Samsara Sanren gave a suggestion yesterday, Gu Chen decided to believe him, give it a try, if the method really works, then the crisis in front of him will naturally collapse.

"Jie Jie Jie, Overlord, do you want to single-handedly single out my pet?"

"Huh? Who is that guy next to you? Never seen it before."

The man in the bamboo hat smiled strangely, wondering what Gu Chen wanted to do.

Gu Chen stood high above the plain, and countless monks from both armies looked at him, holding their breath for a moment.

"Be careful, the Emperor of Heaven is about to attack!"

In the direction of the Tianming Legion, several Tianmingwei immediately issued an order to be vigilant, as if they were facing an enemy.

People in bamboo hats can be so easily arrogant, but they dare not.

After all, when Gu Chen was still the overlord, he created countless miracles, such as the name of a person and the shadow of a tree.

Since he became the Emperor of Heaven, he has rarely put on such a posture!

Gu Chen stared coldly at hundreds of giant octopus monsters, slowly closed his eyes, and recalled what Samsara Sanren said yesterday in his mind.

"This kind of sea beast lives in the deep sea all year round. Although its body has a strong recovery ability and is difficult to kill, it has a fatal weakness, that is, it is particularly sensitive to sound."

"If the sound can reach a specific frequency, it can cause great damage to them, causing them to lose control and run away."

As Gu Chen thought about it, all internal organs in his body trembled slightly.

From his body, with the heart as the center, a drum-like sound began to be heard.

Pounding! Pounding!

He was covered in golden light, and his five internal organs were buzzing, and sharp sound waves came out from within his body, gradually spreading and getting bigger.

The Samsara Loose Practitioner next to him listened hard, feeling a little uncomfortable under Gu Chen's sound wave skills.

The sound gradually became louder and spread throughout the entire world.

Every time Gu Chen's heart beat, countless ordinary soldiers could feel the blood flowing back in their bodies when they heard it.

Gu Chen originally had good attainments in the field of sound waves, but his power became obviously stronger after stepping into the realm of heaven and man.

The viscera in his body kept beating at high frequency, and the sound was sometimes sharp and sometimes thick.

Samsara Loose Practitioner listened carefully, at a certain moment, suddenly said. "That's the frequency!"


Gu Chen's eyes opened suddenly, two beams of light burst out, and at the same time he waved his hand forward, and punched out a super-stressed killing punch!


It's just that this punch was different from the past, it didn't produce a sonic boom, but instead formed a strange sound in the world!

The sound spread and covered hundreds of miles!

When the monks of the two armies heard the sound, they only felt like tinnitus, and did not feel any discomfort.

"what happened?"

The cultivators of the Tianming Legion, who were facing a great enemy, were stunned. Overlord's sonic attack was a famous skill, but now it didn't cause any harm to them?

"Oops, not good..."

The man in the bamboo hat changed slightly when he heard the sound.


The buzzing sound spread, and the hundreds of octopus monsters heard it, and their advancing steps suddenly stopped!

Afterwards, they all uttered terrified screams, turned around suddenly, and fled in a panic in the opposite direction to where Gu Chen was!

The direction of this escape is exactly where the Tianming Army is. Hundreds of octopus monsters rushed towards the Tianming Army like crazy!

"Stop for me! Stop!"

The man in the bamboo hat was frightened and angry, and tried to control a group of monsters, but their weak intelligence had been overwhelmed by fear, and they didn't obey orders at all!

"Set up the formation! Hurry up and set up the formation!"

A number of Tianmingwei quickly came to their senses, and immediately imitated the method of the five-race alliance yesterday to launch a defensive circle.

It's just that hundreds of octopus monsters are coming menacingly. Although the magic circle blocked part of it, some octopus monsters crossed the line of defense and rushed into the army!

The octopus monsters were terrified, as if they just wanted to escape from this place, they didn't care how many people were in front of them, they rampaged, and the poisonous gas spread everywhere!

For a moment, the battle formation of the Tianming Legion was completely chaotic. Countless soldiers from the Tianjing Palace and killers from the Hadeshen Palace were directly turned into blood in the impact, and there was no time to scream!


It's a doomsday scene!

It was originally used as a trump card to target the Allied Forces of the Five Clans, but I didn't expect that the overlord did something, and all the octopuses went out of control!

Screams and cries filled the Tianming Legion for a while, and those soldiers who were protected by the magic circle couldn't help feeling cold all over their bodies when they saw their companions being corroded to death one by one.

On the side of the coalition forces of the five races, seeing that the Heavenly Emperor just threw a punch, all the octopus monsters rebelled against the bamboo hat man, followed his orders, and their morale was boosted for a while, shouting the name of the overlord!

Although Gu Chen is already the Emperor of Heaven, the title of Overlord is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Apart from the howls of a large number of soldiers from the Tianming Legion, only the cheers of the coalition soldiers are left in the audience.

Gu Chen looked at the scene in the distance and secretly clicked his tongue.

Although Samsara Sanren had informed him of the possible effects, the actual scene was still more heroic than imagined.

"The knowledge of Sanren is really profound. Gu thinks that he has made some achievements in the field of sound waves, but he is nothing compared to Sanren."

Gu Chen said with emotion from the bottom of his heart, he felt a little admiration for the Samsara scattered people around him.

Although he practiced sonic attack, he didn't know that there was so much knowledge about "frequency".

It turns out that different sound wave frequencies have different effects on different creatures.

Some sound wave frequencies are harmless to the human race, but have great lethality to another race;

There are some sonic frequencies that humans can't feel at all, but some creatures can use them to communicate.

This kind of knowledge was unheard of, and opened a brand new door for him to practice the law of sound waves in the future.

"It's all theory. If you, Overlord, are not proficient in sonic attacks, how could we be so smooth?"

Samsara Loose Cultivator smiled.

"It's a pity. If you can take advantage of the victory and pursue it at this time, you will definitely get huge results."

Gu Chen said regretfully.

Because the hundreds of octopus monsters are raging in the Tianming army, they will also be attacked if they send troops now, so they can only wait and see from a distance, and cannot expand the results of the battle.

However, this is already very satisfying, the problem of the octopus monster was finally solved, and it also dealt a major blow to the Tianming Legion!

The morale of the Allied Forces of the Five Races has been low these days, and today's victory is particularly important.

Thinking of this, Gu Chen looked a little more grateful to Samsara Sanren.

He had always been suspicious of the other party, but now, he couldn't help but trust him a little more.

On that day, when hundreds of out-of-control octopus monsters were finally dealt with, the Tianming Legion suffered an incalculable loss!

The man in the bamboo hat wanted to severely injure the coalition forces of the five races, but he didn't expect to be severely slapped in the face by Gu Chen!

This seemed to have dealt a huge blow to him, and afterwards he sat alone on the battlefield, looking devastated.

"I didn't expect Gu Chen to crack the bamboo hat man's ultimate move so quickly."

Mu Ziyu, Qi Zeyan and the others looked at the depressed man in the hat from a distance, and felt emotional.

The current Gu Chen is really terrifying, such an unfavorable situation has been reversed within a day.

Right now, the two sides are enemies. While admiring their old friend, several people also have strong vigilance.

The octopus monster's strategy is useless, I'm afraid it's time for them to fight the coalition forces head-on!

Next, the last resort is either they die, or Gu Chen dies!

While everyone was looking at Xiao Suo's back and lamenting his failure as a commander, no one noticed that the mouth of the bamboo hat man who looked down and looked as if he had been hit hard was slightly raised.

That doesn't look like a forced smile of a loser, but reveals a taste of conspiracy...

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