On the planet of apes, an auspicious cloud broke through the atmosphere and came out. Behind it, on the mountains and plains of the planet of apes, countless apes saw each other off.

This auspicious cloud did not stop at all, once it left the ape planet, it accelerated away from this star road and threw itself into the vast star field ahead.

There were three people sitting on the auspicious cloud, and at the front was Dou Zhan Xianzun, who closed his eyes and meditated. He seemed to be practicing, but he steadily controlled the clouds below him, walking on the ground in the raging Taiyin wind.

And behind him, Gu Chen was dressed in white, meditating and practicing calmly, also treating the storm as nothing.

Gu Chen is not familiar with Dou Zhan Xianzun, and neither of them is a talkative person, so the journey is very dull.

Only the white ape was holding a pile of food given to him by his tribe before he left. He ate with relish and his mouth rattled.

The three of them didn't take a spaceship, and they walked through the stormy star road all the way, but they didn't change their faces. If they fell into the eyes of ordinary interstellar travelers, I don't know how shocked they would be.

Soon after leaving the storm star road of Ape Planet, the surrounding starry sky gradually became more crowded, and spaceships could be seen passing by from time to time.

"The people from Ancient Heaven Court will come to pick us up, let's go to Red River Star and wait!" Dou Zhan Xianzun said.

Gu Chen nodded. It is said that the specific location of the Tianyin Pavilion in the Ancient Heavenly Court has never been known to outsiders, and can only be reached through a special fairy gate.

Dou Zhan Immortal Venerable is not from the ancient Heavenly Court, and Gu Chen was not a high-ranking member of the Heavenly Court before, so he naturally needs others to lead the way.

This Red River star is not far away, it is a transit star of several star roads around, and the three of them arrived soon.

There is a big river on the Red River Star, which stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles. The water in the river seems to be stained red with blood, and it looks very spectacular.

It's just that it's not real blood, but because of a strange red algae growing in the river.

This planet is considered to be half an ancient star of life. The creatures either live in the river or on both sides of the river bank. As for the rest of the planet, they are boundless deserts.

Because of the superior geographical location in the starry sky, the creatures here simply opened a large number of inns and shops on both sides of the Red River to receive passing interstellar travelers.

Over time, the trade here is very developed, and the information of various religions and nine streams gathers here.

The three of Gu Chen arrived at a restaurant by the Red River, drinking and eating meat while looking at the scenery of the river, quietly waiting for the envoy from the Heavenly Court.

"The Luoying Shenzong and the monks of Linglong Immortal Palace fought in Huahaiyuan, which prevented my goods from passing through there, and the overlord of the Shangshan Starfield, the Li Clan Protoss, blocked several star roads for no reason. This is my life! If things go on like this, I will lose everything on this trip!"

At a table next to Gu Chen, a group of monks from other races were drinking, one of them was frowning and complaining to his companions while drinking.

"Hey, buddy, just be content with your life. I heard that last month in the Milky Way Starfield, the Golden Clan went on a killing spree, bloodbathed many star roads in a row, and many businessmen were killed for no reason!"

The companions around him comforted and sighed endlessly.

This is obviously a group of businessmen engaged in interstellar trade, and they are complaining to each other. When Gu Chen heard the name of the golden family, he could not help but narrow his eyes slightly, and listened carefully.

"Half a year ago, I ran the star road between the Yinhe Starfield and the Shangshan Starfield, and I made a lot of money. I thought I would make a fortune soon. Who would have thought that the business environment would suddenly deteriorate sharply in the past few months! The big powers don’t know what’s going on, as if they have discussed it, conflicts happen frequently!” The businessman who was drunk complained, angrily.

"Brother, you haven't heard what happened in the Milky Way Starfield a few months ago?" A companion with an old god beside him shook his head.

"What's the matter?" The businessman who was drunk was stunned.

"About three months ago, the Heart Ape Clan and the Desolate God Clan fought in the wasteland. On that day, it was said that the heirs of the Tyrant Clan and Gu Tianting were born one after another. Since I heard the news, I immediately gave up my business in the Milky Way Starfield, and the interstellar trade was also carried out. less!"

"The starry sky is about to start to become chaotic, who is still running around like you foolishly, listen to my brother's advice, hurry up and find a safe planet to hide in!"

Many companions frowned when they heard his words. "Is it that serious?"

Among them, they have more or less heard of the war that took place in a distant place, but they always feel that it has nothing to do with little people like them.

"Hey, there are rumors everywhere that a new chaos of gods and gods is about to appear. What do you think? Why do you think those big forces have so many actions for no reason? It is said that the gods have ordered to cleanse the remnants of the fairy world again! "

The man spoke so convincingly that the companions who were still worrying about business suddenly became relieved, and instead worried about their own lives.

And in the restaurant, many other people were discussing the turmoil in various places. This turmoil not only appeared in the Milky Way Starfield and the Shangshan Starfield, but even spread to farther places.

For a while, the guests in the restaurant were all in danger, and talk of doomsday prevailed.

Gu Chen listened to what everyone said, and only then did he know that a big battle in the wasteland three months ago had caused so many follow-up effects, and he became famous without knowing it.

It's just that judging from the public's remarks, it seems that the outside world only knows that a descendant of the Tyrant clan was born, but they don't know much about his name, origin or even his appearance.

Before Gu Chen became famous in the first battle in the wasteland, he was unknown, even in the heavenly court, and the situation on the battlefield was very chaotic that day. It is no wonder that he became famous, but few people even knew his last name.

"Boy, this time Tianyin Pavilion convened such a hasty meeting not only for your succession as a general, but also because the external situation is getting worse and worse. You should listen and ask more questions, and don't turn your eyes dark at that time , I didn’t even understand the situation, so that it was a joke.”

Dou Zhan Xianzun listened to the discussion in the restaurant, and reminded Gu Chen rarely.

"The junior understands."

Gu Chen nodded, thought for a while, stood up and walked towards the guests next to him, pretending to be their fellows, and getting the necessary information familiarly.

Although the information these businessmen have may not be accurate, it is much better than him who knows nothing.

Gu Chen stayed in the restaurant for half a day, learned a lot of things that he didn't know before, and secretly remembered them in his heart.

"Heavenly people are here."

The voice of Dou Zhan Xianzun's reminder suddenly reached his ears, Gu Chen smiled and found an excuse to say goodbye to many businessmen, and then the three left the restaurant.

Once out of the restaurant, the three of them walked across the river and came to a small island in the Red River.

At this time, there is already a group of people waiting here on the island!

When Gu Chen saw a person in the crowd, he was slightly surprised. Coincidentally, there was someone he knew in the team.

And that person naturally also saw Gu Chen, his eyes became a little gloomy and complicated for a moment.

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