Abandoning this unrealistic idea for a while, Fang Fan's eyes turned to the Gothic Musketeers Corps...

Since it is impossible to be promoted to the Yellow Turban Warrior Legion, let's improve your combat power as much as possible...

"Promoted to the Gothic Musketeers!"

"Ding! Consume a promotion card, and the Gothic Musketeer Corps will be promoted to the Gothic Submachine Gunners Corps!"

"Gothic Submachine Gunners Corps (Evolvable)"

"Level: One Star"

"Number: Twelve"

"Commander: Hans"

"Skills: Rain of Bullets, Rapid Fire Triple Combo, Iron Will."

"Loyalty: Eighty Five"

Submachine gunner? Fang Fan looked at the M3 submachine guns replaced by the Gothic Submachine Gunners Corps, and the smile on his face couldn't help but become more.

The submachine guns are swept up, and the speed of slaughtering zombies is fast!



"The Wu family... the Wu family is simply too deceiving!"

"Because we have more guns than us, we actually stole a legion card from us! We also slaughtered all the elite teams of our family! Damn! Damn it!"

"According to this trend, his Wu family wants to unify the entire Yangcheng City!"

In the Chen family compound, Chen Cong, the head of the Chen family, was furious, his voice breaking through the sky, and he was about to lift the roof.

Before the end of the world, the Wu family and their Chen family were prominent families in Yangcheng City, but the Wu family was in charge of the violence department, while their Chen family was more inclined to people's livelihood.

At that time, the Wu family was considered a chicken feather? It's just kneeling and licking a dog of their Chen family!

When the apocalypse comes, has the Wu family developed? Now they are openly shooting and killing their Chen family for robbing the Legion card.

This revenge... I can't take my revenge... I can't swallow this breath!

The Chen family was killed. If they were still indifferent, their Chen family would really not be able to survive on this land in the future.

"Family... This kid Chen Bu said that he has something important to discuss with you!"

Chen's housekeeper waited until the owner's mood was a little better, and hurriedly stepped forward to report.

"Xiaobu? What is he doing with me? Alas... It must be revenge... The one who was killed this time, and one of his older brothers..."

"Let him go back... just say I'm tired."

Chen Cong, the head of the Chen family, waved his hands wearily, and many people from the clan have already come over to react today.

"Patriarch, Chen Bu said that he has a way to strengthen our Chen family, and then...then defeat the Wu family."

The old butler lowered his head and said again.

Chen Cong raised his head abruptly, and there was hope in his eyes, but it dimmed in an instant.

How could it be that simple...if it were that simple...there would be no such thing.

The warrior family has a lot of guns and occupies a dominant position in the apocalypse. They snatch a lot of resources, and they get more cards and magic crystals.

According to this trend, the Wu family will only become stronger and stronger, and their Chen family is destined to be gradually eliminated.

"Patriarch... Patriarch, I have something to say!"

The door was pushed open, and Chen Bu hurried in.

Chen Cong frowned. Although he complained a little about this guy's rashness, he was unavoidably emotional when he thought that he had just lost his brother, so he didn't want to say anything more.

"Xiaobu, I understand how you feel...but...but you still have to put the bigger picture first..."

Chen Cong lowered his head, his face full of helplessness and bitterness.

"Patriarch, do you know how my Qingzhou army came from?"

Chen Bu breathed a sigh of relief, he was going to tell the secret that was suppressed in his heart!

He wants to expand the entire Chen family!

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