"It really is the power of the Three Laws! This Fang Fan is quite powerful!"

"Hey... Anyway, it's not that we can be comparable to those of us. It's not bad for people like us to understand the power of the two laws and then be promoted to the emperor's realm..."

"It's true! Those who can comprehend the power of two or more laws are absolutely geniuses!"

"However... this big boss Fang Fan seems to be in the real king state, right? And the young master of the Yuchi family is already a six-star emperor. Is the gap between the two bigger..."

"Indeed! If this is done...Isn't it a direct instant kill?"

"I'm going! It's not running yet? What are you waiting for?"

"I really don't know what to think, save my life first and then talk about other things..."

"Haha! How can you guys understand how powerful Fang Fan is? You can see that you didn't go outside to watch the battle just now! Fang Fan... Look! Fang Fan is showing his power!"

I don't know who finally shouted, and then everyone's eyes focused directly on Fang Fan.

I saw that the three laws around Fang Fan began to condense frantically, and then the power of these laws slowly began to compress and gather... gradually forming the appearance of a bullet.

The three-law fusion law bullet is controlled by Fang Fan and enters the law pistol...

Fang Fan's hands were trembling slightly, and some sweat could not help leaking from his forehead...

It is indeed a little stressful to integrate the power of the three laws with the cultivation base of the real king.

But...it's not that I can't hold on!

At this moment, Yuchiting is getting closer and closer to Fang Fan!

"I thought you were amazing! Those idiots boasted about you being amazing, and in my opinion, that's it!"

"Frightened before you even fought? Feared? Frightened? Don't dare to take action?"

"Hahaha! If you are afraid, kneel down and beg me for mercy, and I can keep a whole corpse of you..."


The bullet passed through the rifling, across the void, and sprinted out with abusive power.

Facing the sudden bullet, Yu Chi Ting looked a little surprised, and then he looked disdainful.

"Tricks of eagles! Dare to be arrogant in front of me!"

Yuchi Ting sneered, and immediately reached out and held it in his hand...


The law bullet exploded directly, with an unparalleled madness!

The law of wildness, the law of 堙, the law of space suddenly erupted!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

A scream came from Yuchiting's mouth, and then his hand turned into a cloud of blood, and his face was torn apart! There was also a huge blood hole in the chest...

The arm actually gradually turned into grains of dust. This is the desert and annihilation effect of the Law of Desolation and the Law of Huan.

The flesh and blood on the chest disappeared directly out of thin air. This is the impact effect of the law of space. This mass of flesh and blood has been transferred to the void, and everything has turned into nothingness.

Originally, Yuchi Ting was a handsome young man when he rushed over, but at this moment, he looked particularly ferocious and terrifying.

"It hurts! It hurts! Aaaah...kill! Kill!"

At the moment of severe pain, Yuchiting did not forget to start the killing...

It's just that at this moment, he has no strength to continue charging forward. He can only pray humbly and shout frantically, but in the end it is still useless and worthless.

According to this situation, it may not be long before he will die due to dry blood and serious injuries!

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