I have a hard breath.

The lungs are tightened.

Whether you're gasping or in the water, you feel like you're not getting air in your throat. It seems as if the air has deteriorated into a liquid.

(That's because of him...)

Divine Eye (Deo-Ul) ® captures the terrible advent of God.

The information from God's eyes is not simple. Beyond the five senses of vision, hearing, smell, touch, and taste, the sense of difficulty in language... continues to dive into a hierarchy of perceptions (current) that may not be appropriate, and opens the unknown area one after another as if it were a drawer. All of them pass through the inside of Kai as information, including those that can only be understood from those that are completely incomprehensible, and those that are closer conceptual than those that can somehow be understood as such. I felt that it was only a slightly understandable thing about the existence of God... It was something that could be carried over to a level that could be understood even if it was only quantification of the image, such as the amount of existence, the amount of divine power, and the dominant phase.

And while I almost gave up understanding, the only thing that surrounded me was the identity of the dense pressure... even the intelligence of my previous life could barely be translated into language.

The power to change by observing creatures.

The power of the gods, who played like a clay like the king of the big black pigs, reflects the black turtle on the subject. Visualized Possibilities...... the chaos of the name "Possibility", which is said to be infinite for all beings...... the words picked up from a large amount of previous knowledge that came out inside him almost like a defensive reaction.

The power to transform the world.


The superiors' acts of observation rewrite reality as their own.

I don't know how they can be rewritten, but those futures are desperately scattered under the infinite possibilities of God's naivety, which can never be managed by the reason or equation known to man.


I threw it away.

Perhaps in the eyes of a third party, you are wrapped in that black hatchet.

The more the desire of the gods to transform Kai into their own, the more the valley gods in their hearts exalt their divine might. The god of the valley was also in danger.

That suddenly comes to mind.

The outer gods and the land gods of the lower world are both gods, but I wonder if there is a difference between the two... at this time... no, because it is at this time. And I remembered when I touched [Diabo]... when I was stripped of my spiritual power in an instant, the gods in [Kamishi] were also in a state of shock.

Isn't that a testament to the inferiority of the land god side? If there is a clear ups and downs between gods, and if they are exposed to overwhelming divine power, the lower gods will be surrendered (shakufu) easily.

Well, at least I'm not done with myself.

Kai, who is only a fleshly creature belonging to the lower world and such a land god, can resist their divine might? Tell me... God, can I count on your strength?

If the Entropy of Gods continues to fill up, it will exceed a threshold that cannot be resisted by any single creature. Deep inside the protective coating of the god Genesis, his divine power is starting to roast on the surface like direct sunlight without passing through a filter. I don't know if this power is close to lethal radiation for the soldiers of the valley who don't have the protection of the Land God.

The only thing that protects them now is the power of the god of the land that is native to this cave... the power of the roof that was spread by the principal god of the raccoon (Hispani) tribe. Two-age god [Yenis]... the bond of submission conveys the name of the god.

Protect them, Yennis, the defending god of the land!


Kai was exhilarated by the cry of the valley god.

Although it was almost like a reflex of the spiritual Qi,... the reduction of the external pressure caused by the release began to manifest itself as a real experience, and Kai sighed smallly.

What's that?

Can you fight it?

It's just a guess, but there's a difference between the spirit of the outer gods and the valley gods.

Of course, Kai's subordinate compatible spiritual Qi would be further inferior. In reality, however, Kai's inferior spirituality pushed back the pressure. Of course, there is no possibility that the spiritual Qi has been replaced by "magic" that protects itself with the desire of Kai to exert external pressure instead of remaining iodine...

([Magic]... I see!)

It is not God's monopoly to twist reality in this world.

People also had similar handles.


As a result, fragments of various thoughts become intertwined and connected as a chorus.

The exercise of this miraculous power, which Kai calls "magic", can also deviate from the context of reality based on the mere work of images. It may not involve the context of things, so it may have been a dangerous act that spreads many possibilities until it was vicious.

I was using it unconsciously as a fantasy element, but I thought that each of them might have spat out (...) the worst other world line, and I got goosebumps.

([Magic]... is the root the same?)

I can't tell yet.

But as a matter of reality, we can fight it now.

In that case, the "magic" manipulated by humans stands on the same stage, whether it is a sleeve or not, that can compare with the "modifying power" of the gods.

Of course, this reversal may have been only in the lower world...... but in this world (......)...... it is certainly possible that the higher generations that should not belong there are forced to be lower in the lower world. Just as the evil god (Diabo) was abhorred by its existence and was constantly burned by the blue fire. The versatility of the power of the superior god, which was supposed to be high-performance, was affected by the footcut, and it was unlikely that it had dropped to a level similar to this one.

