The name of the chief of the family of the dwarf (Korol) was Polek.

He doesn't seem to remember even his lifetime for sure anymore, but according to the people taking care of him, 150 is definitely the elder of the first clan.

Old Polek called Kai 'God of Mediation' many times.

"... what is that 'god of sorts'?"

"You are a noble god in this valley, aren't you?

"Why do you decide so easily?"

"It is because I have worshipped you many times in the past. Old people have been punished for being rude once, so as long as your body remembers that painful pain, there's nothing to forget."

"... did they hurt you"

Old Polek says he's had many glances, but he's barely opened his eyes. Kai noticed that the old man had already done so.

And on a good note, there are ancient wounds left to cross both eyes of the old man.

"... maybe punishment is about that eye"

"It is a punishment for wandering into the valley without permission and for spreading the graveyard of the honorable God. My parents cried and preached to me that they had mercy even if they just didn't take my life... but that's a long time ago, too"

Old Polek, who meshed, says that he was "young," but he is still looking back at Kai's eyes and answering.

When I gaze closely, I notice a 'neighborhood lift' appearing snugly around old Polek's eyes.

I'm compensating for my lost vision with the help of shelter.

It was natural in a sense that the head of the family was' sheltered '. And the LORD of the previous valley gave in easily the young Polek, which would have been considerably strengthened with his "protection," chopping his precious eyes without hesitation in the name of punishment. The horrible and harsh appearance also fits what Gore, the lizard man (Lagart), said.

"Instead of losing my eyes reflecting the light of day, I have been able to see the light of the spiritual power that all of nature possesses. … it is no exception to the blue spiritual light you have filtered out of the sky"

"... am I blue?"

"There are many different colors that creatures put together, but it's not quite a color called blue. 'Blue', which appears in the narrow space between white and black, has long been a noble colour."

The 'protection' given to Kai is said to be seeping out of the whole body with amplified spiritual power. Right, does spiritual power have color?

But I wonder what "gray" is between "white" and "black". While shaking off questions that were not enough to take, Kai returned to 'the point' and said what he thought in the end.

"I don't know if I'm a 'god of sorts'. You solve your problems."

This is not to say that there is neither a lid nor a mist.

Even the old Polek and the lay people panicked in surprise.

"Oh, wait!

"I'm going to the valley. Don't follow me."

"God! God in the valley!

"Don't abandon me!

It is something I neither discard nor remember picking up.

Even though they say they have been offerings for a long time, Kai has not received anything, nor does he have a relationship with the 'predecessors'.

The dwarfs seem to be proficient in what people say. The people also complain in the language of the people.

"I offered you Aruet!

"Turn Aruet back."

I don't need that kind of dedication, so you can take it home on your own.

When Kai said so soberly, the dwarf (Korol) tribes screamed without a voice. It is a terrible valley in which the chief of the family, who is a "protector", turned his eyes just to himself when he was younger. They didn't even have the courage to just go in the first place, even though they told me to take it on my own.

Well, even with Kai, I didn't want someone else not sure, so I decided to break the least of my bones.

"... okay, I'll bring it"

With that said, Kai gently descends the cliffs of the valley in a manner he is accustomed to.

The dwarf (Colol) tribes are screaming at each other for being confused and outrageous before they get angry, as Kai readily responded as if they were 'objects' or something.

You're not poking 'people' or anything in the valley, are you?

While pretending to be unaware, Kai also suspects half of it. No way. There's a 'corpse' rolling down there. Seriously, stop it.

As he descended directly below the dwarf (Korol) clan's laid place, Kai looked around at the view of the valley bottom, which sank in the shade of the night.

It would have helped if you'd at least dropped it where the lake water is, but there's usually hard dirt ground spread out here. I wonder if it's a miracle that the ends of the trees will be cushioned, but if they fall, it was the first situation that didn't help.

Somehow searching nearby as he was ready somewhere in his mind, Kai found something white in the shadow of the rock just below the cliff. Even in the darkness it looked good, it was white barefoot.

(... but at least just the shape (...) be decent)

Kai circled the rocks in both his true prayers and let him peek softly into his face.

