"We went to the blue forest earlier, and it slipped into the depths by itself, and when it came back, it brought a big basin of blue sticky matter. It should be the treasure of the evil insect swarm. Once it stole it, the insect swarm went crazy attack us."

"The energy contained in that thing should be extremely amazing. Could it be that it ate too much greedily and couldn't bear it anymore?"

Gu Ziyan guessed.

"But what's with its eyes? Three-eyed white ape, I don't think there is a spirit beast similar to it."

Gu Shenming said that in the end both of them looked at Gu Chen, and only he knew the origin of the white ape best.

Perhaps, this ape is the unique spirit beast of the Sky Burial Continent.

Gu Chen looked very nervous. Last time, the white ape collapsed soon after he opened his third eye. This time, the big movement of the eyes may easily cause a greater burden.

call out!

The white ape turned over, and the gray light in his eyes projected towards the foot of the mountain, shining on a forest.


The original verdant and verdant trees were all petrified in an instant, becoming lifeless.

This scene made the three of them feel awe-inspiring, the light beam is not simple, it must not be irradiated!

The third eye of the white ape throbbed frequently, and it took a long time to vent it before it stopped, and then it fell asleep soundly like thunder.

Seeing this scene, Gu Chen couldn't help but laugh, it seems that there is not much problem with it.

He picked it up, put it in the animal bag, and then went up the mountain with the two of them.

"I'm really sorry, both of you, it has caused you trouble. Since the little guy swallowed the honey liquid all by himself, the three of us will share the treasure on the mountain equally." Gu Chen said proactively.

Originally, he had broken the restriction on the mountain by himself, so he could take half or more of it, which was also the case in the original discussion.

But the little guy didn't do it kindly, he asked Gu Ziyan and the two to take risks to deal with the swarm, while he ate up all the swarm's baby honey.

Seeing how it looks like, it obviously got great benefits after eating the honey liquid, which made Gu Chen feel bad, so he took the initiative to say so.

"Is this okay?" Gu Ziyan and Gu Shenming hesitated.

Although it is unclear how many treasures there are on the mountain, they have seen the deer that is suspected of being an elixir with their own eyes. Even if there is only this treasure, it is priceless.

They didn't help much in breaking the formation, which is equivalent to getting half of it for nothing, so I'm naturally embarrassed.

"The three of us are members of the same race and partners, so there is no need to be too polite. There are dangers everywhere in this secret realm, and we have given our lives to each other."

Gu Chen smiled carefreely, the two listened very well, and no longer hesitated.

The three of them headed towards the top of the mountain together. After breaking through the gossip formation, there was no longer any restriction here, and the road was smooth and smooth.

They soon came to the top of the mountain and found a stalactite cave.

"This is the monk's cave!"

The three of them could easily detect this from the layout, and their faces were filled with joy.

Since it is a monk's cave, there are more chances of treasures inside!

"Where did that elixir go?" Gu Ziyan's beautiful eyes became hot, looking around.

"Well, I'm afraid it was frightened by me."

Gu Chen told about the fact that he almost caught the deer before.

The movement they made to break the formation was so big, with the intelligence of that little deer, they might have already escaped.

"I hope it's still there."

The three of them entered the cave with a heart in their hands. The cave was bigger than imagined. The entrance was the living room, and there were many other stone rooms.

The three of them walked into the first stone room and found that it turned out to be a medicinal field with many medicinal herbs planted in the field.

"That's Tai Sui Grass, with nine marks on the leaves, I'm afraid it's at least 50,000 years old!"

"This is Xuanyang Zhi. It's hard to find in the Fairy Continent now, but here it actually exists, and it's probably tens of thousands of years old!"

"That's the worry-free lumen fruit, that's the Buddha's foot apricot!"

Gu Ziyan and Gu Shenming's exclamation sounded again and again. They found that the medicinal herbs planted in this medicine field are tens of thousands of years old, and they can be sold at sky-high prices!

Gu Chen is not familiar with medicinal herbs, but he just noticed that many places in this medicinal field are empty, obviously it has been swept away long ago, and the leftovers are like leftovers.

He walked towards a stone room next to the medicine field, and found a huge alchemy furnace inside, but the lid of the alchemy furnace had already been opened.

There is a row of shelves on the edge of the stone room, which are filled with various jade slips and porcelain vases.

Gu Chen's eyes lit up, and he immediately walked to those porcelain bottles and opened them one by one to look at them.


Still empty!

Everything is empty!

He checked all the porcelain bottles, but found no elixir, at most there were only some residues, indicating that there had been elixirs inside.

He was disappointed for a moment, which verified his idea that someone has already been here!

He randomly took out a jade slip on the shelf to look at it, hoping to gain something.

The text in this jade slip is very old, and Gu Chen found that he couldn't understand it.

"This is the ancient script of Canghuang Ancient Star, and its origin can be traced back to ancient times."

Gu Ziyan came to Gu Chen's side at some point, glanced at the jade slip and said.

"Ancient times? Could it be that this cave has been passed down from ancient times?"

Gu Chen was surprised, and looked at other jade slips, and found that they were all in the same language.

"This is not surprising. The ancestral land of my Gu clan has a very long history, dating back to ancient times. This secret realm existed long before our ancestors migrated from the Sky Burial Continent to the Fairy Spirit Continent."

Gu Ziyan explained.

"So it turns out that someone entered here first, and the pills here have been wiped out, and there are only tens of thousands of years left in the medicine field outside."

Gu Chen said regretfully.

The ancient times can be traced back to 300,000 years ago. If this cave has really existed for such a long time, then the medicinal herbs in the medicine field should be hundreds of thousands of years old. How could there be only tens of thousands of years? year?

The medicinal herbs that are tens of thousands of years old may be looked down upon by those who looted this cave.

"It may not be that someone is there first, come and take a look."

Gu Shenming walked into the stone room and said something to the two of them.

The two of them followed him and left the medicine field, and came to another stone room. This stone room was a refining room, where many magic weapons were placed.

It's a pity that the magic weapons here are all dull, broken and rusty.

Obviously, after such a long time, all the magic weapons can no longer be used, which makes people extremely sad.

"Although these magic weapons are no longer usable, they have been passed down from ancient times to the present. Even if they become scrap iron, the patterns on them are worth studying."

"There is also a large number of jade slips in the alchemy room, some of which are ancient alchemy formulas, which are priceless now, and are no less expensive than those in the porcelain vases, and the people who came first did not take them away."

"The only things that were taken away were pills and herbs, which means that the other party may not be human."

"You mean—the elixir with legs?"

Gu Chen and Gu Ziyan looked moved.

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