him and the original Gu Chen.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A black hole appeared along the star road ahead, and the vicissitudes of the middle-aged uncle frequently disappeared into the black hole, and the next moment appeared in a very far place.

Gu Chen didn't choose to take the spaceship. If he used Xingjun's spaceship, it would be easy to leave a clue, and other spaceships were far behind the speed of Kong Sheng's triangular warship.

Therefore, he walked through the chaotic window and various worlds on foot, and at his current speed, he still surpassed Kong Sheng's battleship, but he needed to stop and rest occasionally.

Gu Chen chased non-stop, and finally caught up with Kong Sheng's warship after three hours.

The battleship came into view from a distance, Gu Chen's body turned into a shadow, blended into the lonely and dark starry sky, and began to keep a suitable distance from the battleship.

The next thing to do is to wait, and when there is a suitable time to do it, Feng Yaya will notify him as soon as possible.

From the Punishment Realm to the Seventieth Realm, and then back from the Seventieth Realm to the Punishment Realm, there is a whole month of back and forth between them, and there will always be a suitable time.

Gu Chen seems to have returned to his life as an assassin a long time ago, hiding in the dark, waiting for a fatal blow.


The triangular battleship was flying at a constant speed, Feng Yaya stayed alone in her room, looking at the starry sky outside the window, her thoughts were endless.

"Where will Uncle Gu be now?"

She glanced back and forth among the distant stars, guessing that Gu Chen might be hiding in one of the places at this moment.

Kong Sheng has been a shadow in her heart for a long time, not to mention resisting him, even being alone with him, sometimes she would feel fear.

He could dissect the corpse of a baby of a foreign race in front of her expressionless, and even showed joyful appreciation in his eyes.

And this kind of look, he would show it on her from time to time.

How can such a person not be afraid?

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