The letter from the island master of Penglai recorded what happened after he fell into a coma. After reading the entire letter, Gu Chen couldn't calm down for a long time.

The bamboo hat man and Wu Lingxian have left Canghuang Ancient Star, and their father and Bai Yuan have also left forever!

The ancestors of the Gu family sacrificed themselves voluntarily to save him, and even the immortal corpse in the eyes of the earth also gave their efforts!

He is still alive, but this life was bought with the sacrifice of many people!

His father fought desperately against the bamboo hat man for him, the white ape was taken away to save him, and even the ancestors of the Gu clan who had only met him once lost their consciousness forever in the world because of his consciousness!

"If you want revenge, if you want to return your father and the white ape, come and kill me!"

"Go and become stronger, no matter how long it takes, this seat is waiting for you in the depths of the starry sky!"

Gu Chen recalled in his mind what the person in the bamboo hat said vaguely at the end, and couldn't help clenching his fists tightly.

"No matter how long, no matter how far, I will kill you!"

He raised his head to the sky and howled, expressing his inner unwillingness, the arrogance escaping from him turned into substance, smashing all the rocks within a thousand feet around him to pieces!

After a long time, Gu Chen calmed down.

Anger and sadness are meaningless. His father has already left, and the white ape has been taken away. The only thing he can do now is to become stronger.

Only when he becomes strong enough can he take revenge on the bamboo hat man and get back his father and the white ape!

"It looks like this letter has been put away for a long time, what happened outside?"

After Gu Chen calmed down, he flipped through the letter of the island master of Penglai, thoughtful.

Judging from the status of the letter, it has existed for at least a few months, and according to the brief description in the letter of Penglai Island Master, some major events happened outside, so he left early.

Gu Chen thought carefully and shuddered.

He thought of the seal of the ancient star that was disintegrated by the bamboo hat man, and what the other party said, the pale yellow ancient star has nowhere to hide in the universe!

"Could it be that disaster has already appeared?"

Gu Chen's heart tightened suddenly, he had already lost his father and the white ape, and he never wanted to lose anyone he cherished again.

If the Canghuang Ancient Star really had a catastrophe, what would happen to his relatives, friends and Lan Chu in the Kunlun Continent?

Thinking of this, Gu Chen was very worried. Judging from the contents of the letter, he had been asleep for a long time!

"You must get out of here quickly!"

Gu Chen made a decisive decision and decided to leave the Tiankeng immediately to find out what happened outside.

He rose through the sky, without manipulating gravity, relying only on the strength of his physical body, he was able to fly in the sky deep in the center of the earth.

The ubiquitous gravity is like walking on the ground for him, and the long black hair is completely different from the white hair in the past, which shows his current state.


Gu Chen was about to leave Tiankeng Diyan at full speed, at this moment, a strange voice sounded in his mind.

The voice was intermittent and ethereal, as if it directly affected his mind, making him stop involuntarily.

"who is it?"

Gu Chen's dark and deep eyes showed vigilance.

It is not an easy thing for the other party's voice to directly affect his mind. You must know that he is completely different from the past.


The voice was still intermittent, calling for Gu Chen.

Gu Chen's face became cloudy and uncertain.

He is very worried about the outside world now, but the voice in the dark is very strange. He does not reject its call, but feels a touch of kindness from its voice.

"Forget it, I've been asleep for so long, it's not too late."

Gu Chen thought about it, and decided to search for the past along the induction, to find out what was calling him.

His body pierced through the air, and that call came from deeper in the earth's core.

Gu Chen kept flying down, the calling voice in his mind became louder and louder, gradually becoming like Hong Zhong Dalu.

His body penetrated the subterranean magma, passed through the hard strata, but remained unscathed.

Finally, he came to the deepest part of the earth's core, and saw a hazy light cluster in front of him.

This light ball gave him an extremely comfortable feeling, as if he had returned to his mother's embrace, and he couldn't bear the slightest disgust.

It was it that was calling him, Gu Chen said in surprise if he realized something. "Could it be that you are the star soul of the pale yellow ancient star?"

Gu Chen recalled what the man in the bamboo hat said, because the seal collapsed, the star soul of the Canghuang Ancient Star would be revived, which would cause the connection between the ancient star and the universe to be reconnected.

He didn't quite understand what the other party meant, but the light cluster in front of him was in the center of the earth, as if it had a spirit, what could the star soul be if it wasn't an ancient star?

"What do you want to tell me?" Gu Chen walked towards Gu Xinghun and asked.

There must be a reason why Xinghun took so much trouble to call him here.


The star soul murmured, but Gu Chen couldn't understand what it was saying.

The other party seemed to be a little conscious, unable to express his thoughts accurately.

Gu Chen listened for a long time before he understood a sentence, it seemed to let him get closer to it.

Gu Chen was unsuspecting, and approached it as Xinghun said.

This is the star soul of Canghuang ancient star, and the ancient star gave birth to him and grew up. He believed that the star soul would not harm him.

Gu Chen approached the star soul, and a ray of light escaped from the star soul, drowning him.

All of a sudden, the stars moved, and the surrounding scenery changed drastically!

Gu Chen found himself in a vast starry sky, there were countless bright stars in the distance, and he was just an inconspicuous speck of dust in the universe.

However, such a speck of dust has gradually turned into a beautiful planet in countless years of evolution.

If Gu Chen realizes something, he is afraid that what he saw is the birth process of the pale yellow ancient star in the universe.

At first, the ancient star was just a water-blue lifeless planet, but on its ocean, the lowest life forms were gradually born.

Amidst the vicissitudes of life, creatures landed on land and began the process of evolution.

After that, civilization was gradually born, and the human race occupied a dominant position on the ancient star.

Originally, everything went smoothly, and the ancient star's civilization continued to develop.

But one day, a man crossed the starry sky and arrived at Canghuang Ancient Star. He was seriously injured, and golden blood splattered everywhere.

He landed on this ancient star, and shortly thereafter, a giant hand extended from the depths of the universe, piercing the ancient star!

Under the blow of the giant hand, the surface of the ancient star was shattered, the continent was divided into several pieces, and part of it was rushed to the nine heavens by the huge updraft!

That day, the sky was dark and the sky was dark, countless souls fell, and the star soul of the ancient star let out a mournful cry!


Gu Chen suddenly opened his eyes. He saw the tragedy of the ancient Canghuang Star at the end of the ancient era. He didn't expect that the legend turned out to be true. There was really a peerless power that struck from the depths of the universe and pierced the Canghuang Ancient Star.

"The blood of the man who came to the Canghuang ancient star is golden, and the six veins of the Gu clan appeared after the ancient catastrophe. Could it be that he is the ancestor of my Gu clan?"

"What happened to him, why was he hunted down by such a terrifying figure? What did Xinghun want to tell me by letting me read this memory?"

Gu Chen murmured, feeling perplexed.

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