Fang Fan casually explained it, and then went straight to it.

Now is not the time to be able to procrastinate. If you don't fight hard, the enemy may have to put the bazooka at the door...

"This time... the next demon lord legion will stay behind to guard Jiangcheng. If something happens, let us know at any time!"

"If conditions permit, you can also call me through the World Tongtian Ranking dialog box or the Dongwu City area Tongtian Ranking dialog box... I will check it regularly..."

Fang Fan thought of a shortcut.

From this point of view, the value and significance of this Babel List dialog box is still very high!

"All-out attack!"

Fang Fan gave the order directly, and then led the army to fly to Dongwu City.

The soldiers are very fast, and without knowing what will happen in the future, Fang Fan can only try his best to make himself stronger.

Now in the entire Yan Kingdom, there are about 200,000 demonized beasts, of which about 10,000 are three-star elite demonized beasts, and the rest are ordinary one-star demonized beasts.

There are tens of thousands of zombie legions, of which there are only three thousand three-star elite zombies, and the rest are ordinary zombies, and even one-star zombies are few...

In addition, there are the six direct line legions under Fang Fan's command...

One of the nine-star war angel army, two seven-star army, three six-star army...

Furthermore, there are the eight-star dark night unicorn and the seven-star hell three-headed dog!

These two pets deserved to have the blood of divine beasts, and Fang Fan was quite astonished and ashamed at the speed of promotion.

Just chewing millions of magic crystals casually, just broke through...

There are three heroes, Galen, Vega, and Caitlin! Now they all have powerful nine-star combat power!

Moreover, they each have their own strengths, and the single combat power can also completely abuse ordinary nine-star zombies and nine-star demonized beasts...

"Run... run! There is a magic dragon ahead! What a powerful magic dragon, it's dead, it's all dead! Run!"

When Fang Fan was halfway, he lowered his flying height a little while driving the Unicorn King in the Sky, and then flew down to take a look, just in time to see a group of survivors rushing over in a panic, as if there were some extremely terrifying creatures hidden behind him. generally.

"Magic dragon? This should also be a demonized beast..."

"However, dragon-shaped demonized beasts are still a minority..."

"I just don't know how strong it is..."

"Well... but since it can be related to the Sky Overlord Dragon, it must not be too bad..."

"By the way, slaughter a wave, maybe a small explosion?"

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth rose, thinking this way, he charged directly in the opposite direction.

"You're crazy! Run! There are dragons in the dark cave! You bastard! You're going to die for the jade of the sky!"

Fang Fan gradually descended, and because he did the opposite, it caused everyone to sigh...

There are those who are straightforward and straightforward, and immediately start to criticize wildly...

"What is called the Dark Devil's Cave? Heaven-piercing jade... What is it?"

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, a look of surprise in his eyes.

He really had never heard of this kind of thing!

"Haha! You don't know anything about it! You just wanted to rush in and die? I'm not telling you! Your heart is really big enough! You're so convinced! You can't be convinced if you don't!"

"A kind of warm jade is produced in this dark magic cave... This kind of jade can be absorbed by the human body in a different place in the hand, and then speed up the promotion!"

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