What about tens of thousands or more of the rebel army?

The defense line of the hundreds of thousands of troops in Wei Guo has broken through, so are you still afraid of these little shrimps?

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, killing intent boiling!

The four four-star legions all went to battle! Galen and Xiaohei rushed to kill!

This is bound to be a bloody storm!

The four major legions are divided into several teams, directly cutting the rebellion, and then carrying out a single strangulation!

The rebel army or many, but the speed of killing is also very fast!

The laser bullet fired by the four-star Gothic Riflemen hit a rebel army, then penetrated the body of the rebel army, and continued to puncture...

It wasn't until a dozen rebels collapsed to the ground that this beam of laser bullets seemed to stagnate.

The four-star demons flapped their huge wings and attacked from the air, and their sharp claws ripped apart everything in front of them!

The brutal collision of the four-star unicorn legion is enough to make these one-star two-star survivors and soldiers become the flesh under their iron hoofs!

The four-star Yellow Turban Commander Corps, led by Guan Hai, wields war knives...

There is no suspense in this battle!

Even if they sprinted from the Great Defense Army before, they were very tired, but even with a tired body, it was easy to hang and beat these rebels!

The battle has been one-sided from the start.

The various small family heads and small gang leaders in the rebel army panic...

What a magical operation this is!

Swords do not hurt! Bullets can't penetrate! Bombs don't blow up!

This is so... just waiting for them to come and kill?

They have more than 10,000 men and horses, but they can only be slaughtered as targets in a tragic reminder?

"These are gods and demons! We can't beat them! Run!"

I don't know who made such a roar, in a word, the remaining rebel army scattered in a hurry!

Those small family heads and gang leaders are also panicking at the moment.

In this contest, there is no need to continue the competition!

"Continue the slaughter!"

"Massacre Rebellion!"

"The leader will die! The rest will surrender and live!"

Fang Fan's voice came slowly, and the scene seemed especially quiet...

Zhou Kaitian supported the heavy city gate at the city gate and swallowed a mouthful of saliva subconsciously.

"Come and pinch me, am I dreaming..."

Zhou Kaitian pulled over a survivor and looked stupid.

"Master Zhou, I...I dare not..."


"Ouch... Young Master Zhou, why are you pinching me! It hurts!"

The survivor gritted his teeth.

"Hey... I know it hurts, but it's not a dream!"

"My eldest... is so awesome!"

"Dozens of people slaughter thousands of troops! How impressive!"

Young Master Zhou raised his head with a complacent look on his face.

Zhou Ba's family, Zhou Ba, is long overdue...

Along the way, he struggled for a long time, thinking for a long time whether to stick to the end, live and die with Jiangcheng, or choose to surrender to him.

He is afraid! The army of the Wei Kingdom is coming fiercely, and if he continues to fight hard, he will be cold!

According to his previous thinking, there is a high probability that he will directly choose Kaesong to surrender!

Because he saw no hope of victory at all.

Perhaps it was because of Zhou Kaitian's influence that he had a little illusion about Jiang Cheng for a long time...

So he didn't catch up with those rebels.

Hurry up and hurry up... I feel that there is no movement at the West City Gate, and Zhou Ba's expression has changed... Is everything a foregone conclusion? He didn't catch the heat when he ate shit?

If this is the case, the Zhou family will be in trouble! I don't know how the Wei family will be treated after the army of the Wei Kingdom enters the city!

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