"That's right, most of his analysis about the secret of Heaven's Bagu is probably correct."

"It's just that the military strategists have something to say, and the truth is true, and the truth is false. If you mix a sentence or two of lies with a lot of truth, you may gain the complete trust of others."

"Sovereign, you mean that reincarnated people cannot be trusted?" Huang Pingzhang couldn't help asking.

"It's not certain yet, but he must be hiding something. It's just that he is really useful to us now, and we need to observe it." Gu Chen said.

"That's why the suzerain said to send people to Huaning Mountain?" Several people suddenly realized.

"Yes, let's send someone to observe him first to see if there is anything unusual about him. In any case, at least I have obtained the only copy of "The Heaven and Earth" and it can be regarded as a harvest."

Gu Chen smiled slightly.

"So that's it, the suzerain is really cunning."

Yu Chizhong clicked his tongue secretly, his age was several times that of Gu Chen's, why didn't he develop such a mind?

"What cunning, the suzerain is resourceful, isn't it?"

Huang Pingzhang immediately gave him a blank look, and flattered him without showing the mountains or the water.

"Anyway, let him be busy first. Also send some people to offer rewards for suitable extreme organs on the black market. We must prepare for the worst."

Gu Chen's expression became serious. If the next battle is really urgent, even if there is a risk, he may have to carry out the transplant.

After all, this is currently the only way to defeat Huangfu Wuji.


Inside Badu Imperial Palace, Huangfu Wuji sat on the dragon chair, bowed his head and said nothing.

There are frequent reports of military news ahead, the fall of Youzhou, the death of the prince in battle, and the change of people's minds in all parts of Kyushu. His country is now in jeopardy.

Facing such a dangerous environment, Huangfu Wuji was no longer as angry as before, but only gloomy and depressed.

In the past, the overlord had repeatedly opposed him, and the reason why he was furious was because he felt that an ant would offend him, which would damage his dignity.

But the other party has now become the Heavenly Emperor who covers the sky with one hand in the dark world, and the leader of the Five Clans Alliance. The relationship between the two parties has been equal. He can't reproduce the slightest anger, some are just jealous, and some are just tense.

Down below Shen Xudong and other important officials of the imperial court were there, as were the bamboo hat man and several Tianmingwei, all reporting to him the dire situation.

A few months ago, he was still the great virtuous, mighty and godly emperor, and all the lands in the Kyushu obeyed his orders. Even the major alien races were afraid of him and came to court from all over the world.

However, how long has passed now, the Huangquan Building has betrayed him, the Underworld Palace has been devastated, and he no longer has the slightest right to speak in the dark world.

The four major alien races cooperated with the Heavenly Court to attack him head-on, and even in various parts of Kyushu, rebellious forces continued to appear.

All of a sudden, he actually felt that he was alone.

What a great irony.

Thinking of these, Huangfu Wuji's eyes were as cold as ice for thousands of years.

"Your Majesty, the battle situation is urgent now. When the coalition forces of the five clans gain a firm foothold in Youzhou, they may come straight to the capital. We must make a decision as soon as possible."

Seeing that Huangfu Wuji seemed to be distracted, Shen Xudong couldn't help reminding him.

Being reminded by this, Huangfu Wuji glanced at the man in the bamboo hat.

"What do you think we should do now?"

At such a critical moment, he didn't trust all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and only the man in the bamboo hat trusted him.

I don't know how many of these officials followed him because he was coerced by him. God knows how many privately hoped for his death.

Only the man in the bamboo hat has always been his right-hand man. The Underworld Palace was established with his help, and he can rely on him to a large extent for his current power.

Although he often had problems recently, Huangfu Wuji still trusted him more at critical times.

"My lord, the reason why Overlord can push us into this situation is largely because he is good at finding allies."

The man in the bamboo hat's eyes flickered with ghost fire, "He has the support of the four great alien races, the King of Weapons, and even the traitors from within Kyushu, and he was able to take Youzhou at an almost miraculous speed."

Huangfu Wuji nodded and continued to listen.

"So if we want to deal with him, we should also try our best to form an alliance with others and use the forces that can be used."

Huangfu Wuji couldn't help frowning, "The major forces in Kyushu are already under the control of the imperial court, but you have also seen that they were defeated by the coalition forces of the five races. It is a shame. Apart from them, we still have What forces can we find to cooperate with?"

The man in the bamboo hat laughed strangely. "Your Excellency, you should not blame the major forces. Although they formed an army under the conscript, they have not undergone rigorous training and cooperation. Naturally, they are in disarray. Under the premise of the rebellion of the Qianlian Sacred Sect, and the overlord has the weapon king's arsenal, It’s no surprise that you fail.”

"Although they failed, many holy places and holy sects evacuated Youzhou in time, preserving their combat power to the greatest extent, and they can still be used by us."

"Now they have gathered with the troops of Tianjing Mansion and Hadeshen Palace and are stationed in Qingzhou. The Tianming Legion is our elite army. Your lord has personally cultivated it for many years. It is different from the coalition of various forces like a mess of sand."

"As long as the monks from various forces are dispersed into our elite army, I believe the situation in Youzhou will never happen again."

"In addition, apart from them, we can actually form an alliance with another force."

Huangfu Wuji showed surprise on his face, "Which other force can help us now?"

The man in the bamboo hat smiled sinisterly. "Jie Jie Jie, sir, do you still remember the Rage God Sect? Although this sect is a cult, it has a great influence in Kyushu. They have a large number of followers, and there are many powerful monks at the top. They can definitely be used by us."


The faces of many officials present could not help but change, and Shen Xudong objected on the spot.

"Nonsense! The Rage God Sect is notoriously extreme. If we cooperate with them, we must recognize their status and allow them to teach and preach, which will bring disastrous consequences to Kyushu!"

Anyone who has a little understanding of the teachings of the Rage God will know how crazy and extreme they are. They believe in the Rage God, and they can kill innocent people indiscriminately for this.

That is a group of lunatics who regard human life as worthless!

"Jie Jie, just take advantage of it temporarily."

The man in the bamboo hat said disapprovingly, "My lord, the Alliance of Five Clans has just gained a firm foothold in Youzhou, and in Youzhou there is the Rage God Valley, which is the most powerful place for the Rage God Sect."

"If we form an alliance with the Rage God Sect and promise them benefits, they will be able to cause chaos in Youzhou and disrupt the progress of the Alliance of Five Clans."

Huangfu Wuji was moved when he heard this. "The people of the Rage God Sect have always been elusive, will they be willing to cooperate?"

Hearing this, the man in the bamboo hat smiled even brighter. "Jiejiejie, ever since the white sun star appeared, the Rage God Cult has regarded the overlord as a disaster star and has always wanted to kill him. You can rest assured, they are absolutely willing to help us!"

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