"The most urgent thing is to leave this Mandala City. Since the Takiyama Army has wiped out the Yue family, they will not let you go. As a human race, if you continue to stay in this city, you will be discovered sooner or later."

Gu Chen talked about the business.

"The gates of the city are probably blocked, how can I escape?"

Yue Hongyu showed a confused look.

"It's not difficult. I'll teach you another quick method of transformation, which is enough to fool the Takiyama Army's eyeliner."

Gu Chen pointed at the kneeling Yue Hongyu's eyebrows, Yue Hongyu closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembling slightly.

This method of transformation comes from the Great Transformation Technique. Although it does not even reach the level of small Taoism for quick success, it is only temporarily transformed into one or two specific characters. Gu Chen is sure that no one in this city can see through it.

The method of transformation quickly became familiar to the heart, and Gu Chen's transmission seemed to be directly imprinted on the soul. It was obviously the first contact, but it seemed to have been memorized by heart.

Yue Hongyu is no stranger to this feeling, and knows that this mysterious senior is too powerful.

She seized the time to comprehend the law of transformation in her dream. Sure enough, as the senior said, this is a quick formula, and she mastered it very quickly.

When waking up from the alley and returning to the cold reality, Yue Hongyu restrained the trace of sadness deep in her eyes, and quickly used the method of change.

She transformed into the most numerous and ubiquitous Lei Ling clansman in Mandala City, and then walked out of the alley.

The Thunder Spirit race is similar to the human race, but they generally have pointed ears and silvery skin. They are the race with the largest population and the widest distribution in this minefield.

Most of this family are born close to the thunder element in the air, but like the human race, because of the huge number, they have derived many branches.

Some branches have mediocre talents but amazing fecundity, and some branches have extreme talents, just like the various powerful physiques of the human race, and the overlords born due to the inheritance of physique.

Emperor Shenxiao, the pillar of Leiyu, represented the Shenxiao royal family, which was originally a branch of the Leiling clan.

The Thunder Spirit Clan is huge in number, and the different groups don't look alike, so they are undoubtedly the best disguise targets in Mandala City.

Moreover, although the general Leiling clan has no status, but because of the blood connection with the Shenxiao imperial clan that may be separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, they cannot be like the Ke clan and the human race. was killed.

No matter how aggressive the Longshan Army was, they would not dare to exterminate the Leiling Clan in this city, that would offend too many people, not to mention that there were quite a few soldiers of the Thunderling Clan in the Longshan Army.

Yue Hongyu encountered a catastrophe suddenly, but there was no chaos, and he considered it very properly.

The dark crow transformed by Gu Chen kept watching her in the dark, and saw that she did not leave Mandala City immediately, but instead hid in the city and blended into the crowd.

Like a bystander, she listened to the constant discussions in the city about the murder of the Yue family and the Ke family, and tried her best to keep herself in the crowd without being high-profile, so as to avoid the attention of the Takiyama Army.

She stayed in the city for several days, waiting until the limelight passed and the Takiyama Army's conscription in Mandala City was over.

Black Flag of the Longshan Army did not give any explanation as to why the Ke clan and the Yue clan were to be exterminated.

The so-called conscription is just a formality, the black flag's Master Kutu did not come in person, it seems that for some reason he has lost interest in conscription.

When the soldiers and horses of the Longshan Army marched away a few days later, all the tribes in Mandala City breathed a sigh of relief.

When the black flag was in one day, everyone was worried about a sudden catastrophe and falling into the fate of the Ke and Yue families.

Yue Hongyu watched the enemy leave, she was safe, and before leaving Mandala City, she ventured back to Yue Mansion.

The Yue Mansion had already been reduced to ruins in the bloodbath a few days ago, and the bones of all relatives were burned to ashes.

Yue Hongyu stood in the ruins and mourned silently, and finally found the statue of the emperor of the human race that he had always enshrined in the attic ruins of the small courtyard where he lived.

After the Longshan army wiped out the Yue family, they ransacked the place completely, and some valuable things left behind were also wiped out by bold people in the past few days.

The workmanship of this wooden statue is poor, and it doesn't look like a valuable thing, so naturally no one patronizes it.

Yue Hongyu picked up the statue, gently wiped it clean with her cuff, and put it in her carry-on bag.

After that, she left Mandala City without looking back, and walked alone in the opposite direction to the direction Takiyama Army left.

During this journey, Yue Hongyu slept in the open until he felt safe, and then he took a rest in a cave on the top of a mountain. He was already unkempt and embarrassed.

Although the world is big, I seem to have nowhere to go.

Yue Hongyu was alone, thinking of the senior she always saw in her dreams, now that she left Mandala City, would she still see him?

While thinking, she saw a pair of indifferent golden eyes from the shadow on the side of the cave.

"who is it?"

She was startled, and when she looked carefully, it turned out to be an extremely black crow!

"it's me."

Gu Chen spoke calmly, exactly like the voice in the dream.

Leaving Mandala City, the potential threat has disappeared, Gu Chen wants Yue Hongyu to do things for him, it's time to meet up, it's always inconvenient to talk in a dream.

"Senior? Is it you?"

After Yue Hongyu was shocked, Qiao's face was relieved.

In her dream, she didn't care why the handsome and handsome senior turned into a crow. What she feared most was being abandoned by her senior.

After several days of worrying and worrying, I relaxed at this moment, and all the exhaustion surged up together.

"Take a good rest and sleep, everything will pass."

Gu Chen's voice exerted a mental influence, which had the effect of calming the nerves and helping sleep, and Yue Hongyu quickly fell into a deep sleep.

During this sleep, no one disturbed her in her dream. When Yue Hongyu woke up, it was already dawn, and the crow was still there.

Her spirit recovered a lot, she got up and saluted Gu Chen.

Gu Chen accepted the obeisance calmly, and glanced at the ugly statue in Yue Hongyu's luggage.

"Why take the risk of taking this wooden statue out of the city? Don't you know that if it is investigated, it may expose you as a human race?"

According to Gu Chen's observation in the past few days, Yue Hongyu's performance after the great change was very decent.

First of all, she was very smart in not rushing out of the city after acquiring the method of change. The investigation she encountered at the beginning of going out of the city must have been the most stringent, and there must have been a lot of Takiyama soldiers patrolling outside the city.

You must know that if the matter is really related to the fact that Ke Long replaced her to go to Nihuang Academy, then Ke Long who left in good time before the catastrophe is imminent will be hunted down by the Takiyama army.

It would be fine if Ke Lun was caught up and killed if he lost his mind. If he was smart enough, or if there was something hidden in the whole incident, and he changed his appearance to avoid it, then the search net outside the city in those few days would definitely be stronger than that inside the city. strict.

The fact that Yue Hongyu can think of this proves that she is rational and calm enough.

She ventured back to Yue's house afterwards to express her condolences. This was an act of affection. Gu Chen would not help a person who was ruthless to his parents and siblings, because such a person could backstab him at any time, so this behavior was also a bonus.

But Yue Hongyu insisted on taking the risk of taking away the statue, Gu Chen didn't understand, even though the statue represented him.

"You enshrine the great emperor of the human race every day, but he has failed to protect you. Why do you still worship such a god?"

Gu Chen asked.

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