Ye Zhao scolded his heart, but from his point of view, it was completely normal.

Ye Zeng, the head of the Ye family, looked towards Fang Fan's location, and saw that his daughter was hugging Fang Fan tightly, a relieved smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The top of the double list, how could it be an ordinary person?"

"Have you ever thought about why Fang Fan is here now?"

"He only had time to come to Shuyang City after eradicating the demonized beasts in Jiangcheng."

"How much stronger do you think the demonized beasts in Shuyang City are than those in Jiang City?"

Ye Zeng breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason, seeing Fang Fan coming, his heart suddenly settled down.

I feel that everything should be a foregone conclusion!


"All troops attack!"

With a wave of Fang Fan's hand, the five five-star legions, the five-star Hell Three-Headed Dog, the Seven-star Dark Night Unicorn, the Eight-star Galen, and the Eight-star Vega all started to attack.

There are about 200,000 demonized beasts in front of him.

Compared with the 50,000 demonized beasts in Guancheng, it was four or five times more.

But compared with the millions of zombies in Jiangcheng, that is nothing.

Under the leadership of Guan Hai, the Yellow Turban Warlock Legion began to perform [Sacrifice Summon], and groups of skeleton soldiers rose from the ground and began to attack their enemies.

Although there are fewer zombies and demonized beast corpses around Shuyang City than those around Jiang City, it is still not an exaggeration to describe it as a mountain.

Guan Hai led the Yellow Turban Warlock Legion to operate, and tens of thousands of skeleton soldiers above one star gradually climbed up from the ground and began to attack the demonized beasts and zombies attacking the city.

Immediately, Guan Hai and the Yellow Turban Warlocks cast two skills, [Blessing] and [Curse].

It greatly enhanced its own combat power and weakened the combat power of these demonized beasts and zombie groups.

Immediately afterwards, the Gothic Laser Sharpshooter Corps, led by Hans, specially aimed at four-star or above demonized beasts and zombies for shooting.

The Great Demon Legion and the Yukong Unicorn Legion cooperated with each other and charged forward.

The Bone Dragon Knight Legion rushed back and forth to kill demonized beasts and zombie groups.

The seven-star dark night unicorn and the five-star hell three-headed dog happily fluttered among the demonized beasts and zombies, and all the magic crystals that exploded fed their belly.

Galen held a big sword in his hand, slashed savagely, and ran directly to the seven-star demonized beast commander.

The mage Vega hid in the crowd, secretly casting dark magic, poisoning pieces of demonized beasts and zombies...

The five five-star legions, the two eight-star heroes, and even the two pets, cooperate with each other and become intimate!

This battle seemed very casual.

The smooth situation made the defenders of Shuyang City on the city wall a little confused...

The more ignorant ones were Ye Zeng and Ye Zhao.

Ye Zeng knew that Fang Fan's skills were superb, but the sudden appearance of tens of thousands of elite skeleton soldiers, and even the unscrupulous field charge made him a little dizzy.

And Ye Zhao couldn't even close his mouth.

"Father, that person crazy? He actually charged towards the demonized beast commander with a sword in hand! That is a seven-star demonized"

Ye Zhao's words stuck in his throat!

Because Galen has already cut off the head of the seven-star demonized beast commander with a single sword!

"I am Cao!"

Ye Zhao has always been well-mannered, but today he couldn't help but say a dirty word...

"I knew he was powerful, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

"These people around him are strong one by one..."

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