But now, the last hold has become a joke!

The enemy they face is a group of heavenly soldiers! Guns can't kill you, knives can't kill you, and even bombs are useless...

The army of survivors of the Seven Devils is thrown into chaos!

But at this time, the senior officers who commanded them to fight were killed by the demon army one by one...

So, the confusion is even worse!

"Grass! This is a bunch of perverts, we can't beat it, let's run!"

"Run! There are many of us, but there are few of them! We can't beat it, so why can't we run?"

"Yes, yes, let's run separately! We can definitely get out!"

"Go! Must not stay!"

Consciousness is unified in an instant!

Those senior officers are the die-hard loyalists of Peng Gang, the fifth evil master of the Seven Demons Alliance, and want to avenge him!

As for ordinary survivors, perhaps even the so-called fifth evil master has never seen the real face-to-face...

What's the matter... For a character like this, labor and capital are going to die? Bullshit!

Fleeing has become a wave!

Tens of thousands of troops, once defeated!

"No need to chase, let them escape!"

Fang Fan put away the six-star laser pistol, and there was a cold look in his eyes.

These survivors are not zombies after all.

Maybe they have been enemies with themselves, but most of them are bewitched.

Surviving in the last days is already difficult.

From Fang Fan's point of view, as long as it's not too much, he will definitely not choose to kill them all!

"Lord, this battle killed more than 4,000 zombies, and there were more than 10,000 survivors..."

"Nearly one million magic crystals were seized, and more than 50,000 cards were seized!"

"There are more than 100 promotion cards in addition!"

Most of the more than 50,000 cards are the most common healing cards and food cards.

Like some precious Legion card promotion cards, most of them will be used up when they are obtained. After all, improving one's combat effectiveness is the most important thing.

"Well, let's go, let's enter Xucheng!"

Fang Fan shook his sore shoulders. He was exhausted by the journey and tired.

"My lord, the gate of Xucheng... never opened..."

Galen groaned softly.

"Tsk...they don't open the city gate, then we'll fly in!"

Fang Fan shrugged and smiled lightly.

"Dragon scales! Order the Bone Dragon Knight Legion to fly to the ground!"

"All legions, board the back of the bone dragon in order, let's fly in!"

Fang Fan gave an order, and eighteen bone dragons with a length of more than ten meters descended from the sky one after another.

"take off!"

The south gate of Xucheng has once again experienced the sky and the sun!

"They...they flew in!"

"Commander Jin Xu, are we going to attack?"

The Xucheng City Guard soldier on the side swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked nervously.

"Grass! Attack a chicken feather! They fly so high, how can we attack? How can you fly me up?"

Jin Xu kicked out, and the city guard who was talking just now fell directly out several meters...

"Xu Mi...you...why didn't you say they were so strong earlier! I...did I offend the city lord Fang Fan?"

Jin Xu had a bitter look on his face, and it was really a husky sun.

The army of dozens of people, forcibly hit the momentum of tens of thousands of elites!

Now that Xucheng is in crisis, what he needs is reinforcements from all sides.

Such an elite reinforcement was offended by him... Have he had a good life?

"Why did you know today why? I have warned you long ago, but you... are too stubborn! You want to curry favor with the Seven Demons Alliance! Don't you think they are powerful? Dogs see people as inferior!"

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