The passers who enter the Tongtian Tower are basically groups of ten people, one of whom is the leader, and the remaining nine are assistants, and pass the pass together!

If you want this group of ten people to enter, you need to pay a threshold fee of one million magic crystals to Dongwu City.

There is even a monthly subscription system, which is ridiculous.

"Interesting, really interesting..."

Fang Fan was amused.

This is so... kind of fun.

Relying on the Tongtian Tower in Dongwu City, do you still want to seek benefits?

It's okay for you to seek welfare, but the extent of this black heart is really shameful!

This is so easy to start with millions of magic crystals, who can stand it?

"Come on, let's go in together."

Fang Fan calmly took Ye Meier's hand and entered together.

Because there are restrictions around the Babel Tower, it is not possible to fly in directly, and can only step on foot.

"Stop! Grass! What about you! I told you to stop, didn't you hear?

A young officer guarding the entrance of the Tongtian Pagoda saw Fang Fan striding in, and immediately started to get angry.

"what's up?"

Fang Fan glanced at the young officer in front of him with a calm expression.

"A group of ten people needs to pay a threshold fee of one million magic crystals."

"You are almost fifty people, just pay five million!"

"You can enter only after paying the threshold fee!"

The young officer raised his head and looked at Fang Fan and the others with contempt. They had gathered hundreds of thousands of troops here in Dongwu City, and these few people in front of them were nothing to worry about.

"This Tongtian Tower is a godsend, and it should belong to the public. Is there any reason for you to forcibly occupy it like this?"

"You can get out of here before I want to kill you."

Fang Fan considers himself to be a well-mannered person, and he will not act easily.

"Yo! This kid is crazy!"

"The woman next to you looks good..."

"Hey hey, labor and management haven't opened foreign meat for many days, tonight..."


Fang Fan went up with a slap.

Before the young officer could react, the laser pistol in Fang Fan's hand had already shot.


A blood hole appeared on the young officer's forehead.

Before he could feel the tingling sensation from the slap, he was already dead.

"This kind of scum is also a scourge to keep."

Fang Fan turned his head and smiled at Ye Meier.

"You, it's really hard to kill!"

"However, I like it!"

Ye Mei'er is nestled in Fang Fan's arms, full of happiness...

"Who dares to kill people in my Dongwu City!"

"Encircle me, he killed Squadron Captain Xu Lie!"

"Surround him!"

The surrounding Tobu Castle troops immediately began to gather.

Although it is shameful to say that Towu City's method of charging a high threshold fee is shameless, many people can only choose to admit it.

Or, simply stay outside and not go in.

As for going to the people in Tobu City to reason with the theory... that also doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense.

As for the strong's even more nonsense.

In order to collect the threshold fee, Tobu City dispatched 20,000 zombie corps and 100,000 survivor troops...

It is said that there are still 10,000 demonized beast legions ready to go...

If you want to force through the barrier, you have to see if you have the strength.

From the overall situation, those who dare to do it are basically cold.

The corpses and heads of those 'warriors' and 'heralds' have been separated.

I don't know which wild dog dragged the corpse and devoured it. As for the head... it was hung on the banner in front of the Babel Tower to warn those who came later not to die...

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