Ji Lan, the dean of Tianwu Academy and the lord of the God City of the Seventh Academy, showed a sneer on his face...

Such a simple truth is actually understood by everyone.

But everyone does not want to follow certain rules.

What is their purpose? What the hell are they trying to do?

Invisibly, there is already a charter.

After all, nothing.

But it's just selfishness at work...

As for the others, what does it matter?

Everyone will not pay attention, let alone care.

It's just a joke...

Ji Lan, the dean of Tianwu Academy and the lord of Shencheng City of the Seventh Academy, shook his head, then sighed silently.

"Master City Master! The vanguard army of the Protoss has begun to attack again!"

"The line of defense... the line of defense is in jeopardy!"

"We can't hold it anymore..."

In the distance, a bloody messenger rushed over, and as he spoke, blood flew all over his body, and his whole body was trembling, the panic seemed very real.


"Go and stand together!"

"Prosperity and glory! Loss and loss!"

"Don't even think about saving your strength! There is no chance!"

"All-out action!"

"If the line of defense is breached, everyone will die together!"

"If you can't even defend the city wall, do you really think you can survive after breaking the city?"

"There are at least star core cannons on the city walls... There are also defensive magic circles in the God City of the Seven Courts..."

"There is still a glimmer of life in such a defense!"

"If you don't, you will definitely die!"

Ji Lan, the dean of Tianwu Academy and the city lord of Shencheng of the Seventh Academy, gritted his teeth, with a cold expression on his face.

At this time, there is no need to say what is there and what is not.

Everything has been fully established!

The matter has come to this point, it is useless to say more.

Just seize the moment! There must be no surprises!

Bloody battles naturally need to be started with blood.

The bloody smell around it became more and more intense, making it a bit pungent.

Invisibly, it gives people a strong sense of oppression on the consciousness, and the body and mind also tremble silently.

This is the world of blood and wreckage.

One after another, the mutilated corpses were placed in front of them, or they lost their torsos, or their limbs, or became a puddle of mud...

The scenes of war have always been frightening and unsettling.

Practitioners in the God City of Qiyuan have basically gathered on the city wall.

Or stand on the city wall and fire a star core cannon, holding a sharp blade and poking away the Protoss practitioners in front of you.

Or soar into the sky and start a crazy battle with the gods in the sky!

Obviously, they are at a disadvantage...

Whenever the defense line is about to collapse, a ray of light will suddenly light up around the God City of the Seventh Academy, and then completely illuminate the surrounding area, followed by invisible swords of spiritual power flying out from the God City of the Seventh Academy, attacking the soldiers of the God Race .

This is the power of the defensive circle!

Although it can't decide the battle situation, at least it can make the time to break the city longer.

I don't know how long the battle has been, let alone how many people have died.

During this period, it was not that no one tried to run to the city and escape...

But without the protection of the protective circle and the star core cannon, they were quickly devoured into flesh and blood by those god clan soldiers who were like evil wolves...

"One to ten..."

"No... To be precise, the casualty ratio is one to one hundred..."

"The protoss... are all elites above the three-star Sanctuary!"

"And even though there are millions of people in the God City of the Seventh Academy, many of them are ordinary students and the children of those powerful families..."

"Many of them are not even Sanctuary Realm."

"In the face of such a huge gap, how should we deal with ourselves?"

"bloody battle?"


"I can't beat it... there is absolutely no way I can beat it..."

"It can only last for a quarter of an hour..."

"It's just... very sad..."


"In the end, it turned out to be like this..."

Ji Lan, the dean of Tianwu Academy and the lord of the God City of the Seventh Academy, shook his head, then with a shake of his hand, he casually killed a high-ranking saint of the Protoss.

As for him being such a demigod...

Among the tens of thousands of vanguards of the Protoss, there was only one demigod leading the team, but Ji Lan found helplessly that he couldn't even survive fifty moves under the hands of this protoss demigod...

They are also quasi-demigods, why are the quasi-demigods of the protoss so beautiful? Is it because they are Protoss?

The natural moat is in front of you, which makes you feel desperate.

I can't escape, I can't fight, I can't fight...

Ji Lan could imagine why the dawn city was taken down by one day.

But the city lord of the dawn god city, I am afraid that he also feels aggrieved and helpless like him, right?

Ji Lan thought a lot...

In the end, he did not choose to fight against the demigods of the protoss.

Anyway, I can't beat it. If I continue to fight, I may be wiped out directly...

He specifically went to attack those Saint Realm powerhouses of the Protoss...

Although the quasi-demigod-level powerhouse of the protoss was much stronger than him, the speed of killing each other's holy-level powerhouses was not much different.

"You are courting death!" (Protoss)

"Die!" (Protoss)

The quasi-demigod of the protoss noticed Ji Lan, and then swept his sharp eyes over him, his eyes were full of murderous intent, as if he wanted to tear the surrounding area into pieces as he spoke!

At the moment when thoughts erupt, everything is completely extinguished!

Death only erupts in an instant!

Although Ji Lan couldn't understand the language of the protoss, he could feel the mad killing intent of the quasi-demigod of the protoss...

Ji Lan's expression froze...

Are you still going to face this guy after all?

If he escapes at this moment, he should be able to escape based on his quasi-demigod level cultivation...

He has this confidence.

But... But if he escapes, what will happen to the student instructors of Tianwu Academy?

What about the cultivators of the Seven Academy God City?

At that time, he will be poked in the spine!

As the lord of the city, as the dean, there is already a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

These responsibilities belong to you whether you like it or not.

No matter how aggrieved you are in your heart, the fact remains the same!


"Since this is the case..."

"Then break your hair!"

"Break it completely!"

"Death is death!"

Ji Lan shrugged. Although he cherished his own life, he cared more about his face, so much so that he didn't want the righteousness in his chest to disappear just like that...

Fight to the death, start!


bang bang bang...

The confrontation between quasi-demigods, thunder and lightning! It looks frightening!

The surrounding spiritual energy trembled rapidly, and a surge of oppressive force swept over, shattering everything in front of him into powder.

The end may also be a new round of freshmen!

Burst start!

It is also the final ending!

Pulling to the end, the desire is soaring!


Ji Lan spat out a mouthful of blood, her body shaking to the extreme.

The tiger's mouth was numb, and his whole body was extremely sore.

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