Fang Fan held the Leizhu card in his hand with a cheerful smile on his face.

This wave... very cool!

"Thunderball Card: After using it, you will get a Thunderball, throw the Thunderball, and the Thunderball will explode when it touches the object. The explosion power is equivalent to a one-star king-level powerhouse's full blow!"

The introduction of Leizhu Card is very simple, but its power is extraordinary!

According to such an introduction, this Leizhu card is simply a big killer!

It can burst out the power of a one-star king-level master's full-strength blow... This is already the strongest weapon and equipment that Fang Fan has ever come into contact with!

"If I had a few of these Thunder Orb cards before, and I wanted to slaughter that king-level zombie before, it wouldn't be so troublesome..."

Fang Fan couldn't help but pouted. At that time, the tail vertebra of the king-level zombie was already injured. If he threw a Leizhu card into the tail vertebra of the king-level zombie, and then exploded, he might be able to kill it with a single blow. !

It also saves the need to mobilize more than a hundred laser cannons to focus on the bombardment...

"This Babel Tower is simply a small treasure house!"

"If it weren't for the existence of the Tongtian Tower, it would never have been possible for my power to expand so quickly..."

"Relying on the profit of the card shop, it is obviously not practical to want to upgrade several legions under your command to six stars and seven stars so quickly!"

"After all, now there are only three card shops, including the main shop..."

"It seems that we have to find an opportunity to expand the size of the store."

Fang Fan pondered secretly, the first kill reward of Tongtian Tower can only be obtained in this wave...

If you want to keep flowing, you have to rely on card shops!

"Forget it, don't think about it, continue to pass the level!"

Fang Fan snorted secretly, and then focused his attention on the twenty-ninth pass of the Tongtian Tower...

"The twenty-ninth level: ten ten-star demonized beasts..."

Obviously, this is a solid city wall, and it is naturally difficult to break through this city wall.

"There are only four ten-star combat powers under my command... The other is Mikael and other five nine-star war angels!"

"Well...and I am a seven-star combat power..."

"Playing against ten ten-star demonized beasts... The difficulty is definitely there, but whether it's a ten-star little golden dragon or Vega Caitlin, they are not ordinary ten-star combat power!"

"They really want to fight one-on-one, it's not difficult to slaughter a ten-star demonized beast of the same level..."

"So as long as you waste time, you can always use up ten ten-star demonized beasts!"

"It's just that if you want to pass the level perfectly, it may be difficult."

Fang Fan pondered to himself, and quickly deduced pictures of what might happen in his mind.

"Anyway, let's get through as much as possible!"

"The bottom line is to pass the normal level! If you can clear the level perfectly, it will be the best!"

Fang Fan took a breath and stepped out.

"Keep going!"

"The twenty-ninth level: ten ten-star demonized beasts!"

Once entering the twenty-ninth level, the ten ten-star demonized beasts are already ready to go, and Fang Fan's eyebrows subconsciously raised... A hard battle is coming!

"Galen, Xiao Jinlong, you are responsible for playing the striker in front!"

"Caitlyn, set up traps and ropes! Quickly snipe the ten-star demonized beast!"

"Vega, use the skill [Twisted Space] to block the speed of the demonized beast!"

"Mikael, you lead your nine-star war angels to carry out long-range attacks! Don't melee combat with ten-star demonized beasts!"

"All-out attack! Galen! Little Golden Dragon, hold back the enemy as much as possible! Walk and fight!"

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