Cao Man opened his mouth, wanting to say something, many words followed by complete silence.

What you said hurt my heart even more...

My mind is broken...

Completely collapsed.

stop talking so much...

Anyway, what is inside and outside the words, is dissatisfaction with my son?

Wasn't I also born to you?

The dragon begets the dragon, the phoenix begets the phoenix, the mouse's son can make holes, what can I do?

That's it...

It's nothing but bells and whistles...

"I told you not to fight against Fang Fan, and even have a good relationship with him, of course there is my reason..."

"The phantom under the crown of the goddess Athena has an ambiguous attitude towards Fang Fan..."

"A hug again, a kiss again..."

"That can't be a normal relationship at all..."


"This definitely not normal..."

"I suspect that this Fang Fan is simply the reincarnation of the true god..."

"And there is still some inexplicable relationship between Fang Fan's predecessor, the True God, and the goddess Athena..."

"If it is really the reincarnation of the true god, there is a high probability that Fang Fan will return to the realm of the gods in the future and continue to achieve the position of the true god."

"If we offend him to death now, won't we cut off our own way out in the future?"

"Man'er, think about it carefully, is this the truth?"

"For my father, this is all for your sake and for the entire Cao family!"

The city lord Cao Teng is relatively cunning.

He can also see many things more thoroughly, and while talking at the moment, the expression changes are very real.

From some simple details, he was able to capture more key elements and thus make a more definite choice.

Being able to achieve his current position step by step, it has become Cao Teng's instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

So he subconsciously wants to avoid this kind of thing with too much future...

At the very least, it can't be an enemy of life and death.

At that time, I will feel so uncomfortable. From time to time, I will give you a wave of blows?

At that time, no matter how well you develop, can you be criticized by others?

In case someone resets in the end, it will really achieve the position of true god...

For a while, naturally I didn't know what to say.

All of this was followed by total silence.

Of course there is no need to say more about the other ones, they are completely silent, and they are nothing.

At the moment... it's good to be steady, don't wave, the problem is not big!


"Is that all about my hatred?"

"There are so many beauties around Fang Fan..."


"Everyone looks so beautiful..."

"I... I can't bear it... I can't bear it..."


Cao Man, the young lord of Guangming God City, gritted his teeth and shook his arm, which was not very suitable for use just now. His brows were furrowed and his face was ferocious...

Cao Teng: "..."

Why do I still think...


That's it?

keep talking? Gossiping and talking, I thought you had some serious business.

I didn't expect this to be a mess, it's endless, right?

Do you think you are very humorous?


Think you can float, don't you?

I don't even look at what I am...

"You want revenge, report it yourself!"

"Don't bring it to me."

"My son is dead, and if he regenerates, although it is somewhat difficult, it is not impossible..."

"But if my life is gone, then everything will really end."


"According to my speculation about you, if you go to the top of the world, there is a high probability that you will return home without a feather, and if you continue to provoke, it is very likely that you will be directly killed by Fang Fan."

"Since people have the real god as their backer, how can they put you in their eyes?"

"That's all for now, think about it for yourself!"


"Don't be so confused all the time."

"How much ability can do great things..."

"Before doing these things, you have to check your level..."

The face of the city lord Cao Teng gradually became indifferent. When he spoke, his expression was indifferent, which directly expressed the indifference in his heart.

A wave of feelings is in place, isn't that the case?

go on? Naturally, there is no need to continue talking.

This looks about the same.



"Don't forget, Ouyangtu first-class saint is also quite dissatisfied with Fang Fanke!"


"Some things, you have to grasp it yourself!"

"If not, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?"

"At that time, this face will be swollen, but it will be meaningless!"

"That's all for now, my lord father, you have to be clear!"

Sneering laughter gathered in all directions, and the gleam in the eyes gradually increased. At this moment, the coldness penetrated the surroundings, and for a while, people felt a sense of fear and uneasiness deep in their hearts.

The body curled up, and the whole body was full of unparalleled hatred.

One wave in place, full burst!

Facing his son's sarcastic remarks, the city lord Cao Teng was stunned for a moment.

He frowned, his eyes flickering...

He had to admit that although his son had never been reliable, what he said this time made sense.

If...if he didn't care, there would be problems.

By that time, the picture will be completely torn apart.

At that time, how should we deal with ourselves?

The situation... will be followed by a total collapse...

can't stand...

To explode!

"How could I have forgotten Saint Ouyang..."

"At that time, Saint Ouyang made a bold move, and I was still surprised..."

"And after being warned by the goddess Athena once, do you still want to continue to shoot?"


"Out of your mind?"



"There must be tricks in this!"

"There is definitely a problem here!"

"Could it be that Ouyang disciple sage is jealous of Fang Fan being favored by the goddess?\

,""Besides this, there is no other reason..."

"Later, under the strong suppression under the crown of the goddess Athena, the Ouyangtu saint naturally dared not say anything or do anything..."

"But... But it is undeniable that this enmity has already been forged."

"It's not that easy to resolve the hatred."

"Even, Master Ouyangtu lost his face."

"And the best way to restore face is to make the person concerned disappear completely..."

"Ouyangtu not easy to get along with..."

"Once he has murderous intentions, most people can't stop him..."

"That's's really not good to get close to that Fang Fan at the moment."

"I thought about trying to be a good boy in the past, but now it seems that the problem is very serious."

The city lord Cao Teng narrowed his eyes slightly, and all the messy thoughts in his mind gathered together, and for a while, his eyes flickered.

The more you think, the more your thoughts grow...

Many of the current actions seem to be imprisoned.

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