In that case, the power emitted by the three people is now treated as limited but equivalent.

At that time.

He's a slave!

The stone in his chest burst into a fever.

The power brought by the valley god spreads from the center of the body to the limbs. It was only when my arms began to be covered in white armor that I knew it was a protection blessing.

('Bone Resistance'!)

It was a timely support from the Valley God.

Even if it was a coincidence, Kai couldn't help but be happy. For the first time, I felt that an original and useful exchange had been established between the land god and the master-servant of the reich.

I think that [Bone Resistance], which is effective against the bad status of [Evil God (Diabo)], has a high chance of being effective against the Poison God of that god. Even if you try to slightly suppress the emanating spiritual Qi and see it, you don't feel any disturbance to your body.

All right, let's go.

This world is a three-dimensional lower world.

And as long as it is there... as long as it comes down obsessed with that world... no matter how high the roots are in the next world... no matter what God, its existence falls under the constraints of the present lower world. It has fallen within reach.

The deity emitted something.

Even though it was not a sound, the atmosphere trembled and my vision dazzled.

Even the [Divine Eye] is turned back for a moment. The granules covered the gurgling belly of the gods... some of the countless granules that swayed like the tentacles of an ischiginchaku gave off a local aurora that burned the fundus.

Oh, shit!

Equivalence is a correction.

The quality was overwhelming.

The light that emits purple is as terrible as the critical blue light that appears at the turn of the nuclear accident, and it penetrates through the armor of Kai's bone in a prickly pain.

It feels like your skin is being burned. Too many mysteries have surfaced to reveal the knowledge of previous generations that applies to them. I imagined that somehow [lead protective clothing] could prevent it, but I don't think that poison light is just one kind of wavelength. Even if Kai wished, I don't think God can understand the concept of "lead resistance".

One after the other, the tentacles of the gods began to glow with light.

It seemed that they had come to me with the impression that there was no way to hit me.

The pressure of the poison light increased, and Kai endured the unpleasant sensation of heat for a while, but soon noticed the abnormality that began to happen to herself and turned blue.


His forelock drooped in his nose like a living creature.

While gently, I carefully remembered the stupid face of the unconscious guy reflected on the surface of the water bottle... Imagine and burn the statue with [magic] to overwrite my hair. Her forehead drooped sloppily.

Even if your fingertips suddenly twitch, clench your fist hard and feel like your hands...... your nails are gnawed into the flesh and your fingers are strongly reacquainted with the pain and immobilized with "magic".

Your eyeballs, skin, and bones are twitching one after the other. Each one of them is checked one by one, and the spiritual power is consumed to fight back with the "magical treatment". And when I looked up at the figure of the god who was definitely approaching, I could blow it all the time.

Thanks to the "collapse" that they had defeated before, the outer gods who protruded and approached the surface were enough to count, and most of them were still supported in the hollow like a group of fish trapped in a fishing net. The bottom is about 100 yul from the ground, and the coating is maintained at a considerable height over the sky. Of course, it was not due to the unique power of the land god of this hill. Temporary nearby children sent by the predecessors...... Is the temporary Gallery (Inisher) brought by the surrounding clans to bring special effects to this land?

On the tombstone, the chief of the Spike tribe, Krull, also worked hard together with the Land God.

"The other wooden gods are not yet near."

Although it was invaded, the roof of the land god seemed to be in the way of the tree-end god, and it was slowly moving around at a certain height. Only the deity who is coming straight down towards Kai does not have the roof of the land god. No, to be precise, I was forcing the roof to move closer and closer. After all, only this god was isolated.

(No, Nara, run away)


The story of our predecessors played out in my head.

Inexperienced newcomers show their care for Kai.

They strongly admire the fact that they erected white arrows on Kai because he was the king of the nearest country, but they don't need to hang out with him until he's dead. Even if a single Mei could not be prevented, the world would not be completely destroyed by that alone... If tens of thousands and thousands of races were devoured and the stomach of the foreign gods were full, the disaster would be over. That's what I'll tell you.

The king of kingdoms, Kai, has men to protect, and his own flesh and blood, which have the right to live, he shall not hinder any man from his way. Because the God of Genesis, the god of the creation of this world, who is nothing, wants it.

Some of these [Guardians] have already lost their attachment to life. You must be tired of living. Perhaps some of the first men were ready to disperse.

Purple God of Mouth Calamity (Reb Dell)?

That's what I was told.

It was the name of this great god.

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