Guo Neng's hands were deeply buried in the ground. He frantically began to dig a hole. He wanted to dig into the ground... This way, he could always avoid being killed by the laser beam...

"Come on! Run for me! Don't be a coward! What a coward! Go up and do it!"

"They just had a small bunker there, and if they destroyed the small bunker, naturally there would be no such strange beams!"

"Whoever blew up that bunker, I'll reward him with a million magic crystals! I'll let him be the commander of ten thousand people!"

Guo Neng squeezed his fingers tightly, his knuckles turning white.

The current situation is not good, very bad!

He has to turn things around as much as possible!

He was indeed afraid of death, but not stupid.

He knew that if this continued, his life would not be preserved.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, and a few more loyal guards around them rushed over with bombs.

However, these guards were directly killed by the sniper before they could reach the range of the projectile bomb!

Inside the bunker, the Gothic Laser Rifle Corps and the Yellow Turban Commander Corps are both excellent long-range attack units!

The laser rifle in the hands of the Gothic Laser Rifleman is a hit!

Although the Yellow Turban Commander Legion did not major in archery, they were still a four-star legion, and their shooting power and accuracy were not too bad.

Seeing that the heroic guards who had just rushed up were directly killed, Guo Neng's face darkened again.

Fortunately, the firing of the laser cannon had stopped at this time.

"Send a thousand elites for labor and capital to rush! Bring bombs! They are few! We have a great chance!"

"Blow up the bunker, the glory and wealth are all yours!"

Guo Neng shouted a few times, and his face suddenly turned blood red.

Only this time, there are not so many warriors...

Although they are numerous and powerful, how many are willing to sacrifice their lives? Who is not a little selfish?

Now rushing up... is killing!

There is silence all around...

"Where is the supervising team? The seventh and tenth brigade are merged into one place, and the labor and capital will be rushed!"

In the military system of the Mountain Country, a brigade has about 1,000 people, and ten brigades are combined into a team of 10,000 people!

The two brigades originally had about 2,000 people, but now they have been bombarded once, plus the consumption of the past few days, it is almost more than 1,000 people together...

The supervising team was threatening with swords and guns in the back. Of course, the survivors of these two battalions were extremely reluctant... At this moment, they could only choose to bite the bullet and rush forward...

It's not... it's a death!

More than a thousand people scattered and attacked Fang Fan's bunker.

"Tsk... This guy has learned shrewdly this time."

"It's so scattered, I can't make any money by firing laser cannons now."

Fang Fan couldn't help feeling a little distressed when he watched the energy of the bunker drop by more than half.

What's the matter... just rushed into a million magic crystals, and it will be bottomed out so soon!

This bunker is indeed a weapon of war! But also depends on how to use it!

I've been playing. Cannons, I really can't stand it!

"Lord, what should we do now? I'll take people out to fight them head-to-head?"

Guan Hai came over, with a vigorous fighting spirit emerging from his body.

"No, let them rush over."

"The Yellow Turban Canal Commander Corps and the Gothic Laser Rifle Corps are still killing..."

"I'm afraid they won't come..."

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth rose slightly, and there was no fear in his eyes.


Nearly half of the 7th and 10th battalions were killed or injured... But at this moment Guo Neng's expression was extremely excited...

Because the 7th and 10th brigades are already close to that damn little bunker!

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