In the quiet room, Gu Chen sat cross-legged, his skin glowed faintly, making him look like a golden god.

The light continued to spread until the originally dark room seemed to hide a sun, and suddenly there was a popping sound from his body.

The next moment, he saw that his skin was scorched all over, and his hair was completely burnt. His whole body was like a charred corpse, which was extremely scary!

However, his eyes were very calm, as if he didn't feel the burning pain all over his body, and the mark on his hand changed.


There was a fresh wind in the body, and Gu Chen's scorched skin quickly fell off, new skin grew, flesh and blood became radiant again, and hair grew back.

When he returned to his original state, his brows were tightly wrinkled.

"What's wrong with this constant light generation secret technique? It's even impossible to get started."

Now that he has successfully mixed into the Nether Realm and obtained the qualification to go to the God Realm meeting, Gu Chen settled down and wanted to further strengthen his strength before the meeting.

He knew very well that the scale and level of monks involved in that meeting were far beyond his imagination, and he must try his best to grasp every ounce of power in order to have more hope of rescuing his father.

And now less than three months away from the God Realm meeting, the only way to make him improve his strength again is to cultivate the fifth heavenly secret technique!

Because of absorbing the star core of Rage God's main star, Gu Chen condensed the ultimate indestructible star body of the star core volume in advance, and the incomparably huge original power is hidden in his body.

According to the supernatural power of the indestructible star body described in the Tianchen Wanxiang Jue, if Gu Chen can truly grasp this power, then he will have a bit more capital to challenge the powers of all walks of life at the God Realm Conference.

It's just that although his body has improved, his own realm has not kept up. Only when he has mastered the fourth and fifth heavenly secret arts can he be a real immortal star body.

With the help of the Xutian Ding, Gu Chen has now completed the cultivation of the secret art of the fourth heavenly dust and fire, and thus stepped into the cultivation of the fifth heavenly eternal light.

Originally, he already possessed an indestructible star body, so it stands to reason that the skeleton has been set up, only the last secret technique is left, and it should be much easier to cultivate.

But when he abandoned many external affairs and began to practice the secret art of eternal light, he found that the reality was completely different from what he had imagined, and he was actually stuck at the entry level!

According to the description of Tianchen Wanxiang Jue, the key point of the secret technique of constant light generation is to turn oneself into a "light body", and this light source is the star core fire condensed from the fourth heavenly secret technique.

With the fire of the star core as the source, ignite every cell in the body and release the vitality, and then the power of the astral body can be exerted, and the strength can be greatly improved.

And Gu Chen has already condensed the indestructible star body, if he can ignite his whole body, it is very likely that this secret technique will be directly accomplished, and he can display all kinds of supernatural powers of the indestructible star body.

However, he practiced according to the introduction of the secret technique, but found that he was stuck at the entry level. Every time he activated the fire of the star core and ignited his whole body from the dantian, he always struggled to control it.

Just like just now, although he managed to make his body emit light, it was not the state described in the secret technique.

According to the secret technique, when the constant light generation secret technique is completed, the flesh and blood will glow, the skin will glow, the hair will glow, and the whole body will seem to be condensed by pure light, which is extremely miraculous.

Gu Chen was just in shape, and the cultivation inside his body was messed up.

But just like that, he couldn't even control it just now, the energy dissipated by the fire of the star core was too much, which made his whole body scorched.

If it wasn't for his huge vitality, that moment alone would have seriously injured him, and he wouldn't dare to practice again for several months.

The progress of the secret technique was very unsatisfactory, Gu Chen fell into deep thought, thinking hard about what went wrong.

He felt that it was abnormal. According to the previous cultivation situation, if it was replaced by a person who practiced this secret technique step by step, there would be a 90% chance of dying.

Is it because Heng Guangsheng's secret art practice is so harsh, and he escaped death, or is there something wrong with him?

"No, the reason why I failed just now is that my star core fire is too strong, and normal practitioners will never encounter me in this situation!"

Gu Chen quickly figured out the key point.

His star core fire was tempered by absorbing the fire of countless stars from the universe with the help of Xutianding's ability.

Normal cultivation of secret arts would never have such an encounter with him.

In other words, the strength of his star core fire has exceeded the normal standard mentioned in the secret art, so that the difficulty of his cultivation has been greatly increased invisibly!

"It's not just the fire of the star core. The original power in my body is too huge, which makes it more difficult to use the secret technique of constant light to ignite the whole body."

The more Gu Chen thought about it, the more he frowned, realizing that he had fooled himself.

The body and the star core fire are extremely powerful, which greatly raises the threshold for him to cultivate the fifth heavenly secret art. If he is unlucky, he may even be stuck at this threshold forever!

This is the disadvantage of stepping up, the steps of kung fu practice always have their rationality, breaking the rules, it is easy to taste bad results!

"Damn, there is only such a short time left, and this happens."

Gu Chen's eyes were gloomy, and he couldn't help becoming anxious.

The God Realm meeting was too important to him, and it was most likely the last chance to rescue his father. After the meeting was over, he couldn't guarantee what the man in the bamboo hat would do.

He is obviously brewing a huge conspiracy, but he is still trapped in a mere bottleneck!

He wanted to find someone to clarify his doubts, but apart from him, no one had practiced the Tianchen Vientiane Art.

Even if there is, his current situation is extremely abnormal!

Gu Chen's thoughts were endless, and after this random thought, he found that evil fires were burning in his body, and there were faint signs of madness.


At the critical moment, Gu Chen slapped himself heavily on the forehead until his head was bleeding and his face was covered with blood, so he finally regained his composure.

"The more urgent the time is, the more calm we must be. If I lose to myself, who can I save?"

Gu Chen murmured, his eyes became firm again, and he started to practice again!

Every day that followed, he repeatedly practiced the secret technique of constant light generation, and encountered the phenomenon of "self-immolation" constantly.

This process seemed to be broken and then erected. In the constant rebirth from the ashes, and in the pain of enduring body burns over and over again, he was getting closer and closer to understanding and mastering this secret technique.

Time passed slowly day by day, and on this day, there was a knock on the door of Gu Chen's quiet room.

"The news came from Ye Fei that he was about to leave for the meeting of the God Realm."

The voice of Island Master Penglai sounded outside the door.

Gu Chen slowly opened his eyes, there were faint flames burning in the pupils of both eyes, appearing calm and energetic, as if an explosive power was hidden.

For more than two months, he tried to practice the constant light generation secret technique with an almost crazy and paranoid attitude, but he still failed to get started.

Nevertheless, he had an unexpected harvest.

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