"Of course more than that."

"Qiankun will refine a large number of Kanshui ghost lotuses in Yueguo, and Prince Yanyang and Yuewang will help cover them up. When the ghost lotuses are refined, they will be transported out through a special route."

"The one who played an important role in the transportation process was the dead general Xing Sangyan. I traced the facts and found that in these years, Qiankun would use Sangyan's convenient identity as an intermediary in the dark world to carry out far more than one mission. Transactions prohibited by courts and major dynasties."

"Take the arms trade as an example. Qiankun will sell weapons to rebels and hostile forces of some dynasties, and even go back and forth between the two forces to provoke wars in order to profit from it."

"If it's just a simple weapon trade, it wouldn't violate the rules of the Dao Court, but the Qiankun Society seems to be researching some large-scale killing weapons that are strictly prohibited by the Dao Court!"

"What Qiankun is doing is very dangerous, and the so-called Kanshui ghost lotus is speculated by some clues, it is very likely that it is just a raw material for some kind of forbidden weapon! Just one kind of raw material requires as many lives as the Moon Kingdom, What about other raw materials?"

"Qiankun will use his huge network to secretly collect raw materials for refining certain forbidden weapons in various parts of the Dao world. How terrible do you think Mr. Gu's intentions are?"

Ye Wunian explained in detail, what he said made Gu Chen's face gradually become serious.

Kanshui ghost lotus is just one of the raw materials, and there is an even more ulterior purpose behind it. Qiankun will clearly be playing a big game of chess!

What Ye Wunian said was appalling, but he had to admit that it was in line with his usual understanding of Fang Yuan.

"What about the evidence? Do you have enough evidence to prove your guess?"

Gu Chen asked, what he heard just now was mostly just Ye Wunian's guess, without enough real evidence.

"I laid out a few lines to track down this secret, but it's a pity that there is still a lack of strong evidence. But even if it is just a guess, once it is announced to the world, it will be enough to defeat Mr. Gu's plan. This is enough!"

Ye Wunian said firmly, Gu Chen did not refute his point of view.

He believed that there was indeed a bigger secret behind the water ghost lotus, maybe it was related to forbidden weapons, or maybe it was related to other things.

All in all, Ye Wunian did touch Fang Yuan's core interests, otherwise Fang Yuan would not choose to compromise when facing him!

This is indeed a weighty handle, but after all, it was too late. If you don't know what Fang Yuan wants to do, you can use this matter to arrange him. He has countless ways to resolve the crisis...

"Have you ever intercepted the Kanshui ghost lotus?"

After thinking about it, Gu Chen asked again, maybe some secrets could be discovered from Kanshui Ghost Lotus.

"The process of Kanshui ghost lotus from refining to transporting out of the Moon Kingdom is very guarded, and the number is strictly controlled. If you snatch it rashly, even if you just steal one, you will be discovered by Qiankun."

"In order not to startle the snake, and to be able to trace the supply chain upwards, my people did not attack the Kanshui ghost lotus."

"They are still tracking, and if they find anything further, they will report to me."

Ye Wunian explained.

"Isn't the person in charge of tracking the whereabouts of Kanshui Ghost Lotus from Wuwang Pavilion?"

Gu Chen's eyes flickered, Wuwang Pavilion is now completely under his control, and it must be his confidant who can be sent by Ye Wunian to do such an important thing, but he searched the list in his mind and found Wuwang Pavilion No one in the cabinet was eligible.

This shows that either the person sent out is not from the Wuwang Pavilion, or there is still Ye Wunian's power hidden in the Wuwang Pavilion!

"This matter is of great importance. It is my brother in the rebel army who is responsible for tracking."

Ye Wunian guessed what Gu Chen was thinking at once, and replied with a wry smile.

Gu Chen nodded when he heard the words, if this is the case, it will save him from using a knife on the inside of Wuwang Pavilion again.

"If there is any further news, I promise to tell you the truth. Maybe my brother has already got the clue, and it may be handed over to the rebel army."

"You just need to wait for the rebel army to contact you, and then the rebel army will introduce you to Mr. Gu."

"The tripartite alliance is indeed the best choice. You have made a good move."

Ye Wunian felt a little uncomfortable, the result was a happy one, and it was a good thing for him, but the hurdle in his heart couldn't be overcome after all.

"Where is the place where Qiankun will refine Kanshui ghost lotus in Yueguo? Do you know?"

However, Gu Chen was dissatisfied with the current situation, and his eyes lit up.

Under his deliberate blockade of news, Yueguo's information lagged behind, that is to say, it will take a while for Qiankun to find out that Ye Wunian has fallen into his hands!

This period of time difference is extremely rare, thinking that he has controlled the situation in Dasheng, the supply chain of Kanshui Ghost Lotus is likely to still be there!

Gu Chen wants to go there himself to determine what kind of place it is. It would be great if he can snatch the Kanshui ghost lotus!

Even if he wants to make peace with Qian Kun afterwards, his behavior is just to make sure what Ye Wunian said is true, Qian Kun will have nothing to do with him!

"Where are you going? You already have the chance to win, so there's no need for extra complications, right?"

Ye Wunian said worriedly, he had finally settled with Gu Chen, if something happened to him in Yue Kingdom, God knows what would happen next.

"Just tell me what I want to know. Remember, if you hide anything and cause me to have an accident in Yue Kingdom, my people will tell the world about you and the Qiankun Society as soon as possible. "

Gu Chen warned indifferently, Ye Wunian could only describe it truthfully with a wry smile.

"That place is called the refinery, and it's located in a mountain range less than a hundred miles away from the Moon Kingdom..."

Gu Chen carefully memorized the location of the refinery, and then said to Ni Bodhisattva and the patriarch of the Yinlong clan: "Continue to detain him. If the rebels arrive before I return, let them wait."

"You want to go to the Moon Kingdom alone?" the Yinlong Clan patriarch hesitated.

Ye Wunian threatened the Qiankun Society with the existence of the refinery. Even if the Qiankun Society had reached a consensus to cooperate with him, they would definitely strengthen their guard at the refinery, and maybe even evacuated.

At present, they have controlled the situation of all parties, and there is no need to do more.

"What he said may not be true, it's better to confirm it with your own eyes."

Gu Chen glanced at Ye Wunian and lied.

He was sure what Ye Wunian said was true, and he had indeed won the Dasheng game, but only a Dasheng was nothing to Fang Yuan, what he wanted was his life!

The refinery is related to Fang Yuan's gate of life, what Ye Wunian said is really limited, he can only go through it himself, maybe there will be surprise discoveries.

These are not easy to explain to others, Gu Chen can only find an excuse.

After explaining the matters to be paid attention to to the two of them, Gu Chen instructed the Promise Tyrannosaurus Rex to sit in Peidu, and then it broke through the sky and went straight to the Moon Kingdom!

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