swoosh swish...

The big zombie suddenly jumped up, and it was actually done in a short time! Immediately, countless ice thorns spit out of his mouth and attacked the ancient dragon knight army directly.

The dragon scale was fighting in front, and he tried his best to attack, but at this moment his attack seemed like a joke, the ice thorn directly penetrated his body, and he fell from the air.

Immediately, the bone dragon he was riding in had to choose to land early because of too many fatal injuries...

Dong Yi fell from the air, plummeted, and fell into a mess.

The group of zombies came around, Dong Yi smiled miserably, he was going to die in this place after all, he stroked the wall of the card shop, and there was a glint in his eyes...

There are too many zombies, and he doesn't think he can escape at this moment...

In the distance, the mountain army.

"Destroying his card shop is considered to be my revenge!"

"Damn bastard! How dare you be disrespectful to me! I made you die without knowing how to die!"

Guo Neng looked at the surging battlefield in the distance, the corners of his mouth raised slightly...


"Lord, the zombie group in front...at least 100,000!"

"There is a powerful zombie leader in command, this zombie leader is stronger than me!"

Galen rushed over with a calm look on his face.

Fang Fan took a deep breath, knowing that Galen is already an 8-star Awakener! An existence stronger than him... Is this going to go against the sky?

Could it be that he encountered the king zombie in the southern country?

Fang Fan's eyes showed an erratic look. Although he boasted that the army under his command was powerful, he was not so proud that he could hang everything.

"It should be a nine-star zombie! Stronger than me, but not too much stronger."

"If I fight for my life, I might not find a chance to kill him!"

Galen made a judgment, Fang Fan was first relieved, and then his eyes showed a complicated look.

Nine-star zombies, and nine-star zombies followed by a group of 100,000 zombies... Can you beat them with these people?

"Lord, otherwise... let's withdraw! This Xucheng is not our territory."

The demon army led Satan came over and suggested hesitantly.

From the point of view of a demon whose interests come first, Satan feels no need to take risks.

"No! Half of the Bone Dragon Knight Legion is still there, and the Dragon Scale, the leader of the Bone Dragon Knight Legion, has not escaped, and Dong Yi..."

"Do your best to rescue! Nine-star zombies may not be invincible for us!"

"And the reward for killing the nine-star zombie leader must be very rich. We have come to Xucheng for thousands of miles, in addition to opening a shop, it is also to kill zombies and obtain strategic resources!"

Fang Fan made up his mind, waved his hand, and the five elite legions under his command rushed forward at any time!

Everyone rode on the bone dragon and flew directly to the location of the card branch...


"Young country lord, that guy Fang Fan actually led his army to Beicheng District! He has already fallen into the encirclement of zombies!"

"Sure enough, it's not as expected by the young king! When they die in battle, we can go over and make a fortune!"

"In the past few days, that card shop has made a lot of money, and it is so rich! The brothers have long wanted to vote for him!"

A few attendants were attentively fawning on the side, Guo Neng felt that the pain in his head was relieved a lot.

"Hehe, an arrogant person like him will not choose to run away easily!"

"This is his biggest flaw!"

"Today, Fang Fan must die!"

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