Fang Fan rushed directly in front of Xu and said with a smile.

The corner of Xu Zheng's mouth twitched, his face full of helplessness.

What Fang Fan said was naturally fine.

He has a special person watching Fang Fan and their actions. Fang Fan went out to the city to fight, and the entire city was swept up in a circle, and the number of zombies killed would only be more than 50,000!

Originally, he thought that Fang Fan didn't want Xu's city, this was a rare good ally!

But now it seems that this is to drain Xu Guo's blood!

A zombie with a hundred magic crystals doesn't seem like much, but it can't match the speed at which Fang Fan kills zombies!

How long has it been since then, dozens of people under his command killed 50,000 zombies... Can the treasury of Xu Guo stand up to such a toss?

It hurts so bad!

If this trend continues, it will get cold sooner or later!

"Cough... City Lord Fang Fan is really brave!"

"Five million magic crystals will be offered later... It's just that we only have three of these Asura Fruits in stock..."

"City Lord Fang see..."

Xu Zheng had a helpless look on his face, and it could be seen that he was not pretending.

"That's it... that's fine, just three for three! The number of magic crystals... can't be less."

Fang Fan waved his hand, it is normal that there are not so many fetishes like Shura Fruit.

"In addition, City Lord Fang Fan... so what... If the battle situation is not tense, the valiant army under your command can rest a little more, but it can't be fatigued fighting!"

Xu Zheng spoke secretly, but Fang Fan could actually hear what he meant.

In plain language it is:

"Kill some zombies, young and old, our Xu country's treasury can't hold it anymore!"

Obviously, Xu Zheng is reluctant to Fang Fan's elite combat power, but the employment fee is a bit expensive...

As for the other forces, he has already promised the city, and even the seal of the city lord has been sent out, no need for nothing!

Fang Fan felt quite amused, and this old guy also admits his cowardice at times.

"Okay, I get it! My legion is just tired and needs a rest."

Fang Fan waved his hand, taking advantage of this time period to recover a little energy and continue the next battle.


Xucheng, North City Gate.

"Young country lord, then... that big zombie is too strong, our army can't hold it! If this fist hits, our army will die at least dozens..."

"This zombie will also spray ice cubes. If he sprays it, a team of troops will be gone!"

"We can't go on like this! We can go on like this... Our army will be finished!"

"Let's call for reinforcements..."

The North Gate is mainly guarded by reinforcements from the Mountain Kingdom.

This is not the main battlefield, and the attack has not been very strong.

But now a large zombie suddenly appeared, several times taller than ordinary zombies... and its combat power is 5...

"Damn it! Didn't you keep your strength? Who told you to really fight?"

"Extremely guarding the benefits of Xucheng's feathers to us!"

"Grass... Bandage the wounds for labor and capital, it hurts labor and capital to death!"

Guo Neng's face changed dramatically, the shame he suffered today is enough!

I ran to get the magic crystal, and my scalp was cut off. If I hadn’t run fast, my life would have been ruined!

But now, the battle situation at Beichengmen is not stable, and he doesn't want to use the elites of Shanguo to be buried in the battle of Xucheng's defense.

"Don't rush to ask for help, I remember Fang Fan's card shop is near here?"

Guo Neng's eyes suddenly changed, as if he suddenly thought of something, he seemed a little excited...

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