"Humph! Savage dog man!"

"But I like it!"

Ye Mei'er smiled softly, she knew that her rejection... was meaningless!

This dog man will always do everything in his power to make her compromise.

"Ding! Using 1,200 promotion cards, the three-star Mayan female samurai army was promoted to the four-star Mayan female samurai army!"

"The Legion Combat Power List!"

"First place: Bone Dragon Knight Legion, five-star level, commander Fang Fan!"

"Second place: Unicorn Legion, four-star level, commander Fang Fan!"

"Third place: Demon Legion, four-star level, commander Fang Fan!"

"Fourth place: Gothic Laser Rifle Corps, four-star level, commander Fang Fan!"

"Fifth: Vampire Baron Legion, four-star level, commander Kaelin!"

"Sixth: Saha Sharpshooter Legion, four-star level, commander Griffin!"

"Seventh place: Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Corps, four-star level, commander Li Zhi!"

"Eighth place: Yellow Turban Commander Legion, four-star level, commander Fang Fan!"

"Ninth place: Gargoyle Legion, four-star level, commander Ben Lafzun!"

"Tenth place: Mayan female warrior army, four-star level, commander Ye Mei'er!"

The legion battle power list was refreshed again, Fang Fan took the opportunity to glance at it, but Ye Meier's Mayan female warrior legion was also on the list.

Although it is only the last one, it is quite powerful!

Know that this list is for the whole world! It's not just the survivors of Huajing.

As expected, the five-star bone dragon knight army occupies the first place with an invincible advantage, followed by the unicorn army, the demon army and the gothic laser rifle army.

As for the Yellow Turban Commander Corps, it was slightly weaker, ranking eighth.

Country M, a certain castle.

Kaelin looked at the 6,000 promotion cards she had worked so hard to accumulate... The devil knows how much effort she has spent to save this promotion card!

She thought expectantly, she only needed to accumulate another 6,000 promotion cards, and she would be able to promote his four-star vampire baron legion to five-star!

In this way... she might be able to put her Vampire Baron Legion at the top of the list before the next legion battle power ranking reward is issued!

She thought about it in her heart... but the reality slapped her loudly!

Five-star bone dragon knight army! Commander Fang Fan!

Is this guy a pervert? Promoted again? Is there any more humanity?

No... This is a brand new Legion! It means that he has another powerful army under his command!

Kaelin lowered her head and sighed in frustration. At this moment, she really wanted to give up her efforts.

The harder you work, the lower the ranking...

Sakura Country.

"Bastard! There is only one legion in our Great Cherry Blossom Country! Shame! A great shame!"

High country.

"Fang Fan, a descendant of our Gao Kingdom bloodline, is strong! It seems that it is time for him to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestry!"

Huajing, Tang Dynasty.

Li Zhi's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip.

At this moment, he was standing in front of his grandfather, the Lord of the Tang Kingdom. He looked at the old man in front of him, and his heart was filled with infinite killing intent.

"Grandpa! Fang Fan didn't take our Tang country in his eyes at all. He killed our Tang country's envoys! Let our Tang country's army disarm! These things are all humiliating to our Tang country!"

"Grandson invites the battle, and leads the army of the Tang Kingdom to break through the Guancheng! Kill Jiangcheng! Expand the territory for our Tang Kingdom!"

Li Zhi put on a golden armor again, and the armor on his body made a thumping sound, making him look quite imposing.

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