"Mikael, you lead the five nine-star war angels to charge and strangle in front!"

"Galen, you stay to protect the two long-range attackers Vega and Caitlin!"

"Vega, unleash dark magic to kill enemies on a massive scale!"

"Caitlyn, release the nets and traps! Prepare to kill the monsters!"

"Cough... I'm standing behind you..."

Fang Fan's face turned red, what a shame!

Once the battle broke out, the scene of the battle was particularly intense.

Fang Fan took the opportunity to take out the Ten Star Fire Dragon Gun, and then shot it once...


A soaring fire dragon leaped into the sky, and then directly tore the enemy! Totally torn apart!

In this battle, there is no skill at all, just pure killing... and then killing!

The soaring fire dragon skewered seven or eight eight-star demonized beasts, causing them to lose their combat effectiveness in an instant!

The battle scene is particularly intense!

"Well... let's save some bullets!"

"This fire dragon is a ten-star equipment, and its power is indeed very strong, but obviously, it also has its shortcomings."

"For example, a shot will consume all the energy!"

"Even if you use up all ten supply cards, you can only shoot eleven times at most..."

Fang Fan shook his head slightly, the battle is not very tragic now, and then he has to accept a new challenge!

Mikael is worthy of being the perfect leader and battle angel. Under his command, even five or six battle angels can show an unparalleled charging momentum...

The six battle angels formed a cone formation and charged out, charging round after round of the hundred eight-star demonized beasts in front of them.

Most of the war in the demonized beast group was led by them!

Even if a few eight-star demonized beasts see through the mystery and attack Fang Fan, they will be killed by Galen with a few swords!

Caitlyn is using her strengths to shoot wildly with her sniper rifle! One shot to the head!

Vega's dark magic has never disappointed Fang Fan. Once he used it, a piece of eight-star demonized beast fell dizzily and died in the attack of dark magic...

After about seven or eight minutes, the battle is over!

"Ding! Pass the twenty-fourth level of the Tongtian Tower, and you will be rewarded with a promotion card*1,000,000!"

One million promotion cards!

This is a must-have reward for every survivor who passes level 24!

Fang Fan nodded secretly, and was quite satisfied with this.

"World Announcement!"

"The twenty-fourth level of the Tongtian Tower was passed by Fangfan in Huajing! Received the first kill reward for the first ordinary level clearance, and the reward is an infinite fusion card*1!"

"The 24th level of the Tongtian Tower was perfectly passed by Fangfan in Huajing! Get the first kill reward for the first perfect level clearance, and the reward is unlimited fusion card*10!"

The infinite fusion card, Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, this is a brand new card, which has never appeared before...

But since it's the first kill reward for passing the twenty-fourth level, it stands to reason that it shouldn't be too rubbish!

Compared with the difficulty of the twenty-fourth level, this conclusion should also be reached.

"Infinite fusion card: fuse ten cards of the same type, there is a certain chance to obtain higher-level cards, and there is a certain chance that all cards will disappear!"

This is a chance card! Commonly known as the face card!

However, the effect... is also very touching!

In many cases, ordinary cards have little value. If you can obtain a higher-level card through fusion, it will be of great significance...

For example, ten low-level legion cards are fused together to become a high-level legion card...

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