Kang Zhen watched his own army actually attack the Chinese army, and the supervising team he relied on the most was already utterly defeated at this moment!

The strongest fortresses are often broken from the inside!

Kang Zhen took a deep breath, blood oozing from his eyes...


Kang Zhen clenched his hands tightly and wailed with the last of his strength.

This time, it was a fiasco that belonged to Kangguo!

Kang Zhen only had infinite regrets in his mind at this moment!

"Why did I covet petty profits in the first place! I think Fang Fan has been attacked by three large-scale demonized beasts... so he must be extremely weak..."

"Hehe... I really want to!"

"The world's number one powerhouse... worthy of the name!"

"It's not without reason that it ranks first in the national power list of a thousand countries..."

Kang Zhen took a deep breath, his eyes twinkled, and his words and deeds showed his helplessness and bitterness.

But in any case, defeat is defeat!


Fang Fan led the army under his command to pursue Shili, and stopped the attack after the army of the Kang Kingdom was driven out of the territory of the Yan Kingdom.

Don't chase after the poor.

"World Announcement!"

"The first-class Hou Guoyan Kingdom won the third-class Principality Kangguo National War!"

This world announcement let the whole world know that Fang Fan's Yan Kingdom completely defeated Kang Kingdom!

World Babel dialog box.

"This is... too powerful! Isn't it said that Kang Guo brought an army of 6 million? Even a battered Yan Kingdom can't take it down? The Yan Kingdom was just established..."

"I think he's a very spicy chicken too! It's such a waste! Kang Guo is really a spicy chicken!"

"What do you know about the above? It's not Kang Guo's spicy chicken! It's that the Yan country is too strong! I was on the battlefield before, you didn't see that crazy picture at all, you have no right to speak!"

"Grass! You didn't see it, the waves are all laser bullets! When a laser bullet falls, everyone within a few hundred meters will die! There are more than 100 laser cannons in one round! Randomly. All creatures within a radius of tens of thousands of meters will be extinct!"

"It's horrible! There are also the high-level legions under Fang Fan's command... How can we, the spicy chicken legion, be comparable? The lowest level is the five-star legion, which is a chicken feather! It's strong enough to explode, okay?"

The waves are all sighs, and one by one, they all put fear and fear on their mouths.

In fact, they have such emotional expressions, which is normal!

In any case, it was Kang Guo who won this war. This is a happy thing, at least for Fang Fan!

"World Announcement!"

"Because the Yan Kingdom won the national war against the Kang Kingdom, it is a huge victory, and the Yan Kingdom will be rewarded with one million national strength points!"

"National strength points can be used to exchange for the strategic materials you need!"

"Now open some exchangeable materials..."

"An ordinary zombie: 1 national power point!"

"A one-star demonized beast: 100 national strength points!"

"A promotion card: 100 national strength points!"


"God fruit: 1000000000 national strength points!"

"Low-level divine power card: 100,000,000 national strength points!"

National Power Points... A new exchange mode...

Everyone's eyes are gathered, and the eyes are full of excitement and curiosity.

People always have an inexplicable joy in new things...

Only Fang Fan frowned silently...

He always felt that something was wrong.

If the national war is won, will the national war points be rewarded?

And look at the exchange list... the exchangeable items are not bad...

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