This time may be ten thousand years, maybe a thousand years, or it may be less than a few hundred years.

It prepares the duo for a rainy day!

"I will definitely find a way to cure you." Gu Chen murmured.

"Me too, I want to hear you speak." Zuo Chunqiu said the same.

The sacrifice of the star soul made them feel heavy. They grew up here. The star soul is like a mother, nourishing the growth of all spirits, but they can only choose to temporarily seal it.


The call of the star soul gradually became weaker, and the power of heaven submerged it and sealed it again.

At the moment it sank into the center of the earth, on the star road where the pale yellow ancient star was located, on the interstellar compass of all spaceships, the position of the ancient star disappeared!

And the pale yellow ancient star also slowly broke away from its original orbit, and once again escaped into the depths of the universe, drifting aimlessly...

The Treasure Book of Heaven and the Holy Cauldron of Heaven's Fate remained in the Dao of Heaven forever as fetishes that sealed the star soul, while Gu Chen and Zuo Chunqiu walked out of the center of the earth.

When they left the center of the earth, the extremely fresh air came from the earth. What the two of them saw before their eyes was that everything was recovering rapidly. Even on the ice field, red flowers bloomed, as if soaked in the blood of their ancestors.

Gu Chen suddenly understood the determination of the immortals after the catastrophe in ancient times, and understood the feelings of the ancestor Gu Hao and the thirteen immortals thirty thousand years ago.

Because they are doing the same thing as their ancestors at the moment, whether it is ancient times, ancient times or now, their mood to protect this ancient planet of life has never changed.

"Since the ancient catastrophe, no one on the Canghuang ancient star has been able to ascend to the sky and leave here. In ancient times, my ancestor of the Heavenly Dao Sect could not break the shackles. This has become an eternal regret."

Zuo Chunqiu looked at the sky, his eyes became firm. "And now, everything is different."

Gu Chen didn't answer, took out a page of glowing paper from his arms, and handed it to Zuo Chunqiu.

"This is..." Zuo Chunqiu took a look, and found that it was a complicated map of the starry sky, and pointed out a specific way forward.

"This is left by the monks of the ancient heavenly court. They can guide me to find them. You must also have the idea of ​​leaving the ancient star. If you don't have a precise destination, you can go with me."

Gu Chen said.

He fought side by side with Zuo Chunqiu all the way, and the previous hatred between the two had already unknowingly dissipated.

Zuo Chunqiu smiled and shook his head. "Forget it, your path may not be suitable for me, we each have our own future."

"Besides, now that the foreign enemies have been resolved, you and I will have a battle sooner or later."

"You are not my opponent." Gu Chen shook his head.

"Hmph, don't be so self-righteous, the names of these twin stars will be taken off sooner or later, as long as I am the arrogance of the pale yellow ancient star, that's enough." Zuo Chunqiu said with cold eyes.

Gu Chen smiled noncommittally, since Zuo Chunqiu didn't want to go with him, he took back the map.

"You want to accept the invitation of the man from the ancient heaven to find him?" Zuo Chunqiu asked curiously.

Gu Chen was silent, he was still not sure whether to do this, because he still didn't know whether the other party was an enemy or a friend.

But he must step into the universe, and the words of the bamboo hat man before leaving still linger in his mind.

"If you want revenge, if you want to return your father and the white ape, come and kill me!"

"Go and become stronger, so strong that this world can no longer ignore your existence, so strong that your name spreads all over the world!"

"No matter how long it takes, this seat is waiting for you in the depths of the starry sky!"

Gu Chen's fists were clenched subconsciously, he couldn't become stronger if he continued to stay in Canghuang Ancient Star, how would he get back everything he lost from the bamboo hat man?

Gu Chen desperately longs for the power to suppress everything. He is already an immortal, but he is not as chic as a real immortal. He hopes that one day he will be able to understand his thoughts and achieve true freedom!

"The orbit of the Canghuang ancient star has begun to shift. If you don't want the route on your map to deviate too much, you should leave as soon as possible."

"I'm going to do some things too, I think you have a lot of people who want to say goodbye..."

"I'll wait for you in Tianxu after I've finished my work."

Zuo Chunqiu left, and Gu Chen stepped back across thousands of mountains and rivers to return to his family and friends.

He was determined to leave Canghuang Ancient Star, and Gu Yuan, Shen Yushu and others had already guessed this point.

Therefore, when Gu Chen bid farewell, everyone didn't feel too much sentimentality, but only looked forward to it.

"A man's ambition is everywhere, and the shallow water will not be able to trap the dragon after all."

Gu Yuan said with emotion that a large number of members of the Gu family were also there, and they bid farewell to Gu Chen.

"Little cousin, one day I will set foot in the universe and find you." Gu Lianyue said firmly.

"Sovereign, so are we!" Huang Pingzhang, Yu Chizhong, and everyone in the Heavenly Court headed by Qinglin Shashen were also there.

"Chen'er, don't be too attached to your father's affairs. You must take care of yourself first." Shen Yushu taught earnestly, his eyes full of worry.

The son travels thousands of miles and the mother is worried, pity the hearts of parents all over the world.

Gu Chen just came back, but he is going to a wider world.

Gu Chen took note of everyone's words with his heart, bid farewell to everyone, and then walked up through the air.

He climbed to the sky step by step, and on the Kunlun Continent, countless Liming people looked up to him and practiced for him.

A little bit of mysterious light floated from the minds of countless monks and mortals, and gathered towards Gu Chen from all directions, just like hundreds of rivers entering the sea.

"This is... the power of faith?"

Gu Chen's expression was startled, the spots of light converged into streams, penetrated into his sea of ​​consciousness, nourished his primordial spirit, and made his primordial spirit grow rapidly.

All the fatigue from the previous battle disappeared, and Gu Chen felt that the connection between the soul and the body was closer, and his strength skyrocketed again.

He glanced at the ground with nostalgia, and then flew all the way outside the storm layer without looking back.

Zuo Chunqiu has been waiting here for a long time, besides him, there is also the owner of Penglai Island.

"Let's go."

The island owner of Penglai smiled and took out a spaceship from the storage ring.

This spaceship is naturally the spoils of war for killing the immortals of the major legions. With this ship, they don't have to work so hard to cross the storm layer.

Gu Chen nodded, and the three entered the spaceship together.


The spaceship released the misty starlight, penetrated into the storm layer, and drove away from the pale yellow ancient star at a steady speed.

Sitting in the cabin, the three of them had plans for their respective futures.

"We are about to step into the universe, and the old man has already investigated some information very clearly. Sharing it with you now is also considered a parting gift."

On the way through the storm layer, the owner of Penglai Island smiled and spoke.

Gu Chen and Zuo Chunqiu listened attentively for a moment, no one could compare to Penglai Island Master in terms of sophistication, this guy should have made proper arrangements for himself before stepping into the universe.

The universe is vast and boundless, they are like a stone about to be thrown into the sea, no one knows what the future will hold.

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