Therefore, it is reasonable to be despised.

From Fang Fan's point of view, the contempt of the enemy would make him more satisfied.

In this way, he can arrange according to his own plan.

"Yes, I'm Fang Fan, may I ask you to come here, what's the matter?"

Fang Fan sat up calmly and glanced at the guy nonchalantly.

"I have come to question you on the order of the Lord Kangguo!"

"Did you kill our Kangyong messenger from Kanguo?"

"Don't think we don't know, it's just that our lord has always been very kind! We didn't hold you accountable!"

"According to common sense, now it is possible to directly kill you and your Yan Kingdom! But Your Excellency the Grand Duke thinks that he still needs to give you a chance, a chance to reform himself!"

"Now you only have to choose to lead the crowd to surrender, but your life will be saved! And there is still a chance to live in the prosperous capital of Kangguo!"

The messenger Zhu Yu was intimidating as he spoke.

The meaning between the words is actually very obvious. It is probably saying that you can save your life by surrendering unconditionally, but if you dare to resist, then your fate is completely doomed!

"Why do I need your lord to give me a chance? Does he have this qualification?"

"On the list of thousands of nations, my country of Yan is in the forefront of your kingdom of Kang. I'm curious, where did your confidence come from?"

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. Is this guy's brain a watt? What are you talking about?

"Hahaha! It seems that you still haven't changed your thinking!"

"I have to admit that your power was very strong before!"

"But after three rounds of zombie and demonized beast siege, what forces do you have left?"

"Weiguo is a vassal of our Kangguo! You have destroyed the Weiguo and killed our Kangguo special envoy! One by one, this is enough for our Kangguo to send troops!"

"I can tell you very responsibly! The ten million army of our country of Kang is already close at hand, but if you dare to make a difference! The invincible army of our country of Kang will conquer the entire Acropolis! It will flatten your flames. country!"

"At that time, you will surely die!"

"At that time, your woman, your family, and everything you have will become nothingness because of your stupidity!"

Zhu Yu raised his head arrogantly. He considered himself a very qualified messenger. He could clearly see into people's hearts, and then analyzed people's hearts to fully reveal the weakest point in human nature.

"Do you know how the envoy from Kanguo died before?"

Fang Fan glanced at Zhu Yu, and suddenly felt that this guy was a little cute.

"I don't know! I don't need to know!"

"Now, you should kneel down and pray for surrender!"

"Otherwise... I can't guarantee that Kang's army will immediately choose to attack the Acropolis!"

"Once you wait until the end of the war, if you want to beg for surrender, it will be too late!"

Zhu Yu's attitude suddenly turned bad, he felt that he needed to use such means to completely suppress Fang Fan! Let him give up those unrealistic delusions completely!

"You can go, I don't want to kill the messenger."

Fang Fan shrugged, he always felt that he was a person who paid attention to the rules of the battlefield.

"Haha! Are you timid? Are you afraid? Our army of Kangguo is camping outside the city, and they can always..."

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