For a moment, Gu Chen's footsteps stopped!

Spiritual mysticism!

Huangfu Qingming had learned too much, one spell was deciphered, and another one was cast immediately!

Gu Chen fell into the illusion, his eyes became fierce, and he immediately used the secret method of mental decryption!

Huangfu Qingming's cultivation base is stronger than him, and his spiritual power is also far stronger than him. If he wants to break his spiritual mystery, he can only forcibly improve his own spiritual power!

Under the mental deciphering, Gu Chen's mental power suddenly increased by five times, and Ziji pupil immediately lit up!

He saw through the illusory and quickly deciphered the illusion, and this was only a short thought away!


After the hallucination receded, Gu Chen saw Huangfu Qingming stabbing his chest with a jade sword in his hand!

"So soon it will be cracked?"

Huangfu Qingming's expression changed, he didn't expect Gu Chen to wake up from his illusion so quickly.

The sword was already close at hand, and it was too late for Gu Chen to use other means, so a strange syllable came out of his mouth.


He used the sound wave skill, and Huangfu Qingming suddenly felt that everything from his body to his soul was shocked!

His jade sword came out of his hand, because the distance of the sound wave burst was too close, and his frail body couldn't bear it, and he spit out blood with a wow!


He immediately fled to a distance, his expression was particularly gloomy!

Damn it!

His spells were broken one after another!

He originally thought that Gu Chen was just physically strong, but he had all sorts of supernatural powers!

Among other things, although he is proficient in various spells, he is not as good as the other party in terms of sound waves!

Gu Chen hurt Huangfu Qingming with sound waves, and had a deeper understanding of his frailty.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

Holding the whale-slaying knife, he approached the opponent at an extremely fast speed, and at the same time, the five internal organs in his body sang together, and the sound waves rolled out.

The two started a high-speed chase. Huangfu Qingming's speed was not slower than Gu Chen's, so his sword repeatedly missed the air.

However, the sound wave was invisible, he could dodge the knife, but he was helpless against the sound wave, and the blood in his body was messed up.

"Damn it! If it weren't for the failure to consolidate the Dao body in the secret place of Wanlong, how could we be in this situation now?"

Under Huangfu Qingming's embarrassment, he was furious in his heart. If he had successfully tempered his Taoist body at that time, he would have almost no cover, and Gu Chen would not be able to act presumptuously at all!

Contrary to Huangfu Qingming, Gu Chen had an astonishing good fortune in the secret place of Wanlong, which raised his physical body to another level from the original horror.

His sonic attack is issued by powerful organs, the stronger the body, the greater the power of the sonic naturally, Huangfu Qingming can be said to have suffered a great loss in this.

The situation on the field became clear, and Huangfu Qingming fell into a disadvantage. Although his spells emerged endlessly, it seemed that he was always restrained by Gu Chen at critical moments, and instead suffered frequently.

"This is not right!"

Many elders of Huangfu's family couldn't sit still, Huangfuyi looked at his son and frowned. "Qing Ming has good luck to protect him, and he always wins when he fights with others, but today when he fights against the remnants of the Gu family, it seems that he always suffers at critical moments!"

"You must know that his cultivation base is much higher than the opponent's. This situation has never been seen before!"

"Could it be that the remnants of the Gu family have better luck than him?" Huangfude couldn't help but ask.

"How is this possible, don't forget how Qing Ming was born?"

Huangfuyi gritted his teeth and said.

Huangfu Wuji's face gradually became gloomy, and he glanced at a certain place on the VIP table.

A group of people from Mingjia sat there.

"How come, he should be the son of the era in the prophecy, but right now, luck has disappeared!"

Qingniu stared at the battle in the arena, and a touch of surprise appeared in his dark red pupils.

Because it was particularly concerned about this battle, it wanted to know whether its master would win or lose, so it used a secret method to spy on his luck again.

But the result of this spying surprised it!

Back in the Eastern Wasteland, the reason why it recognized Huangfu Qingming as its master when it saw him was because it used secret methods to spy on him and found that his luck was extremely prosperous, so it believed that he was the son of the era that it had been looking for for a long time.

However, right now, the other party's luck disappeared at some point, as if someone had wiped it out!

"Thinking about it carefully, it is true that Lao Niu made a mistake in the Myriad Dragons Secret Ground earlier, but if his luck is still there, it is impossible to fail in tempering the Taoist body. In other words, his luck has disappeared at that time."

"Since we met in Donghuang, I have followed him almost all the way. It stands to reason that if his luck suddenly disappears, I should feel abnormal!"

Qingniu's eyes flickered, recalling whether there was any abnormality during this period.

"By the way, in that ghost market..."

It quickly shrank its pupils, remembering the scene when it accompanied Huangfu Qingming into the ghost market.

At that time, it was attracted away by some abnormal movements, and when it came back, it found that Huangfu Qingming was surrounded by chains, half-human, half-ghost.

At that time, that guy gave it an extremely evil feeling. It thought there would be a big battle, but it didn't expect that the other party left in the end.

It thought about it, and if it was possible to say when Huangfu Qingming's luck would be wiped out, that would be the only time!

"It can actually erase a person's luck and make the other person's luck plummet from now on. What is the origin of the guy in the ghost market? But if he is really a child of the era, how can his luck be erased?"

Qingniu's eyes gradually became gloomy, it has already judged that Huangfu Qingming is probably not the son of the era that he has been looking for for many years.

Since the other party is not the son of the era, thinking of his bad attitude towards him recently, it became angry.

It subconsciously glanced at the field again, and it still maintains the secret method that can spy on luck.

"This, this, that kid, his luck is even better than Huangfu Qingming's before!"

It stood up almost immediately, looking at Gu Chen with great excitement.

"He is the son of the era, he is the son of the era! Master, damn the old cow, he was an enemy of the master before!"

Leaving aside the turmoil in Qingniu's heart, Huangfu Qingming, who was tirelessly annoyed by Gu Chen's sonic attack, was completely furious!

"You scoundrel of the Gu family, you managed to piss me off!"

Huangfu Qingming fled fifty feet away from Gu Chen, his expression became extremely ferocious.

He originally wanted to use all kinds of spells to torture the opponent, but he didn't know if his luck was too bad, the opponent always happened to have restraint means.

His own embarrassment made him unbearable, so he decided to kill the other party in one go!

I saw nine-colored rays erupting from his body, and mysterious portals appeared one after another in the Taoist body!

"Shu door, life door, injury door, Du door, scene door, death door, shock door, open door!"

He murmured, "There are eight doors in the human body, and there are also eight doors in the body of Taoism. When the eight doors are opened together, the Tao follows nature, and all dharmas return to the sect!"

(end of this chapter)

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