"Don't worry, this rope was specially made by me. There are tens of thousands of layers of restrictions on the surface. Even if it is contaminated with chaos, it can last for a long time based on the speed at which the restrictions break."

"With this rope, we won't be scattered when the chaotic gas erupts."

The Dwarf Emperor explained confidently, but everyone was still numb when they heard it.

Normally, even a wisp of Chaos Qi would be poisonous, but this time they were likely to be submerged in it.

"Boss, it's all up to you, don't trap us." The invisible woman said to Gu Chen unsteadily.

"Don't worry, everyone, if I don't die, I will never let you die." Gu Chen promised.

It would take a great risk to collapse the Chaos Path Window this time, and it meant a lot to him that these people chose to help him and live and die with him.

As long as everyone doesn't die today, they will be companions who can take care of each other from now on.

If Gu Chen wants to use the momentum of these people in front of him to strive for the upper hand in the sea of ​​chaos, what he needs most is unconditional trust in each other.

"If we can successfully collapse the Chaos Path Window this time and get out of here alive, then we will really have the confidence to compete with Hundred Counties."

Compared with uneasiness, Zhong Shenruo's eyes were filled with anticipation.

Hearing his words, everyone nodded in sympathy, their faces couldn't stop their excitement.

After Gu Chen finished discussing with the hunchbacked old man and the dwarf emperor, he frankly told everyone about their group's future plans.

As for Gu Chen's ability to control Chaos Qi, everyone naturally knew about it.

Everyone knows how valuable this ability is, but just thinking about its future potential makes them fascinated.

The reason why they are all willing to follow Gu Chen to do such a crazy move today is because they want to see how far this ability has been developed by Gu Chen!

"Tie up the ropes, then put on the inner armor and the heavy armor. You have done all the defenses you can think of. Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will lose your life."

The Dwarf Emperor took out a lot of protective gear, and even defensive Taoist symbols. Regarding the safety of everyone's lives, it can be said that it has been done well.

Everyone hurriedly followed what he said. Although Gu Chen also put on some protective gear, there were not many.

Compared with safety, he, who is about to be the center of the team, needs agility more.

At this moment, he was extremely nervous. Although after absorbing Kong Sheng's Chaos Flower, he could indeed control more Chaos Qi, but when the Chaos Qi exploded, it would be as violent as a sea tide, and he was not sure whether he could bear it.

This is like the difference between sailing with the current and sailing against the current. If there is a slight difference, the boat will be destroyed and people will die!

After making all the preparations, the hunchbacked old man led Gu Chen and the others to the side of the barrier of chaos.

"The state of the barrier of chaos here is the most unstable, starting from here is the most trouble-free."

"Moreover, there is a distance from the Ninth Realm here, which can ensure that the Ninth Realm will not be affected."

"The only more troublesome thing is that we will be far away from the safety exit, and everyone will have to run for their lives."

Like Gu Chen, the hunchbacked old man didn't wear too much protective gear, and briefly introduced the next action.

"Boss, later on you will activate the golden lightning supernatural power of Origin Bading. With the power of that supernatural power, you will be able to tear a big hole in the barrier of chaos in an instant and make a huge commotion."

"At that time, I will trouble you all. You must do your best to expand the area where the chaotic gas erupts. Only in this way can the entire passage collapse."

"During this process, due to the raging chaos, your actions may be affected, but with so many protective equipment, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"When the channel collapses, there will definitely be a terrible wave of chaos. We must escape before being completely submerged by the wave of chaos. At that time, we can only rely on the leader's ability to control the energy of chaos."

"Everyone should understand their responsibilities, right?"

After the hunchbacked old man finished explaining, everyone didn't ask any more questions, because they had actually communicated with each other many times about the plan.

The most critical person in the whole plan is Gu Chen, he is the main force to destroy the barrier of chaos, and he is also the one who takes everyone to evacuate safely.

All lives depend on him alone.

"Let's do it!"

Seeing that everyone is fine, Gu Chen said seriously.

A total of thirteen people were connected by ropes. Gu Chen took the lead and walked only two feet away from the barrier of chaos. With a flip of his hand, the cauldron of origin appeared in the palm of his hand!

Under the control of his thoughts, the Origin Bading Ding quickly magnified, the whole body was dazzling, and the lines on the Ding's body were full of lightning.

After absorbing that chaotic flower, the pattern of the cauldron that originated from the domineering tripod became clearer and mysterious. The patterns on it seemed to come from the ancient Ming Dynasty, simple and mysterious.

Gu Chen's face was full of solemnity and nervousness, and he controlled the Origin Tyrant Cauldron to fly into the barrier of chaos.


Origin Ba Ding was submerged inside and disappeared all of a sudden.

Gu Chen took a deep breath, the connection between him and Ba Ding is still there, even if it is the chaotic energy, it can't cut off the telepathy between the two.

Feeling that the origin Ba Ding sinks into the distance is almost the same, and the induction will be weakened if you continue to go deeper, Gu Chen stopped the Ba Ding, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.


His tongue was full of spring thunder, and at this moment he activated the supernatural power of origin domineering cauldron!

Rumble! Rumble!

Just like Pangu opened up the world, terrifying golden lightning bolts appeared out of thin air around the Origin Bading Cauldron, and struck on the overlapping chaotic air!

For a moment, all the chaotic gas hit by the thunder boiled, as if the world was evolving, some gas evaporated and disappeared, but more, formed explosive and colorful energy!

Everyone held their breath subconsciously, staring at the barrier of chaos, waiting for a series of terrifying reactions that would follow.

After a few breaths, an astonishing whistling sound came from everyone's ears, and then the space became unstable and tended to collapse.


Countless strands of chaotic air churned, and the chaotic barrier in front suddenly sank in, and vortices appeared one after another, and then, there was a loud bang!

The dazzling colorful flames almost blinded everyone in an instant, and the tsunami-like energy directly sent a group of people flying!

"Do it!" The hunchbacked old man reminded anxiously.

The dwarf emperor, the head of the Tunkun tribe, and others gritted their teeth while looking at Tianwei who was close at hand, their scalps tingling.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

All of a sudden, the chain exploded, and within a radius of ten thousand miles, countless chaos raged and raged, completely out of control!

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