"What exactly were the gods looking for 30,000 years ago?"

Gu Chen was extremely curious, but because of something, a battle across the vast starry sky was triggered!

He has never felt the cruelty of the war in ancient times, but judging from the dangers of the ghost market and the ancient land of demon gods, the gods back then were absolutely extremely powerful.

The inheritance they left on the mainland has been affecting the development of the Kunlun Continent to this day. There is a reason for the ancestors to seal this place.

"This is already a history of 30,000 years ago. Even in the Fairy Continent, there are very few people who understand this past."

Gu Yuan looked deeply, "The gods who descended back then were all annihilated by our ancestors, and what they were looking for did not have a clear whereabouts in the end. There is a saying that the treasure that the gods were looking for ended up in the victory of the war." In the hands of the winners, and my Gu family ancestor is one of the winners."

There was a huge wave in Gu Chen's heart, "Could it be that the treasure is..."

"Grandpa knows what you're thinking." Gu Yuan smiled, "Do you think the treasure that the gods were looking for back then might be the mother root of all things?"

Gu Chen nodded involuntarily. The origin of the mother root of all things is mysterious and unpredictable. It itself has not shown any divine power, but the Tianchen Wanxiang Jue given to him is definitely a heaven-defying skill.

If there is a supreme treasure, it is definitely the mother root of all things that can bring him the Tianchen Vientiane Jue and the Thirty-Three Heavenly Secret Art!

"The origin seed, the predecessor of the mother root of all things, was indeed left behind by the ancestors of my Gu family, and some people once suspected that it was the treasure that the gods were looking for back then."

"But for tens of thousands of years, no matter how many methods my ancestors of the Gu family have tried, and even invited all the great powers of the Fairy Continent to come up with suggestions, they have not been able to discover its special features."

"Over time, everyone believed that the seed of origin was nothing special, and even most of the members of the Gu family regarded the seed of origin as a joke."

"Only the bloodline of my Gu family strictly abides by the legacy of the ancestors, and keeps this seed of origin properly from generation to generation. And it has not changed until it is in your hands, and has evolved into the mother root of all things."

Gu Yuan sighed, "Grandpa doesn't know if the mother root of all things is the treasure that the ancient gods are looking for, but it is destined for you, so you must take good care of it. It was because of this that you were not allowed to disclose anything about it before. Thinking about it, if people on the Fairy Continent know that the seed of origin has changed, even members of my Gu clan will not be able to hold back."

Gu Chen understood, and he remembered Grandpa's warning.

"Grandpa, since this Kunlun Continent is an abandoned place, where you can't even break through the realm of heaven and man, why did you come here?" Gu Chen expressed his puzzlement.

Mentioning this matter, Gu Yuan's face darkened a bit. "It's not a glorious thing to say, but you are both my grandson and the direct blood of the Gu family, and you should know that."

"My Gu family has domineering blood flowing in my body, and I was born with a strong physique. Therefore, it has grown branches and leaves for countless years, and has already become an extremely powerful ancient family in the Fairy Continent."

"Our lineage is originally the direct line of the Gu family, and we have the purest bloodline. Most of the positions of the patriarchs of the Gu family have been inherited by us."

"People who flow with the blood of the tyrant are destined to practice against the sky, and the purer the blood they have, the greater the resistance from the world. This makes the descendants of our lineage wake up later and later. Grandpa was The only remaining bloodline of the direct line, but in his twenties, he has not yet awakened the heavenly overlord."

When Gu Yuan said this, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "We used to belong to the main family, but the strength of the branch family has far surpassed the main family back then, and finally launched a coup within the family."

"The separation of the family has replaced the orthodox position of our direct line. Grandpa hadn't even awakened the overlord of the sky back then, and he was alone and lonely. In the end, he had no choice but to submit."

"Although because I belong to the same clan, the people who split up the family will not embarrass me too much on the surface. Grandpa still enjoys good treatment in the clan. But secretly, there are still some people who target me and regard me as a thorn in the flesh, so in the end grandpa Decided to go overseas and visit the Sky Burial Continent."

Gu Yuan spoke very generously, it seemed that he just wanted to come to Kunlun Continent for a walk on a whim, but Gu Chen could hear the helplessness and sadness in it.

I'm afraid that grandfather's situation back then was far more difficult than he said. Only by staying away from the Fairy Continent can some people feel at ease.

Gu Chen is no longer a fledgling kid, he is the Emperor of Heaven, so he naturally knows the way of power.

In the eyes of some members of the branch family, their own lineage may always be a threat and will threaten their rule.

Gu Chen knew what happened after that without asking. Grandpa came to Kunlun Continent, met grandma, Elder Nangong, Huangfu Wuji and others, and traveled the mainland together.

And after that, his overlord bones finally awakened in this foreign land, but he didn't expect that he was betrayed by his good brother without knowing people, and was imprisoned for decades.

Gu Chen feels angry for his grandfather, he has suffered too much in these years, and the instigator of everything is the separation of the family!

"Grandpa, since the Gu family treats you like this, why do you want me to go back to the ancestral land?"

Gu Chen couldn't help asking.

Gu Yuan was afraid that Gu Chen would regard the Gu family as an enemy because of this, so he quickly explained. "Chen'er, although some people in the family don't want to see us, there are also many people who support us."

"Originally you have the mother root of all things, and your talent is so outstanding. Grandpa didn't intend to let you take the risk of contacting the Gu family. He wanted to cultivate you well, and we will go home when you are strong enough."

"But now your bones are broken. Only by returning to the Gu clan and entering the ancestral land will you have a chance to repair it. Grandpa's way of reuniting your bones is a last resort. You have wasted decades of time in vain. Have a great future and shouldn't go my way."

"According to your talent, Grandpa believes that after you return to the family, you will definitely win for me and tell everyone who is the real direct descendant of the Gu family!"

Gu Yuan was a little excited when he said this. On Gu Chen, he entrusted his dream that he failed to realize when he was young.

Gu Chen understood his grandfather's intentions, and also realized that he might have to go to the Fairy Continent.

Only by going there can he repair the broken bones of heaven and man, break through the limit of heaven and man, and prolong his life span of only one year.

There is another reason, the father is there!

Gu Chen told his grandfather what he saw from the incomplete consciousness of the bamboo hat man. After listening to it, Gu Yuan's old face was extremely excited.

"Tianming went overseas? Did he go to the Fairy Continent? Did he go there to find a way to defeat Huangfu Wuji?"

Gu Chen nodded, "I'm afraid that's the case."

In the broken picture, he didn't know what the bamboo hat man said to his father, but he could see that his father was not forced to go overseas.

At that time, he had just awakened to the overlord of the sky, and was hunted down by Huangfu Wuji's men everywhere, so it could be said that he had no place to stay on the mainland.

Perhaps it was because the man in the bamboo hat knew something, whether it was instigation or encouragement, my father finally chose to go overseas.

But now it has been four years, and there is still no news from his father, maybe something happened in the Fairy Continent.

Gu Chen wanted to find his father, let him meet his grandfather and his son, and let him reunite with his mother and husband.

Therefore, he is going to the Fairy Continent!

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