Fang Fan was stunned for a moment, arrogant? Using arrogance to describe a sword always feels a little awkward...

But from Xiaoxiao's tone, you can tell the unusualness of this sword...

Fang Fan glanced at the past, with a hint of visitation...

The whole body of this sword is dark, and it seems to be simple and unpretentious. The sword glow is completely restrained, and the position is relatively back. If you don't observe carefully, it is really difficult to find...

This is like a hermit in a sword, silent and unassuming...

Fang Fan walked over with strides, and reached out his hand to silently touch the dark sword...

Black Sword couldn't help but tremble, and seemed a little unhappy.

Getting closer, Fang Fan found some traces on the sword...

On the sword, there are also engraved two characters of dragon flying and phoenix dance...

"Cut the sky!"

"What a domineering name!"

Fang Fan's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but sigh!

Dare to cut even the sky, this sword is going to defy the sky!

I don't know why, since the first sight of this sword, Fang Fan has had a strong interest in it.

It's like seeing the girl he loves, that kind of ignorant joy...

"Do not touch me!"

"Take your hand!"

An arrogant female voice couldn't help but appear in Fang Fan's mind... The voice seemed to be quite arrogant...

Fang Fan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he had never had hallucinations, the voice just now really existed!

"You are... the sword spirit of the Black Sword?"

Fang Fan pondered for a while, and probably guessed it.

"Humph! What black sword! It's obviously the Heaven Slaying Sword!"

"As soon as the Heaven Slaying Sword came out, the gods surrendered!"

The proud girl continued to shout, trying her best to show her arrogance...

"Oh...follow me later!"

"I'll be your master from now on!"

Fang Fan nodded seriously.

Although the quality of those divine swords was not average, most of the sword spirits were still in the initial stage of development.

Although it is not possible to judge the merits of a sword solely from the wisdom of the sword spirit, it can also show some characteristics from this aspect.

If the sword spirit of a sword is stupid, it is unrealistic to expect how precious this sword is.

Fang Fan trusted his intuition, this Heaven Slaying Sword was unusual...

"Be my master?"

"My God! I've never seen such a brazen person!"

"Why don't you have any courtesy and integrity?"

"Is this Sword Spirit the existence you can covet?"

"You don't even look at yourself! My God! What kind of cultivation are you... How can I not perceive the existence of your power?"

"It's not even a sanctuary, is it?"

The sword spirit of Zhantian Sword babbled a lot, and Fang Fan had an inexplicable feeling of bursting in his ears... It's too good to babble!

"I was despised by a sword spirit?"

Fang Fan's mouth twitched... This is so...

"Ding! A super-quality sword spirit has been detected. After absorbing it, it can be decomposed into ten thousand strands of the source power of God!"

"Ding! Do you choose to swallow and decompose..."

The system sound came from his ear, Fang Fan opened his mouth in surprise, super-quality sword spirit? Can you get 10,000 strands of God's source power by swallowing one wave?

Ten thousand strands... that is the source power of a million strands of God! That's a huge amount of money!

The one time that Fang Fan obtained the most divine source power was actually the thousand strands of divine source power that he would get by beheading Tianyi Shen...

Relying on this thousand strands of divine power, Fang Fan successfully sealed the seventh-level divine position of Tianji Xingxing Disciple...

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