
The sound of a cannon sounded, and Fang Fan sat in the villa with a bewildered face...

"What's the situation? Who's shooting? Isn't this looking for death? Do you want to attract all the zombies?"

Fang Fan scolded secretly, his head was really not sober.

"Fang Fan, could it be the reinforcements from Shuyang City? We... let's hurry up and join them!"

Fang Fan was cursing here, but Ye Mei'er, who was beside him, suddenly lit up, and her face showed excitement.

"Shuyang City... Will the army of Shuyang City dare to shoot?"

Fang Fan secretly said in his heart, but seeing Ye Mei'er so excited, he also knew that he couldn't persuade her now.

"Let's go, let's go out and have a look first."

Fang Fan beckoned, according to the sound of the cannon, it should be not far from here.

As soon as I walked out, I did see an established army, but looking at the flag... it was not from Shuyang City at all.

And soon, the army rushed towards them and surrounded them.

"Are you survivors?"

"You guys are really brave! You dare to break through the city? You don't know how to live or die!"

In front of the army, stood a young man with a look of contempt on his face.

"Which city are you from?"

The young man's face was expressionless, as if he was only slightly surprised by them.

"We are the survivor team of Shuyang City."

Fang Fan hadn't spoken yet, Ye Mei'er said immediately.

When Li Zhi saw Ye Mei'er, his eyes lit up...

beautiful girl...

"Okay, just follow our army, and hang the zombies in Guancheng later, you can follow me out."

Li Zhi's attitude has softened a lot. In front of beautiful women, he should more or less uphold the so-called gentleman's attitude.

"No, we have to kill zombies, so let's go first."

Fang Fan pulled Ye Mei'er, then walked directly to the left without any hesitation...

"How dare you be rude to our young master!"

The squire beside Li Zhi immediately shouted when he saw Fang Fan's reckless expression.

"Forget it, they are courting their own death... They can't blame us, but it's a pity for this beautiful beauty!"

Li Zhi chuckled lightly, he felt that he was the safest here, there were many army followers...

As for Fang Fan and others... but forty or fifty people, they got into the vast wave of zombies, and they died.


"Hey... I thought it was the reinforcements from Shuyang City!"

"It seems that they really won't send reinforcements."

Ye Mei'er lowered her head and seemed to be a little surprised. She had guessed a few things before, but she still couldn't believe it.

"By the way, Fang Fan, who were those people just now? Look at the lineup of their army, there are at least 50,000... And they are in good order, without any disorder! Obviously they are all elites!"

"Around Shuyang City... Is Wei Guo able to pull out such a lineup?"

Ye Mei'er raised her eyebrows, looking curious.

"The end of the world is coming, and the world of great contention is not just a Weiguo..."

Fang Fan shook his head and sighed softly.

"In the entire territory of China, there are probably dozens of people who have established a marquis and were conferred a marquis?"

"Also... Those who occupy more than ten medium-sized (large) cities are eligible to establish a principality!"

"Weiguo is just the weakest Houguo. In the realm of China alone, I don't know how many are stronger than him!"

Fang Fan smiled, but his words were full of ambition!

The boy has ambition to bring peace to the world!

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