Divine Path System

Chapter 963: Bitter Truths

Evander came to Fairy Road risking his life and almost died. No, he'd have died if not for the Red fairy healing him. In return for his efforts, he cleared the trial that not even Sovereign Julius could and gained an amazing technique.

Later, he went to other partially explored regions and got the precious materials needed for his recovery. His internal injuries would recover within four to six months.

Once that happened, Evander was confident of reaching the Sovereign state. Even though the potion was mostly wasted on him, it still managed to push his talent beyond a threshold. It's an intuitive feeling that he couldn't help but trust.

That's the best future he could envision—Four months without abyssals pulling anything dangerous.

It's unrealistic. Evander would rather bet on his father Albert opening up to him than abyssals staying still.

"Varian…is gone. If the abyssals attack now, we can no longer hope for luck." In a virtual screen, Bali leaned back on his throne and said with a complicated expression.

He wanted to meet and console Evander for his loss but the latter refused. Evander didn't want to mourn. Not until he avenged them.

"The need of the hour is another Sovereign powerhouse. If we succeed, we won't need to worry. Whatever challenge they throw at us, we can take it. If they can't resist us, we can take the initiative and destroy them." Evander said.

Bali smiled bitterly. "If it's so easy, we wouldn't even need Varian. Even with the potion that Varian gave me and the help of Heaven's Will, I took more than a month to reach the Sovereign stage.

The new Sovereign we need won't have Heaven's Will's help. Even if we can get Varian's or Enigma's potion, they will need at least half a year and at most a year."

Evander sighed. He lived for decades and witnessed many challenges humanity had to go through. But nothing compared to the existential threats they had in just these four months.

"There won't be any respite. Another war is coming."

"The other Sovereigns think so too. And they…" Bali trailed off and clenched his fists.

"They didn't find the thief?" Evander asked with an unsightly expression.

"No." Bali felt like all his energy was drained to spit out that one word. "Ares of Neptune, Irene of Uranus, Micheal Caron of Jupiter, and me from Mars—all of our artifacts are either missing or stolen."

"Even if Sovereign Irene is heavily injured, I find it hard to believe anyone can just sneak up and steal the two artifacts." Evander looked Bali in the eye and said words that could lead to a civil war.

"It's not the abyssals. That much is certain. If it was, they'd have killed her. She woke up unconscious and in her spaceship." Bali gritted his teeth and spoke in a chilly voice.

"It's either a peak level 9, but most likely it's a…" Evander trailed off.

What he left out was self-evident.

Bali closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. "A Sovereign indeed. That person didn't kill Irene. They don't want humanity to be destroyed. Delving any deeper into this will only invite backlash and possibly…a civil war. That's the last thing we want now. The Sovereign council decided to put this matter off indefinitely."

Evander snorted in derision but didn't speak anymore. If he became a Sovereign, then abyssals could be considered a finished business. Then, this Sovereign would've to face consequences for his actions.

But until then…

"Inform me if anything important happens," Evander said and walked out of the living room of his eerily silent mansion. "And please take care of the kids."

Kyle and Maya were protected by Bali. After Varian's death, many mercenary groups started hunting for Kyle and Maya. Even Kyle's mother and Maya's father were affected by this sudden hunt.

Thankfully, Bali personally stepped in and declared them to be under his protection. So, even though there were still hunting teams trying to track them from time to time, the two were safe.

Of course, Bali didn't know the ghostship was also taking care of them. If they really fell into danger, Boo would rescue the two.

Even if he knew that Bali would've done the same.

"Take care of yourself."

"You too."<novelnext></novelnext>

After Evander sat on the couch and was about to meditate, an old man in a butler uniform poured him tea. But the tea overflowed from the cup and spread on the table.

A middle-aged woman in a maid uniform put down some snacks and stood like a statue. The snacks were burnt and the plate was on the edge of the table.

Evander looked at Anna and Richard with pity.

Anna was heartbroken after learning the news. And she spent whole days sobbing in her room. Her grief resembled his own when he lost Sam. Even though he long knew Anna treasured Sarah, seeing her breakdown made him realize that the bond between Anna and Sarah was more of a mother-child and less of a maid-mistress.

And Richard…the old man served his father Albert for decades, then served him for decades and finally went to Varian this year.

Richard was first impressed by Varian and even though they he couldn't stay with Varian due to the boy running around frequently, the old man developed a fondness for him.

Since Varian's death, Richard couldn't smile properly and was always dazed at work.

"I'll return by evening." Evander waved his hand and walked to the neighborhood park in the disguise of an old man.

The atmosphere at home was too depressing that he'd rather come to a public park and meditate on a boulder.

The park was filled with the laughter of children enjoying themselves. From time to time, the adults walking in the park would make a joke and burst out laughing. Couples would confess their lover. Friends would chat about their days.

Evander's wounded heart felt at peace in this atmosphere. And he could focus enough on the technique he got.

'Stage One: Exchange injuries for strength.'

'Stage Two: Exchange potential for strength.'

'State Three: Exchange vitality for strength.'

'Stage Four: Exchange—'

Evander frowned at the final stage. He tried to read it but he couldn't. It felt like the words were a mosaic and there was a barrier preventing him from accessing the final stage.

After he read every word he could, Evander understood the reason. The fourth stage was much stronger than the rest and in a way, the ultimate move. To unlock it, he needed to master the first three stages.

'Stage One will help me deal with two or more peak level 9s.'

'Stage Two will make me stronger than peak level 9s but weaker than Sovereigns.'

'Stage Three…would make me bring to the strength of a Sovereign.'

'Then what about Stage Four?'

Evander breathed out gently and focused on channeling his aura in a certain way.

For the next month, in the lively neighborhood of Joral City, Mars, Evander continued to meditate.

He mastered the first two stages and was progressing in the third.

To his and every powerhouse's surprise, the abyssals didn't make a move for a whole month!

Evander was still vigilant about the upcoming war. But as time passed, he focused more on his progress and stopped worrying about the war.

"Old man Albert, Grandpa Albert," A little girl named Mia called out in her cute voice.

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