What a hatred this is! This is so annoying to me!

Fang Fan glared at Caitlin, this guy is too restless.


Just as Fang Fan was thinking about it, the gun in Caitlin's hand had already been fired, and along the way, he also released a skill [Let the bullets fly].

Fang Fan held his breath, wanting to see the effect...



The sound of broken bones and roars came, and I saw that the nine-star zombie commander who was charging at the front was directly headshot!

Then it trembled a few times and slowly collapsed on the offensive line.

A nine-star zombie commander was easily solved, and a pile of cards and magic crystals exploded.

Fang Fan's eyes showed a hint of surprise, so strong? He really hadn't thought of it.

"Very good! Go on!"

"Kill the remaining two nine-star zombies!"

Fang Fan snorted, and the killing intent in his eyes gradually accumulated...

Dessert before dinner, start to devour!

Galen was alone in front of the two nine-star zombie commanders, but he didn't lose the slightest, but it was still on the rise!

Coupled with the little mage Vega casting spells behind the scenes, the situation intensified...

"Demacian justice!"

Galen zoomed in and solved a nine-star zombie commander that was controlled by the little mage Vega.

"head shot!"


Caitlin fired another shot, killing a nine-star zombie commander again.

Since then, all three nine-star zombie leaders have been killed!

The time was slow and the time was fast. Everything was completed between lightning and flint. Before everyone could react, the three nine-star zombie commanders were killed!


"Stupid human, you dare to kill my generals, I want to slaughter you all! All of you have to die!"

Seeing that the three nine-star zombie leaders under his command were all killed, the king zombie who had been paddling on the side finally couldn't bear it anymore, and let out his own roar...

"Tsk... but three disgusting meat worms. Those who break into our human territory will surely die!"

"You know each other, go back!"

Fang Fan snorted angrily, full of domineering.



Wu Yu stood up tremblingly, his whole person's breathing trembled rapidly, his hands covered his abdomen, the pain on his face was gradually replaced by shock!

Three powerful nine-star zombies were actually killed! Killed so casually!

This is impossible!

But the impossible event did indeed happen.

Seeing is believing, hearing is believing!

Coupled with the rage of the king zombie, he had to choose to believe...

"It's all... true!"

"As expected to be the number one powerhouse of my human race, the generals under his command are like clouds! Awesome!"

Wu Yu seemed to suddenly think of something, and quickly opened the dialog box of the world top ranking list...

"Fang Fan, the first powerhouse of the human race, suppressed and killed three nine-star zombie leaders within ten seconds! Raise the prestige of my human race!"

"Live" is online again, and the World Babel Ranking dialog box has once again ushered in a new wave of screen refreshes!

"I'm going! Is this king zombie a big parallel import! Are the three nine-star zombie commanders under his command such a rubbish?"

"That's it! How can it be such a waste! It doesn't fit the character of the nine-star zombie!"

"This kind of spicy chicken zombie, I can hang and beat it!"

"Hehe... The people upstairs are really bullshit! If you have the ability, go up there? Killing three nine-star zombie leaders within ten seconds is a great god Fang Fan!"

"The survivors of our generation should be proud of the Great God Fang Fan! We should aim for the Great God Fang Fan!"

"This is the realm of God!"

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