Whether it is from the fire to the universe or the hammer with the sun and the moon, they are powerful killing moves that cannot be used too many times.

And the Rage God Valley is hundreds of miles long, and both of them immediately realized how difficult it is to get out.

Although they knew that the Valley of the Rage Gods was dangerous, its reputation was far less vicious than the Ghost Market. In the past, there were often rumors of people getting out alive, but they didn't expect this to be the case!

"It's all my fault, I overestimated myself."

Ji Lanchu smiled wryly.

"Don't think about anything else, go as far as you can go!"

Gu Chen gritted his teeth, within a short while, the flowers, plants and trees had gathered together again.

He patted the spirit animal bag on his waist, and the white ape jumped out of it immediately.

In the current situation, they need to use all available power to hope to get out of here alive!


In the border town of Youzhou, headed by the bald man who once appeared in Huaning Mountain, a group of soldiers from Tianjing Mansion looked tense, and there was a mirror floating in the void in front of them.

Not far from them, there was a row of poles with heads hanging upside down.

If you identify it carefully, you will be shocked to find that this actually belongs to a group of monks from the Yin Yang Sword Sect.

In the past few days, due to the delay in finding the princess, the Yin Yang Sword Sect has been removed from this world!

"A bunch of trash!"

In the floating mirror, a figure could be vaguely seen, and there was a voice containing anger.

That person yelled across the boundless void, but the many soldiers of the Tianjing Mansion did not dare to take a breath.

"Nowadays there are rumors from the outside world, saying that Princess Lanchu abandoned the young master for other men, the rumors are as ugly as they are!"

"The young master has already known about this, and he is very angry. If you don't find Princess Lanchu as soon as possible, and cut the villain into pieces, I'm afraid the young master and even my Huangfu family will become a joke in the whole Kyushu!"

"Hong Dalong, you are a relative of my Huangfu family, you should know what to do at this time!"

When the bald head heard this, his expression was awe-inspiring.

"My lord, these subordinates have not dared to slack off in the past few days, and have been searching for Princess Lanchu with all their strength! It's just that the princess and the murderer are too cunning, and the hints given by the life master are too vague."

"Hmph, don't make excuses, dereliction of duty is dereliction of duty!"

Humanity in the mirror.

"Yes, it's my incompetence."

Hong Dalong smiled wryly.

"Since you know that you are not capable of doing things, you should go through fire and water and do your best to complete the task. Regarding the whereabouts of Princess Lanchu, the life teacher of the Ming family has already determined the location after repeated deduction."

The person in the mirror changed his subject.

"Oh? Where is the princess?"

Hong Dalong's expression brightened.

"The Rage God Valley! The Commander infers that the princess will leave Kyushu via the Rage God Valley, maybe she has entered the valley now."

Hong Dalong's expression suddenly became ugly, "How could it be the Valley of the Gods..."

"What? Don't dare to go?"

The voice of the person in the mirror raised a bit.

Hong Dalong felt terrified in his heart at the moment, knowing that his superiors had charged him with incompetence, but he would not allow himself any excuses.

I'm afraid I have to go to the Valley of the Gods of Desolation!

"You should do your best in a humble job, and you will not hesitate to go up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire!"

He gritted his teeth quickly and said.

"Very good, this is decent. If you can successfully bring back Princess Lanchu this time and tear that murderer into pieces, the Huangfu family will not treat you badly."

After the person in the mirror knocked the stick, he promised a sweet treat.

"My lord, I don't know the result of the fortune teller's divination for the murderer? What does he look like, and what are his characteristics? Only by knowing these, can the subordinates complete the task better."

Hong Dalong thought deeply.

"As for the murderer, the life master didn't figure it out."

The person in the mirror was silent for a moment before speaking.

"Didn't figure it out? How could it be? The life master can even figure out Princess Lanchu, how could he not figure out a mere thief?"

Hong Dalong was shocked at the moment.

"I don't know the specific situation. Maybe the murderer is a little special. All in all, Princess Lanchu's safety is the top priority. You immediately go to the Valley of the Gods and bring her back alive."


Hong Dalong took the order, and the light of the suspended mirror quickly disappeared and fell into his hand.

"Let's go! Let's go to the Rage God Valley!"


Gu Chen and Ji Lanchu have been advancing in the Rage God Valley for a day and a night.

During this day, they tried their best. Many of Ji Lanchu's magic weapons completely collapsed in order to open the way, and Gu Chen even used a one-time forbidden talisman and many spiritual talismans.

The two of them used almost all the methods they could, but they were still forty miles away from the exit of Rage God Valley.

The more the vegetation in the Rage God Valley is destroyed and revived, the crazier it will be, and the continuous offensive has almost exhausted their vitality.

Even the white ape, after many shots, was exhausted and out of breath. In order to prevent accidents, Gu Chen forcibly took it back into the spirit animal bag.

The magic weapons that can be used are used up, and the magic charms are also exhausted.

Mental and physical strength are about to reach their limits, and Yuanli is almost exhausted, but there is still a full forty miles ahead.

To make matters worse, both were injured during the fight.

"We can't go any further, let's rest here."

Gu Chen found a blind corner under the cliff, and hid there with Ji Lanchu, and used the little energy left to cast the Spinning Prison.

The void around them was completely distorted immediately, and many plants wanted to attack, but they were blocked.

Seeing this scene, Gu Chen felt a little relieved, and sat down on the ground.

Ji Lanchu's face was extremely pale, half of her clothes were stained with blood, she fell down before she could sit down.

"Are you OK?"

Gu Chen asked immediately, a little worried.

"These vegetation will plunder people's vitality. I was accidentally tricked before, and now my body is empty of energy and blood."

Ji Lanchu tried her best to show a smile. Under the crisis, her smile still had a thrilling beauty.

"I can probably see the weirdness of this Valley of the Rage God. The plants in the valley can plunder the life energy, so there is only a hundred miles of dead silence outside the valley."

Gu Chen nodded and said, they gradually understood the weirdness here during the battle.

The reason why the flowers, plants and trees here are immortal is closely related to their ability to plunder vitality.

This kind of plunder is extremely terrifying. It has created a large area of ​​desolation outside the Rage God Valley, and people entering the valley are like food for these plants.

"I'm afraid it's not these flowers and plants that will steal life, but rather this valley. I can feel that since I was injured, the life in my body is slowly passing away, being absorbed by the magnetic field that exists in this valley."

Ji Lanchu's eyes dimmed, and she seemed weak even when speaking.

Gu Chen was silent, and he also felt it, but the blood energy in his body was extremely majestic, and the plundered life energy was relatively small, and he couldn't feel much of the impact.

"Don't think so much, heal your wounds quickly." Gu Chen said.

Ji Lan looked at Gu Chen fixedly at first, and suddenly spoke.

"Chen Gu, you can leave alone."

(end of this chapter)

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