There are also a few notices posted on the roadblocks. The portraits on them are lifelike, but they don't look like Fang Fan at all...

But the two legions under Fang Fan's hands were too revealing.

Within the scope of Yangcheng City, having one legion is considered a great survivor, let alone two legions?

In an instant, Fang Fan's identity was revealed.

Fang Fan waved his hand, and the Yellow Turban leader army had already rushed over, killing a few Wu clan scoundrels who were blocking the way...


The last little brat of the Wu family frantically blew his whistle a few times before he if he was calling the police...

Fang Fan shook his head. He had already made up his mind to leave Yangcheng directly and head to a large city with a larger population in order to complete his mission of the strongest card shop...

But now these people seem unwilling to let him go?

What's going on here? Still want to practice two laps?

"Catch the killer!"

"Patriarch's order! Catch this guy! There's a big reward!"

"Catch the murderer who killed Young Master Wu Yong... don't let him run away!"

From all directions, young men with guns rushed towards them.

Some of these young men were holding guns, while others were wielding a large blade.

But no matter what, their attitude is very unified, that is, they want to kill Fang Fan! Take down his army!


"Ha ha……"

"Then let the hatred come more violently!"

Fang Fan glanced at the submachine gun in his hand. This submachine gun was snatched from the elite martial arts team.

At that time, if those people didn't want to shoot him, Fang Fan would not kill him.

Now, these people want to use this as an excuse to do a wave of reverse operations?

Fang Fan shook his head, if his strength was not strong enough, he might really have to follow in the footsteps of the Chen family!

"Guan Hai, Hans, kill me!"

Fang Fan gave an order, and the two-star yellow turban leader army dispatched directly and charged in all directions.

The one-star Gothic Submachine Gunners Corps, with Fang Fan as the core, began to shoot frantically.

The Yellow Turban Leader Corps has been promoted to 2-star, and the Yellow Turban leaders inside also have 2-star combat power. It is difficult for ordinary guns and ammunition to cause fatal damage to them.

And the Gothic Submachine Gunners Corps is extremely ferocious, and the battle situation rises to the peak in an instant!

The surrounding warrior family was swept away directly, this was a crushing situation!

It is too casual for the two-star army to fight against these ordinary people!

"My lord... a large army is surrounded, at least three hundred people!"

Guan Hai came over to report the information, and Fang Fan's face turned gloomy in an instant...

These people... really work tirelessly!

Since the Wu family wants to die... then he can definitely help...

"The Yellow Turban Leader Corps join forces and attack from the front!"

"The Gothic Submachine Gunners are divided into two teams and attack from both sides!"

"This is a healing card and a supply card, don't be afraid to waste cards, I have them here!"

"My request is only one, slaughter these people!"

Fang Fan glanced at the bullet holes all over the body of several Gothic submachine gunners, and was furious to the extreme.

What the Wu family did in this city, he didn't want to care, and he couldn't care.

But they want to bully him, want to sacrifice his Fang Fan's head to the sky...then they have to pay the price they deserve!

This price... is destined to be based on blood!

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