I twitched and put the whole body of the white barefoot owner in my sight...... while I was also strapped down my chest for not being as miserable as I had imagined, I suddenly had eyes in contact with the 'dead man' who woke up and accidentally fell with my buttocks.

… ……

Bloody girl, there she is.

Was a good looking girl an absolute condition for sacrifice in the values of the dwarf tribe? As it turned out, I was too tall racially, and even from Kai, who wasn't even an adult yet, it was only a 'toddler', not a girl... The girl who dripped a lot of blood from her forehead tried to get up on her way home from the dead, and even if she fell and fell down on her back crushing, she would still be thankful... it was quite a terrible picture of her groin shrinking.

It was only for a few moments that I was stunned,

I understood only that immediately the girl was in a 'near broken' and dangerous condition.

The girl by the name of 'Aroue' had a rope tied around her stomach, perhaps cliffing it down to her lifeline at first, and fell as if the rope had broken along the way. A half-length rope falling around told the story.

(healing magic...!)

I never thought I'd be using magic other than myself.

It is a 'healing magic' that vaguely wields no effect, so I will respond to the wounds I see individually.

As such, several fractures are temporarily stopped in the first aid where the spine was broken, and the one called "Shinkai" is passed through it.

By the end of those procedures, the anguish must have eased out of the girl's face to capture Kai's appearance, whose blurry blurring continues to be treated on top.

"Don't move. I haven't got bones on me yet."

Kai concentrated his spirit on the girl trying to get away.

Seeing the neighborhood appeared on its face, the girl began to spill tears clearly.

"dwarf (colol) tribe... * * *, * * * *... oh, please hurry"

I guess Kai doesn't get the word, and the girl's words can go with that of the people. After all, the dwarf (Korol) tribe seems to speak quite well into the language of the people.

Speaking of which, pedestrians around the periphery sometimes sell and walk through the beautiful handicrafts of the dwarf (Colol) tribe. Old Polek did the same thing, but maybe he had a chance to interact somewhere with people and get the word.

"Help me, dwarf tribe."

"No. It's hard."

"Aruet, not enough? Then..."

"Did you think you'd be happy to give me a dead man?"

"... I don't know"

Concentrate your strength and only your spine will adhere firmly to it. Kai knew from experience that when this place breaks, he won't be able to live a decent life without losing his life. I saw many of my companions who couldn't move their legs or hands and couldn't live without taking care of people. A poor village once upon a time where just eating away, the mere existence of not working and eating will not always be tolerated, and those who have done so will be admitted into the monastery only in form at a stage where there is no longer any prospect of recovery, unless they appeal to me for protection, even at the expense of someone who has done so, calling it a 'severance' training.

Because Kai now has a cure for it. I will not let a girl go to such a living hell for no reason.

"... can you stand"

To Kai's inquiry, the girl moved to make sure of her fingers, then woke herself up with a twist.

As surprised that the pain was gone, the girl looked more at Kai. Zhu dyes his barely angry face.

Kai lends me a hand, and after I get up, I'm just looking at Kai again. She just keeps sending a vision of Kai, who embodies the miracle of healing magic.

"Come on, go home to the herd"

"... Aroue, give it back?


"Save, no?

"Yeah, yeah."


It was that moment.

I got stuck.

"... go home"

"Aroue, I don't want it, it's not worth it!

The girl, who spilled a blur and tears, really clings to Kai's feet like a child. The area around the stomach where the girl's face is hit by the difference in height becomes damp with tears and runny nose.

"Aruet, the offering! I don't want it, I'm dying!

"... Hey"

"... Ah, give it back!

The girl suddenly tried to poke her throat in a breath with the knife she had hidden in her nostrils. Kai pinches it up from the side and takes it away.

That's how Kai began to climb the cliff, lifting the girl on her shoulders like luggage, who would protest flourishing to return the knife.

He bit me on the shoulder, but I don't even feel itchy.

I just want to return this and start building a cabin. Kai's head was already completely directed to the calculation of how to process the lumber that had been left unattended last time and how to install it.

What an overly painful time loss for Kai with limited time to morning.

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