The next action of Chen Tianshi made Fang Fan even more stunned...

"You... take it easy."

Fang Fan's scalp felt numb for a while... This woman didn't want to come down after sticking to him!

Winking like silk? He also licks his tongue from time to time.

Fang Fan's scalp was numb from the show.

In broad daylight, there is no one around...

Fang Fan took a breath, feeling a little short of breath for some reason...

"This woman... is actually naturally charming?"

"It's just that this charming bone has been hidden before, so I can't see it..."

"But my flogging just now should have completely opened up her charm..."

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes and analyzed from an objective point of view.

According to his analysis, the high probability should be like this, and the error in the middle cannot be too large.

Fang Fan is a man, a fierce man.

Can a normal man be tossed like this by a naturally charming woman?

Of course, in the small world of Chutian Pavilion, if Fang Fan is willing, he can use the creation point to relieve his current state...

But the perseverance required is just too much...

Fang Fan's mouth twitched, and his body trembled unnaturally... A pair of eyes gradually became bloody...

"You provoked me yourself!"

Fang Fan in turn pressed Chen Tianshi to the ground with a fierce look in his eyes.

Two hours later...


Fang Fan lay slightly tired on the stone beside him and rested for a while.

At this moment, Chen Tianshi gradually recovered from the state of being born charming.

Natural charm is a good thing for some people, but it can also bring great trouble to some people!

Those female practitioners who specialize in seductive arts, if they are naturally seductive, they will get twice the result with half the effort and naturally appear very comfortable.

However, for female practitioners who do not practice seduction, once the natural seduction state is opened, they will fall into an uncontrollable state.

Just now in Chen Tianshi's left one sentence of master and another sentence of slave's family, it was actually because the state of natural charm was opened.

However, after some venting at this moment, the state gradually adjusted back.

"You...cough...I don't need you to be responsible!"

Fang Fan held his head high and said confidently.

Chen Tianshi's delicate body trembled...

This dog man... what did he say?

Responsible? What do you mean by cheap this princess? Is this princess still obliged to be responsible to you?

"I don't need you to be responsible either!"

Chen Tianshi said coldly, and she looked like a man just now when she was so tender and charming.

Fang Fan couldn't help but sigh, "Women are really emotional creatures. One second, the owner screamed happily, and the next second, she turned her face and didn't recognize the person!"

"So... do you know that you are wrong?"

Fang Fan changed his face in an instant, and directly lifted Chen Tianshi up. He had not forgotten the purpose of this trip.



Chen Tianshi was suddenly mentioned, and he couldn't help frowning, feeling a pain all over his body.

Fang Fan didn't have the slightest hint of pity on fragrance and jade just now, he really meant to die!

It is definitely a miracle that she survived.


Fang Fan was a little embarrassed... It didn't matter if he beat him at will, because he felt that Chen Tianshi was a class enemy.

But now, after all, there is a relationship, and it is impossible to say that he does not acknowledge the account at all.

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