"It's the master sword life of the young palace of Tianjian Palace!"

"Hey...you look so arrogant! Is this interesting for the Heavenly Fox Saintess of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance?"

"Rich people really know how to play, just smash them with divine crystals!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... This place is 700 billion top-quality divine crystals, so I just took it out casually? Smile for the Bomei people? It's more than a thousand pieces of gold!"

"It can only be said that we really don't understand the thinking mode of the rich! This is too awesome!"

"We poor people can only watch silently!"

"Hey hey... Would you say that the Heavenly Fox Saintess of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance would be very moved? After all... Ha... Yes, she was spent hundreds of billions of dollars!"

"Haha! What is it that you are the Heavenly Fox Saintess of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance? If it is so easy to hook up, can you still be a Saintess?"


"Thank you for the kindness of the young palace master of Jianming! What this saint wants, this saint will auction it herself! Don't bother the young palace master of Jianming to raise the price!"

In the VIP box of No. 6, the indifferent voice of the Heavenly Fox Saintess of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance was heard, apparently not taking the sword life to heart.


VIP Box No. 5.

"Humph! Bitch! It's a blessing for this young palace lord to see you! How dare you refuse this young palace lord!"

"No one can stop what this young palace master wants to do!"

Tianjian Palace's young palace master Jianming snorted coldly in the box, and his eyes flashed with excitement, looking very excited.

"Young Palace Master, our trip to participate in the auction is for the finale, and we can't spend too much money before!"

Standing aside, Huang Jiandouke, one of the Eight Absolute Swords, couldn't help but reminded.

For a woman, spending tens of billions of top-quality divine crystals, is this what a young palace master should do?

"Humph! These divine crystals belong to my Heavenly Sword Palace! That is, my father's! I can't use my father's divine crystals? Is Master Dou Ke too much in charge?"

"If this is the case, why didn't Master Dou Ke directly become the Palace Master of the Heavenly Sword Palace? I can't use any of the divine crystals of the Heavenly Sword Palace!"

The master of Tianjian Palace, Jian Ming, made a sarcastic sound, and even ghosts could tell that he was dissatisfied with Huang Jian Dou Ke.

After all, when Fang Fan threatened with Jianming's life before, Huang Jiandouke never cared about his life, but became more and more fierce...

Although the sword life survived in the end, this beam is settled.

Huang Jiandou's face suddenly turned black, he is also a person with status, but now he is being attacked like this... Naturally, he is very upset!

But what if it's uncomfortable?

With his identity there, even if he has all kinds of anger, he can only restrain it!

After all, Jianming is the Young Palace Master of Tianjian Palace!

According to honor, this is his young master!

Moreover, Jianming has already spoken to this point, what else can Huang Jian Dou Ke say?

"I just remind the young palace lord that it is the young palace lord's freedom as to how to control this divine crystal. As for returning to the Tianjian Palace, I will naturally report everything to the palace lord!"

Huang Jiandou said coldly.

Although Jianming is the young palace master of Tianjian Palace and has a distinguished status, his status is not low, and he does not need to be servile all the time.

Jianming has turned his eyebrows on him coldly, is it possible that he has to lick his face to flatter him? There is no such thing at all!

"You took my father to oppress me?"

"Old man!"

"Do you really think this young palace master is afraid?"

Jian Ming snorted coldly, becoming more and more arrogant.

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