"The last list of Chaos Spirits was divided into five lists, and the scope of screening included all known worlds. Although it was time-consuming and labor-intensive, it did select some talents that could be made."

"However, since the closure of the boundary sea last time, dark turmoil has destroyed many worlds, and many races have experienced elite faults. The overall level of the Chaos Sea is not as good as the previous generation."

"Since the current situation is like this, there is no need for time-consuming and labor-intensive large-scale selection. I suggest that this time, the Taoist lords present will directly recommend candidates, and then rank the list!"

Qin Daojun's words were convincing, and his words made many Daojun nod in agreement.

"That's right, some weak worlds don't even have cultivators, so there's no need to screen them."

"The monks I'm recommending basically represent the most elite talents in Chaos Sea. There is really no need to waste any more time."

There are quite a few people who support Qin Daojun, and a huge wave of voices suddenly formed.

Gu Chen didn't understand the rules of the selection of the list of chaotic souls before, but he probably understood Qin Daojun's meaning, and frowned slightly.

Although it can save a lot of energy to be directly recommended by Taoist monarchs from all sides, it is also equivalent to cutting off the possibility of lower-level monks jumping into the dragon's gate.

The Hongmeng Dao Realm represents the highest level of cultivation. If you know that you have such an opportunity to enter that world, I believe that anyone who is interested in cultivating Dao will not give up easily.

However, Qin Daojun's approach is to solidify the class. May I ask those monks who come from poor families and have nothing to do with it, can they be recommended by the Taoist monarchs?

Such a proposal is in the interests of most Taoist monarchs. In this way, they can send more of their own people to the envoys from the upper realm. No wonder there are so many Taoist monarchs supporting them.

Gu Chen wanted to understand the stakes, but felt a little inconceivable about the previous rules of the Chaos All Souls List.

With the character of Taoist monarchs who are not profitable, how could they support the rules that seem to be more beneficial to countless humble monks?

"It's a waste of time to select each realm. Are you pretending to be confused when you say this?"

Su Daojun listened to everyone's opinions, and snorted heavily!

The room suddenly fell silent, but Su Daojun changed his lazy look, stood up, and pressed his hands on the edge of the table!

"The envoys from the upper realm never limited their selection of so-called talents to cultivation bases. The people under your command may be strong, but their talents may not necessarily be outstanding."

"Aside from other things, some special chaotic creatures are enough to be evaluated as second-class creatures in the eyes of the upper realm, and even in some remote and weak worlds, there are geniuses who cultivate and produce extremely high-level origins."

"The cultivation of these people is not necessarily high, but their aptitude is beyond doubt!"

"When Lord Yao was still around, he did not stick to one pattern, and all people were equal under the rules. Why, now that the old man is gone, you Qin Daojun want to engage in your set of rules and regulations?"

Su Daojun spoke very impolitely, and when he mentioned the word "Yaojun", many Daojun's eyes showed a rare sense of sadness!

"You also said that Lord Yao is no longer here."

Qin Daojun's expression became gloomy, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although the two were at odds with each other, it was very rare for them to confront each other directly. Gu Chen observed it thoughtfully.

"Who is Lord Yao?" Gu Chen quietly asked Jinwu Taoist beside him.

"Mr. Yao is Daoist Yao. He was once recognized as the leader of my chaotic counties, with both ability and political integrity. However, he died when the boundary sea was opened last time!"

Daoist Jin Wu's words seemed a bit heavy.

Gu Chen caught the unusualness in his words, he said that Lord Yao died when the boundary sea opened, not because of the dark turmoil.

If it is dark and turbulent, the fall of the Taoist Lord is considered normal, but when the boundary sea opens, the envoys from the upper realm come across the sea to select talents, how can the Taoist Lord die?

Gu Chen's heart trembled slightly, seeing the heavy faces of many Taoist monarchs, he suddenly understood something.

"Although he is not here, the rules he left cannot be changed!"

The magic light in Su Daojun's eyes flickered, and he was completely gone from his usual casual laziness.

"It's useless to talk too much. At worst, all of you present vote with a show of hands. The minority obeys the majority." Qin Daojun said expressionlessly.

"Hehe, what if I disagree?" Su Daojun raised his eyebrows.

He knew very well that if the minority obeyed the majority, most of the Taoist monarchs would stand on Qin Daojun's side out of their own interests.

"Fellow Daoist Su, if you insist on delaying the progress of the selection, you will be known by the envoy from the upper realm..." Qin Daojun narrowed his eyes.

"Why, you still want to sue the envoys of the upper realm for my failure? The upper realm doesn't care whose responsibility it is, and then everyone will be finished together!" Su Daojun sneered, which made all the Daojuns change their faces.

"You two, don't hurt your friendship. According to this old man, how about a compromise in the selection rules?"

Clumsy Sword Lord shook his head helplessly, persuading him.

"How to compromise?" Everyone looked at him.

"The original selection is divided into five major lists, which is indeed a bit lengthy, but if it is changed to nominations by counties, this will undoubtedly cause some potential talents to miss opportunities."

"Since this is the case, it is better to simplify it into three lists, which not only improves some efficiency, but also does not violate Yao Jun's original intention."

After Zhuo Jianjun finished speaking, everyone thought about the feasibility, and Qin Daojun showed a bit of displeasure on his face.

This seems to be a compromise method, but the scope of selection is still huge. Mr. Clumsy Sword is supporting Su Daojun in a disguised form, or in other words, he is a member of Mr. Yao from the beginning to the end!

Gu Chen also heard the implication of Lord Clumsy Sword, no matter how the three rankings are arranged, monks from poor families will have a chance to stand out after all, and he is also inclined to such rules in his heart.

"Friend Humble Sword, what is the difference between the third ranking and the fifth ranking? It is a recognized fact that the talents of the chaotic hundred counties are inferior to each other. Rather than wasting great opportunities to some cats and dogs, it is better to leave them for people with noble blood flowing in their bodies. "

True Monarch Yongye, who was covered in black mist, spoke with a rather gloomy smile.

Gu Chen noticed that he had just made eye contact with Qin Daojun, and it was obvious that the two belonged to the same camp.

"A cat or a dog? How many Taoist monarchs have risen in the grass, I am like this, and so is the Clumsy Sword Lord."

"You say that one generation is not as good as one generation, so what about Fellow Daoist Gu? He comes from the unknown Ninth Realm of Xing County. Has he ever been worse than everyone here?"

Su Daojun mentioned Gu Chen, and sneered to refute True Monarch Yongye's argument.

"Gu Daoyou is the descendant of Li Wuwei, how is it comparable to ordinary creatures? Then the Ninth Realm, is it possible that there will be a second special case?"

Immortal Yongye had just finished laughing, when a huge roar suddenly came from the distant starry sky!

"what happened?"

Many Taoist monarchs felt it one after another, looking out of the Sword God Palace, frowning slightly.

Daoist monarchs from hundreds of counties gathered today, why is there such a fierce fight in the star field not far away?

This is simply breaking ground on Tai Sui!

Su Daojun's consciousness spread immediately, and when he sensed what happened in the distance, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Coincidentally, something interesting happened, everyone, why don't you go and have a look together!"

After he finished speaking, he stepped out of the Sword God Palace and disappeared into Lingxiao Mountain.


Qin Daojun, Yongye Zhenjun and even Gu Chen also felt it, their expressions changed, and they left quickly!

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