"That group of damned wild foxes, I have shown favor many times before, but they are always giving me Tai Chi."

"It's good now, but they chose to work together with that Chen Yi. Could it be that this prince can't compare to that guy?"

"Also, so many important officials in Lan Kingdom were killed at the same time, our troops didn't realize it at all!"

"Then Chen Yi should be damned! Damn it!"

Prince Wulie cursed endlessly, he almost cursed everyone he could think of, while Commander Crow stood beside him silently, fearing that something bad would happen.

When he had vented his anger and gradually calmed down, Commander Crow said cautiously: "Now that Marquis Muye is besieged in Landu by the coalition forces of the two countries, he has asked us for help many times. Your Highness should think of a way as soon as possible. .”

"That trash deserves his death!"

Prince Wulie said angrily, but he only talked about it, knowing in his heart that he couldn't just let Marquis Muye die like this.

After all, Marquis Muye is also his cousin. If he dies, not only will it be difficult for him to explain to his mother, but more importantly, the forces of all countries will doubt his control over Peiguo.

Pei Guo was under his banner, but he disobeyed orders and destroyed his mother's natal Lan country, and killed all his cousins. How could he save his face?

He managed to reshape the iron-fisted image in front of all forces, and he must not be destroyed once!

"Go to Lan Country, help me contact Chen Yi, and tell him that I want to meet him. Before that, he will never be allowed to act rashly towards Lan."

Wulie thought for a while, and said to the crow general with a sullen face.

"But Your Highness, once you leave the current situation in the Sunshine Realm, Prince Yanyang will have an opportunity to take advantage of it." The Crow Commander said worriedly.

"When did I say I was going to leave Shengyang Realm? If I want to communicate with Chen Yi face to face, I don't have to leave."

Wu Lie flipped his hands and took out a fugue bead, and handed it over to the commander of the crow general. "Give it to Chen Yi, and tell him that five days later, I will meet him in the Immortal Ascension Realm."

Commander Crow took the Immortal Orb and nodded emphatically. "This subordinate understands, this subordinate will do it now!"


Landu, standing in the vast desert, looks golden and magnificent.

Different from ordinary cities, the city walls surrounding Landu are countless natural giant rocks, like fortresses, guarding this isolated city between heaven and earth.

Outside Landu, the flags of the Pei and Ze armies were flying, and there were countless tents.

In a tent in the center of the Zeguo army, Gu Chen had just walked in, and the ancestor of the wild fox got up and welcomed him warmly.

"Brother Chen, this time I really have to thank you for giving me such a big piece of fat as Zeguo."

The ancestor of the wild fox smiled kindly, completely different from the vigilance he had when we met last time, and seemed to have completely forgotten the last time Gu Chen shot at him before he left.

His smile was not fake at all, it was really Zeguo who took a big advantage this time.

When Gu Chen originally wrote to tell him that Pei Guo was about to send troops to Lan Country and hoped that Ze Country would also send troops together, he was hesitant at first.

Ze country is not strong, and has always been inferior to Lan country, otherwise it would not have formed an alliance with Pei country for a long time.

It takes courage to send troops to Lan Country, especially to leave the swamp environment familiar to the Wild Fox Clan and go deep into the large desert of Lan Country.

However, Gu Chen did not force him to make an immediate decision, but said that Pei Guo would attack first, and when the time is right, it would not be too late for Ze Guo to send troops again.

Naturally, he had no reason to refuse such a favorable condition, so he watched the development of the situation while preparing the army.

What he didn't expect was that the Pei army, which had always been weak, had fought a beautiful and great victory in Lan Country, attacking cities and looting land all the way, with continuous victories.

Seeing that Lan Country is vulnerable like a paper tiger, Ze Country's interior is naturally envious and ready to move.

Finally, after Muyehou succeeded as King Lan, Zeguo sent troops, and in order to prevent accidents, he personally accompanied the army to Languo.

After Zeguo's army entered Languo, the resistance encountered along the way was far less than imagined. As of today, the Wild Fox Clan has annexed the entire eight counties of Languo!

Compared with the fourteen counties captured by Pei Guo, Ze Guo was a little bit worse, but after all, Pei Guo was fighting in the early wars. Ze Guo had already gained huge benefits, but had almost no losses.

If every time he allyd with others, he could only pick up the cheap without taking too many risks, then he would wake up laughing from his dreams.

"Zeguo and Peiguo share the same spirit, and they should be blessed to share together. Fellow Daoist Wild Fox, you are kind."

Gu Chen smiled, and took a seat in the camp of the ancestor of the wild fox. The two chatted and drank happily, as if they had forgotten each other.

"Brother Chen, now there are only two counties left in the twenty-four counties of Lan Country, and those two counties are almost in our pocket, and this Lan is besieged by us again, have you thought about what to do next?"

After drinking for three rounds, the ancestor of the wild fox looked serious and asked seriously.

Don't look at the fact that the two countries join hands and seem to be able to easily destroy the country of Lan, but in fact the situation is not that simple.

Ze Country, Pei Country, and Lan Country all belong to the Dasheng Dynasty.

The seven-nation system has a long history, and it can be said that it is a means used by Dasheng to maintain rule and maintain balance.

If Lan Kingdom is destroyed, then there will be only six kingdoms left in the Seven Kingdoms, the system established by Dasheng will be threatened, and even the national strength of Ze Kingdom and Pei Kingdom will be strengthened, which may pose a challenge to Shengyang Realm in the future. The Lieyang Clan cannot allow it!

The Seven Kingdoms often had struggles in history, which was acquiesced by the Shengyang Realm. They hoped to consume the national power of the Seven Kingdoms in this way, so as to maintain the absolute dominance of the Lieyang Clan in the Dynasty.

But if the struggle goes too far, for example, a certain kingdom has suffered a catastrophe, leading to the rise of a country, then there will often only be one result, and the Shengyang realm will take action!

At that time, the flames of the Scorching Sun Legion will sweep across the land of Dasheng, and the wings of the Hundred Thousand Crow Generals will block the sky of Dasheng.

Facing the royal army and the armies of various countries acting on orders, no kingdom has ever been able to successfully resist!

Therefore, Peiguo and Zeguo are not really happy yet, if the next thing is not handled well, the counties swallowed may be nothing!

"Wait, we will surround Lan and not attack, just wait."

Gu Chen, who was worried by the ancestor of the wild fox, had already thought of it, and said meaningfully.

Hearing this, the ancestor of the wild fox's eyes flickered for a while, and he probably understood what the other party meant.

A few days later, Commander Crow arrived at the location of Pei Guo's army, met with Gu Chen, and expressed his intention to come.

Knowing that Wu Lie wanted to have an interview with him, Gu Chen was not surprised at all.

Wulie's appointment was five days later, and including the time spent by General Crow's journey, it happened to be tonight, which shows how eager Wulie was to see him.

"Come here, treat the Commander well."

Gu Chen asked the crow to lead him down, and he was not allowed to leave without his order. Then, when night fell, he entered the Immortal World designated by Wulie.

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